
Two girls, similar to love

Two girls, similar to love

South wind window

2024-06-24 14:28Posted on the official account of Guangdong Nanfeng Window

Two girls, similar to love

Author | Nanfeng Window reporter Liu Yang

From Changsha, Hunan

Edit | Wu Qing

In the interview with Nanfeng Window, Yan Yi and Yan Yue answered questions while eating the same bowl of beef rice noodles in Bus New Village.

For 27 years, they slept in the same bed; After graduating from primary school, secondary school, and even college, they all made friends who coincided. This intimacy is sometimes compared to love by them because they are so close in space and emotionally.

Intimacy is complicated, but it's fascinating for them. Therefore, they talked about twins, family, and feelings in the new special session, and named it "A New Type of Relationship".

Two girls, similar to love

Yan Yi and Yan Yue

On May 30, I met them after the special performance of "New Relationship" at the Changsha Xiaoma Talk Show Club. The audience in those two days was all rushing for Yan Yi and Yan Yue, and there were about 400 people sitting in the audience. The special session started at half past seven in the evening, and on May 29, some people came to line up at two o'clock in the afternoon in order to grab a good seat in the front row. It was a weekday, and the viewer said she was still writing her paper.

After online programs were no longer active, some talk show actors began to appear in variety shows, and some appeared in film and television dramas. The sisters are different, they are writing novels.



"The winter when I first started looking for a job, my sister and I rented a house in a broken old man's house in Shanghai. We shared an aisle with our neighbors (which was also their open kitchen), and every time I went out, I had to pass the uncles who were wearing their pants and brushing the pots, looking through the scraps left at the bottom of their pots, through their pajamas and panties hanging above their heads, and avoiding the damp rice and spice beans they piled up at the top of the stairs to get out onto the pleasant streets. When I got home, I had to be mentally prepared to crawl through their entire family again, almost through the digestive tract of my neighbor's uncle back into my little room. ”

This is the beginning of Yan Yue's short story "Mold Mold". When she first arrived in Shanghai, she and Yan Yi lived in such a husband's house. They moved many times. Shanghai is humid, and during the rainy season, big mold grows in these houses.

Seven years ago, "Talk Show Conference" had not yet entered the public eye. Talk show actresses often complain that there are few talk show actresses, and even more so at that time - until the first season of "Talk Show Conference" was broadcast that year, there was only one actress who could be named in this show.

In 2017, they were in their senior year. Since high school, they have known that their true love is literature. But when they arrived at university, Yan Yi studied law and Yan Yue studied finance, and these two majors were more like a "spare tire" for them. "That is to say, (if) you are dying of hunger, the certificate you took (Yan Yi took the lawyer's certificate, Yan Yue took the accounting certificate) can still guarantee some income."

Two girls, similar to love

Yan Yi Yan Yue's performance scene / Source: @颜怡颜悦

They are about to graduate, and it is not easy to choose a job that they really want to do and that is very valuable to them, so they are still thinking about going to graduate school.

At that time, they didn't know about talk shows. Yan Yi is still considering whether to become a reporter or an editor, "because at that time, there seemed to be only these two industries on the market that were very related to literature." Yan Yi is afraid that "if I do a job I don't like, I won't be able to spend time on my hobby."

At that time, Li Dan was convening a writing winter camp, and the works they sent in the past were selected.

Yan Yi Yan Yue came to Shanghai like this, and the most direct reason was Li Dan. They thought: "Li Dan writes so many valuable and in-depth words all day long, we can write the same, and we will definitely be welcomed by everyone." ”

"And then find out that there is nothing at all", there are too many moments of failure.

At first, they thought that the job was to be a screenwriter, but they were told that they had to talk about it on stage themselves.

Two girls, similar to love

You have to talk about it on stage yourself

So they started to walk on the open mic. Yan Yi Yan Yue has liked to read since she was a child, but for the rookie actors at that time, reading more books may not be an advantage. "Literature is read so much that the language is very written, and then the ideas are so weird, that we weren't actually funny for a long time."

At that time, the talk show industry was still in a mixed state, and everyone only needed to "fried" enough on the spot. Compared with telling Haruki Murakami's jokes, some actors' yellow stalks can win the hearts of more audiences.

It's not funny for two people to act separately, and it's not funny to act together. The audience didn't buy it, their peers didn't understand, and everyone else was not optimistic, only Li Dan still supported them.

After going to the open microphone a few times, the career of talk shows was put on hold. They go behind the scenes, do translations, cut videos. But Yan Yue always believes that what she likes is valuable, "I understand that I need a process." And the advantage of being a twin is that you will always have someone to do with you that you believe in but don't necessarily have results.

This state lasted for about a year, until they appeared on the stage of "Talk Show Season 2" as "one twin".

