
The highest national science and technology award announced!

author:Youth Hunan

The 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award was announced in Beijing on June 24, and Academician Li Deren and Academician Xue Qikun won high honors in China's science and technology community.

The highest national science and technology award announced!

Li Deren is a well-known photogrammetry and remote sensing scientist, who has been committed to improving the level of land observation in mainland surveying, mapping and remote sensing. He has overcome the core technology of global high-precision positioning and mapping of satellite remote sensing, solved a series of problems in high-precision processing of remote sensing satellite images, led the team to develop a fully automatic high-precision aerial and ground measurement system, and made outstanding contributions to the construction of high-precision and high-resolution earth observation system in the mainland.

Xue Qikun is a well-known scientist in the field of condensed matter physics and has made a number of leading and important scientific breakthroughs. He led his team to observe the quantum anomalous Hall effect for the first time, which had a significant academic impact in the world. The discovery of interface-enhanced high-temperature superconductivity in heterojunction systems has opened a new research direction in the field of international high-temperature superconductivity.

The highest national science and technology award announced!

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The highest national science and technology award announced!

This article is comprehensively compiled and reprinted by Youth Hunan, please contact the authorized manuscript|A Lan Proofreading|Ershui Source|Xinhua News Agency, Beijing Youth Daily

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The highest national science and technology award announced!

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