
Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

author:Huahua speaks of the world

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in the 90s, an "Iron Triangle" combination was born, bringing countless laughter to the audience. This combination, composed of Zhao Benshan, Gao Xiumin and Fan Wei, became popular all over the streets overnight with the "Selling Abduction" series of sketches.

However, what few people know is that behind this seemingly perfect combination, there is a grudge entanglement that spans more than ten years. In 1990, Zhao Benshan appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

This young man from the Northeast used to be just a poor boy who sang two people. His childhood was not happy, his mother died early, and his father's education level was not high, so he could only make ends meet by doing odd jobs.

The young Zhao Benshan lived with his grandparents and learned a lot of acting skills from his blind uncle. In order to grasp this rare opportunity, Zhao Benshan did his best to show his acting talent.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

The audience was deeply attracted by this humorous young man, and since then, Zhao Benshan has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala. Prior to that, he collaborated with Pan Changjiang on the creation of "Daguan Lantern", which was quite popular in the local area and laid the foundation for him to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

In 1997, the gears of fate began to turn. After Gao Xiumin's "Red Sorghum Model Team" program was brushed down, she recommended He Qingkui to help revise Zhao Benshan's program. This move brought Zhao Benshan, Gao Xiumin and Fan Wei together and formed the strongest combination.

He Qingkui became their queen screenwriter and tailored one classic sketch after another for them. On the stage, Zhao Benshan is a well-deserved red flower, and Gao Xiumin and Fan Wei are indispensable green leaves.

They are full of tacit understanding and cooperation, and every time they take the stage, they can make the audience laugh back and forth. Zhao Benshan's witty humor, Gao Xiumin's rich expression, Fan Wei's unique temperament, and He Qingkui's carefully written script have created unforgettable stage images.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

However, no one expected that behind this seemingly perfect combination, there was a contradiction that was about to erupt. As fame grows, the distribution of interests, personal ambitions, and poor communication all become potential contradictions.

The most dazzling "iron triangle" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is about to experience a storm that is enough to change their fate. Gao Xiumin, who is glamorous in the spotlight, has actually experienced a bumpy life.

Born in extreme poverty, she was the youngest child in the family, but she did not enjoy much pampering. Working in the fields with his brothers and sisters every day, coupled with long-term malnutrition, the whole person has yellow muscles and thin muscles.

However, God blessed her with a good voice. At the age of 15, with his excellent voice, Gao Xiumin was recruited into a local troupe to learn two-person turning. She followed the head of the troupe to perform everywhere, and although the income was not high, she enjoyed it.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

However, at the age of 19, she was rejected by the regular art troupe because she was "too thin". This absurd reason made the young Gao Xiumin feel frustrated, but it also inspired her to pursue a career in acting.

Following the advice of his parents, Gao Xiumin married Li Yunqi from a neighboring village. After her marriage, she worked in a factory, but her inner love for acting never went out. In 1982, 30-year-old Gao Xiumin finally returned to the art troupe and started her acting career.

However, her busy work leaves her no time to take care of her family, and the conflict with her husband deepens. In 1988, fate gave Gao Xiumin a turning point. She met He Qingkui, who had lived in her hometown, at the vegetable market.

The two talked happily, He Qingkui took out the script he wrote many years ago, and Gao Xiumin applauded again and again after reading it. Although the people in the group initially did not approve of the script written by a vegetable seller, Gao Xiumin supported He Qingkui with his own future as a bet.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

It turned out that she was discerning and discerning, and He Qingkui's script was very popular. Since then, they have started a long-term cooperation, not only supporting each other in their careers, but also getting closer and closer emotionally.

The two often discussed the script and rehearsed together, and became a golden partner, and a different kind of affection was quietly abusive between them. In 1991, in order to be with He Qingkui, Gao Xiumin resolutely ended his marriage.

However, He Qingkui's wife firmly disagreed with the divorce. The two can only stay together as lovers, finding a balance between art and emotion. Although this relationship was controversial, it achieved the pinnacle of Gao Xiumin's career.