Two girls, similar to love

They appeared on the stage of "Talk Show Season 2" as "a twin".

"A twin" is Yan Yi Yan Yue's identity as a talk show actor. They will refer to each other as their other half of the personality. That's how the two girls grew up holding each other up.

Most girls may share a bed with their sisters and go to the same school, but few sisters are so deeply bound together in hobbies, jobs, and even personalities. Just like Yan Yue can't explain why there is a sister in "Mold" - this character does not use Yan Yi as a reference, "she is not like that at all". Yan Yue said: "I subconsciously (wrote), I feel that I am cursed." ”

Yan Yi said: "I can't tell anymore. What do I want to do because of her, is it a talk show? This one is very subtle. ”

They say that each other is their "language early education". Yan Yi Yan Yue slept in the same bed since she was a child, and when she was older, her father bought two single beds for them and came together. But this distance is still not close enough, "after all, it is two beds, and there will still be a gap in the middle, and we want the beds to really merge". Yan Yue talked to Yan Yi every day in front of the gap.

Yan Yi said: "I think when there is a person in the world who understands you very well, the most difficult thing is that you realize that this person is also going to die. ”

Two girls, similar to love

Yan Yi Yan Yue / Source: @颜怡颜悦

Yan Yi was born 5 minutes early, so "generally speaking, I die first". Yan Yue answered: "But I will donate organs to her." ”

If you tell them that you also have a sister who has a good relationship, but you don't work and live in the same city because of this, Yan Yue will tell you, "That means your relationship is not good enough." And Yan Yi will remind her not to "hurt" the singles.

Outside of her family, lovers, and twins, Yan Yue is an exploratory person who wants to learn about the latest and most interesting things in the world. She makes no secret of her ambitions, "I want to write the best".

When she is alone, she becomes very depressed and anxious, while Yan Yi sometimes turns on the music and dances.

Yan Yi thought for a while and said, "I may be in a daze for a lot of time in my life. I asked her if she was "decadent", and she took the opportunity to pull out a picture of her cat. "I'm like it a lot, do you think it's decadent?"



Yan Yi Yan Yue's twin identity has been repeatedly mentioned by the media and the public, but if someone over-discusses this identity, Yan Yue will use the word they invented to "attack" the other party - monocentrism.

According to the naming law of domestic parents, as twins, their names must be very similar. Dad flipped through the dictionary for most of the day, and chose the words "Yi" and "Yue", hoping that they would be happy.

Since they were children, others have called them both names, Yan Yi in the front and Yan Yue in the back. Yan Yue said: "Because she is the (so-called) sister, I didn't preempt her to be born." According to what they said - 5 minutes earlier, Yan Yi was "kicked" out of her mother's womb by Yan Yue. As a kind of "rebellion" - compensation for many years as a suffix for Yan Yi, Yan Yue's work must be ranked behind her when Yan Yue asks for the publication of a novel.

Two girls, similar to love

Stills from "Talk Show Season 2".

Writing novels is different from talking shows, they need to be completely separated when they write, "not showing each other". When Yan Yue writes novels, she will deliberately make herself cry or make fun of herself, "I want to know what I have emotions about, and then I will write."

Yan Yue told me that they invented a term called "literary moment". "I'm going to find the hidden points of the world, which may never be noticed, which no one cares about, but which is important to some people. After finding these points, I feel that this person is so wronged, and then I will start crying, and when I cry, I will want to yell at those numb people. Isn't there something there? Yan Yi said: "If there is no emotion, there is nothing you want to express, you can write hard, but that is very much like." ”

Yan Yi writes a talk show, which is very different from the flow of writing a novel, after writing a talk show, she has to watch Marquez's works for four hours before she can enter the language state of writing a novel. The switch was painful for her, "but it hurt and was happy."

Yan Yi deliberately checked the information, when people are in a creative state, they have to get up and walk for a walk in about an hour, "The body will stimulate the brain to carry out some activities, if you keep sitting there as it is, in fact, the train of thought will be blocked." She also watched "David Lynch's Suicide Prevention Teaching in 49 Seconds" on station B, "If you have an inspiration and don't write it down, and then you find that you can't remember that wonderful idea, you will want to commit suicide."

Two girls, similar to love

David Lynch's Suicide Prevention Teaching in 49 Seconds

When they go to the toilet and take a bath, it is often when they are inspired. Yan Yue is used to treating Yan Yi's WeChat as a "file transfer assistant", and throws it into it whenever she has an inspiration.

When Yan Yue writes novels, she imagines Yan Yi listening to her next to her, and Yan Yi thinks she is noisy: "That's why I don't want to live with her." ”

After graduation, Yan Yi and Yan Yue still live in the same room and sleep in the same bed. For the first 27 years of their lives, they spent most of their lives like this, "growing up stepping on each other's faces."

