
33-year-old De Gea is openly looking for a job and has lost a lot of weight! has been abandoned by Manchester United for 1 year, and Ronaldo is looking for a relationship for him

author:Happy wind chime f4V

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De Gea's career is at a major turning point.

The once top goalkeeper in the Premier League is now in a dilemma of not playing a ball for a year. At the age of 33, he stands at the crossroads of his career, and his future has attracted widespread attention.

De Gea recently posted a training video on social media, which sparked heated discussions among fans. In the video, he is undergoing high-intensity physical training, his movements are crisp and neat, and his condition still looks good. "Ready to rock", this short and powerful caption, seems to announce to the world: I'm still here, I can still do it.

33-year-old De Gea is openly looking for a job and has lost a lot of weight! has been abandoned by Manchester United for 1 year, and Ronaldo is looking for a relationship for him

Looking back on De Gea's career, it was nothing short of glorious. He spent 12 years at Manchester United and produced countless iconic moments. However, fate tricked people. Just as he had just won the glory of the Premier League's Golden Glove, Manchester United chose to part ways with him. The decision shocked the football world and put De Gea's career in an unprecedented predicament.

The reasons for Manchester United's parting with David De Gea are complex. There have been reports that the club had intended to extend his contract but had asked David De Gea to take a significant pay cut. A sky-high salary of £375,000 a week is a big burden even for the deep-pocketed Manchester United. However, De Gea does not seem willing to accept such conditions. Negotiations between the two sides reached an impasse and eventually broke up.

33-year-old De Gea is openly looking for a job and has lost a lot of weight! has been abandoned by Manchester United for 1 year, and Ronaldo is looking for a relationship for him

After leaving Manchester United, De Gea's job search path was not smooth. His high salary requirements became the biggest obstacle. Many clubs have a lot of respect for his prowess, but they can't afford to pay such a huge payroll. De Gea himself has his own insistence and is reluctant to join weaker teams or lower leagues. This high demand further narrowed his options.

A year has passed without David being able to find a new owner. During this time, he frequently showed his training status on social media. These videos are both a spur to myself and a signal to potential employers that I am still at the top level and ready to play for the team.

33-year-old De Gea is openly looking for a job and has lost a lot of weight! has been abandoned by Manchester United for 1 year, and Ronaldo is looking for a relationship for him

However, the reality is harsh. A one-year gap is a huge challenge for any professional footballer, not to mention that David De Gea is 33 years old and in the latter stages of his goalkeeper career. Whether he will be able to return to the top level has become a huge question mark.

Just when De Gea's career prospects were in the dark, an unexpected opportunity presented itself. His former teammate Cristiano Ronaldo is reportedly matchmaking him.

33-year-old De Gea is openly looking for a job and has lost a lot of weight! has been abandoned by Manchester United for 1 year, and Ronaldo is looking for a relationship for him

Ronaldo, who currently plays for Riyadh Victory in the Saudi league, recommended De Gea to the club. The news has rekindled hopes for David De Gea's return to action.

Riyadh Victory does have a need to bring in a new goalkeeper. The team's current goalkeeper Ospina could leave this summer, creating a great opportunity for David De Gea. However, De Gea has previously publicly expressed his reluctance to play in the Saudi league. Whether he will change his mind has become the focus of attention from the outside world.

33-year-old De Gea is openly looking for a job and has lost a lot of weight! has been abandoned by Manchester United for 1 year, and Ronaldo is looking for a relationship for him

De Gea is now faced with a difficult choice. Do you continue to wait for opportunities in Europe's top leagues, or do you accept reality and continue your career in the Saudi league? This decision is not only about his career development, but also about his life plan.

Judging by De Gea's recent videos, he is clearly leaner than he was at Manchester United. It shows that he's always trying to stay in shape and prepare for his return to the ring. However, the state on the training ground and the actual combat are two different things. It remains to be seen whether De Gea, who has been out of competition for a long time, will be able to adapt quickly to the high-intensity pace of the game.

33-year-old De Gea is openly looking for a job and has lost a lot of weight! has been abandoned by Manchester United for 1 year, and Ronaldo is looking for a relationship for him

De Gea's plight has sparked reflection on career planning for professional footballers. even though

It's a top star who can also lose his job overnight. How to prepare for the future at the peak of your career has become a serious consideration for every professional footballer.

De Gea's story continues. Will he be able to return to the game? Will you accept an invitation to the Saudi league? How will his choices affect his career? The answers to these questions may soon be revealed.

As a fan, how do you see David de Gea in his current position? Do you think he should insist on finding opportunities in Europe's top leagues, or should he accept an offer from the Saudi league? Feel free to share your views in the comments section and let's discuss the future of this once top goalkeeper.

33-year-old De Gea is openly looking for a job and has lost a lot of weight! has been abandoned by Manchester United for 1 year, and Ronaldo is looking for a relationship for him

[End of article]

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