In 1992, they won the championship in the national sketch competition and became frequent visitors to CCTV. He Qingkui's talent and Gao Xiumin's acting talent are perfectly combined, and they have dedicated one wonderful work after another to the audience.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

The story of Gao Xiumin and He Qingkui is not only an entanglement that spans art and love, but also a legend of mutual achievement. Their relationship has become an important cornerstone to support the "Iron Triangle" combination, and it has also laid the groundwork for future contradictions.

On the stage, Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin are the best partners, full of tacit understanding. Their performances can always trigger bursts of laughter from the audience and become frequent guests on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. However, because of a series of events, their relationship gradually became estranged.

The first is the issue of salary distribution. Zhao Benshan, as the protagonist, gets the most remuneration every time. After a commercial performance, he was paid hundreds of thousands, but Fan Wei was only a few thousand yuan.

Although Fan Wei did not care because of the grace of knowing the situation, this distribution method undoubtedly planted the seeds of contradictions. Although Gao Xiumin did not publicly express his dissatisfaction, he was inevitably a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

Another incident happened when Gao Xiumin returned to his hometown to visit relatives. The local leaders hoped that she could invite Zhao Benshan to publicize, Gao Xiumin readily agreed, and suggested that Zhao Benshan be given a reward of 200,000 yuan.

She thought to herself, for the sake of her own face, Zhao Benshan might not accept this money. However, after the performance, Zhao Benshan unceremoniously accepted the money. This incident made Gao Xiumin feel very uncomfortable, although she didn't show it, but this undoubtedly planted a trace of mustard in her heart.

The openness of the contradiction was in a rehearsal. The script temporarily changed a lot of lines and actions, and Gao Xiumin was delayed for a while because of something, and he couldn't keep up with the progress and made frequent mistakes.

Zhao Benshan lost patience and pointed at Gao Xiumin in front of everyone and scolded: "You can't act and leave quickly!" This sentence deeply hurt Gao Xiumin's self-esteem, and she turned around and left the rehearsal scene without saying a word.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

Since then, the relationship between the two has taken a sharp turn for the worse. No one is willing to take the initiative to bow their heads and admit their mistakes, and it has been a stalemate for a long time. In 2004, Zhao Benshan's sketch "Water Deliverer" originally wanted to cooperate with Song Dandan, but Song Dandan's schedule was full.

Only then did he think of Gao Xiumin and invited her to participate. Gao Xiumin thought that Zhao Benshan took the initiative to show favor and devoted himself to the performance. However, when she later learned that she was only a substitute choice, the loss in her heart can be imagined.

This series of events made the originally intimate partner gradually become inseparable. The disappointment and grievances in Gao Xiumin's heart are increasing day by day, and Zhao Benshan doesn't seem to realize the harm his actions have caused to his partner.

The relationship between the two fell to a freezing point, and no one was willing to take the initiative to bow their heads. During this period, Zhao Benshan also tried to dig He Qingkui into his team. However, he underestimated the emotional bond between He Qingkui and Gao Xiumin.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

When Gao Xiumin learned about this, she was shocked and felt the pain of being betrayed. This failed "poaching" operation not only failed to bring Zhao Benshan's right-hand man, but made his relationship with Gao Xiumin worse.

On the stage, they are still tacit partners; offstage, but they are strangers from their respective worlds. This contradictory state has become a true portrayal of their cooperation in the last few years.

The once gold medal partner, but now they are drifting away because of interests, misunderstandings and lack of communication, which is not only their personal regret, but also a loss for the entire comedy circle. The relationship between Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin continued to deteriorate, and finally came to the point of parting ways.

After the "Water Delivery" collaboration in 2004, the two were never in touch again. This golden partner, who once dominated the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, came to an end. During this time, Zhao Benshan tried to poach He Qingkui into his team.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

However, he underestimated the emotional bond between He Qingkui and Gao Xiumin. When Gao Xiumin learned about this, she was shocked and felt the pain of being betrayed. This failed "poaching" operation not only failed to bring Zhao Benshan's right-hand man, but made his relationship with Gao Xiumin worse.