But this intimacy can blur the boundaries. Yan Yue said: "We are twins, and we have never been familiar with the boundary thing. I have a lot of respect for people with others, but I don't have her at all, so we have a situation where she doesn't care about my feelings at all. ”

Yan Yi loves to be clean, but she feels that Yan Yue is a little sloppy, and the two often quarrel over housework.

Two girls, similar to love

Yan Yi Yan Yue and Luna / Source: @颜怡颜悦

Yan Yue observed a suitable intimacy in their parents, "quite complementary". Yan Yi said: "But we will feel that I can't have it in this era. My mom was a housewife, and I couldn't have sacrificed everything for the family like she did. My dad actually gave a lot. But we're not going to be like my mom or my dad. People in my parents' time felt that they had to give, but giving often meant losing oneself. ”

Yan Yue feels that these problems are not only for the twins - they say on the show that they are like a couple, but not a suitable couple.

Because of frequent quarrels, Yan Yi and Yan Yue have been separated for nearly two years. But because the rent in Shanghai was too expensive, they moved in together again at the beginning of this year. They found a larger house, with two rooms separated from each other and two separate bathrooms. Yan Yi quipped in a previous interview that if she wanted to go to Yan Yue's room, she had to make an appointment online first, and she couldn't just knock on the door, but pretended that they lived in two neighborhoods.

But in fact, they basically didn't enforce these rules, and only when they were angry with each other would they say, "Why didn't you do it when you agreed in the first place?" ”



Yan Yi Yan Yue feels that the intimacy, trust, and contradictions between them are somewhat similar to lovers or husbands and wives. They feel that it has become difficult to fall in love in this day and age, and they start to think: how can we have a truly healthy relationship?

Yan Yue believes that intimacy "can't be perfect". At first, she would think like a problem-solver, what is the optimal solution? But she felt: "The problem with our generation of girls is that we don't know what the world is like yet. Our world is too small. So I think we should try to see the world and meet all kinds of people first. Don't be in a hurry to say what kind of lifestyle I want to choose, it doesn't necessarily exist. ”

Yan Yi said: "I think for a modern woman, we must first pursue equality, whether it is appropriate or not. Equality at least guarantees their own experience. ”

If you're familiar with Yan Yi and Yan Yue, you'll find that their jokes always focus on topics that include women, such as appearance anxiety, family, and marriage.

Two girls, similar to love

Yan Yi Yan Yue's description of urging marriage

In 2022, they said on the stage of "Talk Show Conference" that when girls go out for supper, they will inhale some dirty things on their bodies, such as the smell of smoke, dust, and some men's hands. "At around 2:40 a.m. on June 10 of that year, a case of violent beating of a woman occurred at a barbecue restaurant in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, due to male harassment.

Behind this violence is a long-standing stereotype of women. Why do these men feel that women who go out at night for barbecue can be offended? Why is there so much insulting word in our culture that uses "female" as a radical? Why should a man be scolded for having femininity? Is femininity a derogatory term? Their new special is called "A New Type of Relationship", in which they talk about family, love, and most fundamentally, they want to talk about women. They want to use language to dispel these stigmatizing words and stereotypes, and they want to discuss how women's relationships change in various settings after the prejudice against women is removed.

Two girls, similar to love

They want to use language to dispel these stigmatized words and stereotypes / Source: "Yixi, Zhihua"

Yan Yue feels that in this era, everyone definitely doesn't want the old and wants the new, so what is the new?

In "Mold and Mold," Yan Yue describes a female writer's secret rivalry with her writer's boyfriend—a literary and power struggle. Yan Yue said that this would not have happened to the twins. "I think we both understand and support each other. Because we have the same hobbies, we both hope that each other can complete their literary careers. We don't have any exploitation of each other. ”

Whether it is friendship or love, Yan Yue feels that everyone's general confusion about relationships is the same. "I think there will also be a lot of friendship between [women] and men, or between people who are of the same orientation as themselves. What is Love and Friendship? I think it's really the same, and a lot of times friendship is actually a little bit more meaningful. But I think it's all about how you treat the other person with respect. ”

After removing all prejudices and stereotypes about aesthetics, Yan Yi feels that the most beautiful thing in the world is her cat Luna. She often observes Luna, the cat who finally came to them because she traveled to many houses, and was called "Lin Daiyu the cat".

"Cats and dogs are different from other animals, cats can be themselves, they need you, but they will not be judged by you at all. It doesn't care if you think it's good or not, it's who it is. It's not going to be careful, it's not going to judge, it's not going to be polished in any way. ”

This article was first published in the 13th issue of Nanfeng Window magazine

Produced by Nanfeng Window New Media

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  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love
  • Two girls, similar to love

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