Just when the relationship between the two is at an impasse and seems to never be repaired, fate once again ruthlessly intervenes. In 2005, Gao Xiumin, who was only 46 years old, died of a heart attack.

This news was like a bolt from the blue and shocked the entire entertainment industry. At Gao Xiumin's funeral, Zhao Benshan appeared. When he stood in front of the mourning hall and looked at the portrait of his former partner and friend, the pent-up emotions that had accumulated over the years finally broke down.

He hid his face and wept bitterly, confessing his mistake to those present and expressing deep remorse. "It's my fault, and I regret it." Zhao Benshan choked up and said. However, Gao Xiumin couldn't hear this belated apology.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

He Qingkui personally handled Gao Xiumin's funeral. Looking at Zhao Benshan's true feelings, he must have been full of emotion. Once upon a time, the three of them were the most dazzling combination on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, but now there are only regrets and regrets left.

This funeral is not only a farewell to Gao Xiumin, but also the last memory of that golden partner years. Zhao Benshan's remorse, He Qingkui's grief, and the regret of all those who attended the funeral all tell a cruel truth: some things are too late to say, some things are too late to do, and there are always irreparable regrets in life.

Gao Xiumin's sudden death not only ended this grievance, but also sealed this golden partner's years forever. She passed away with disappointment and incomprehension of Zhao Benshan, and Zhao Benshan had to continue his life journey with regrets that could never be remedied.

This story tells us that on the stage of life, there are some mistakes that once they are made, there is no chance to make up for them. The "Iron Triangle" combination of Zhao Benshan, Gao Xiumin and Fan Wei once created the glory of the Spring Festival Gala sketches.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

Their works, such as the "Selling Abduction" series, not only made the audience laugh back and forth, but were also widely praised and imitated. However, this seemingly perfect combination ended in tragedy.

Looking back on this feud, we can't help but ask: what led to the breakup of the gold medal pair? Is it a conflict of interests, or an accumulation of misunderstandings? Or is it just a lack of timely communication and sincere expression? In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, friendship often does not stand the test of interests.

After Zhao Benshan became popular, he seemed to have forgotten the partners who once fought side by side. The unfair distribution of remuneration and the contempt for his partner all imperceptibly hurt Gao Xiumin's feelings.

For example, in that commercial performance, Zhao Benshan was paid hundreds of thousands, but Fan Wei was only a few thousand. Although Fan Wei did not care because of the grace of knowing the situation, this distribution method undoubtedly planted the seeds of contradictions.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

And Gao Xiumin may also express his dissatisfaction more directly, rather than blindly forbearing. From the time he returned to his hometown to invite Zhao Benshan to perform, to the dispute during the rehearsal, Gao Xiumin chose to remain silent or leave without communicating directly with Zhao Benshan.

This story teaches us that no matter how intimate a relationship is, it needs to be managed with care. Misunderstandings need to be clarified, contradictions need to be resolved, and feelings need to be expressed. If Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin could open their hearts and communicate well, maybe the ending would be different.

What's even more embarrassing is that when Zhao Benshan finally realized his mistake and sincerely regretted it, it was too late. Life is impermanent, some things are too late to say, some things are too late to do, and all that is left is eternal regret.

The story of this "Iron Triangle" is not only a secret in the entertainment industry, but also a tragic song of human nature. It reminds us to cherish the people around us and express gratitude and apologies in a timely manner, because we never know when the next meeting will be.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

The "Iron Triangle" combination of Zhao Benshan, Gao Xiumin and Fan Wei has undoubtedly been recorded in the history of the Spring Festival Gala. The joy they brought to the audience is indelible, and the classic sketches they created are still celebrated today.

The "Selling Abduction" series of sketches made them popular all over the streets overnight, and they became the brightest stars on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in the 90s. However, behind this brilliance, there is a regret that cannot be reconciled.

Gao Xiumin's sudden death not only ended this grievance, but also sealed this golden partner's years forever. Zhao Benshan's remorse at the funeral, He Qingkui's grief, and the regret of all those who pay attention to this story are all telling those irreparable regrets in life.

This story reminds us to cherish the present moment and be kind to those around us. Because we never know when the next meeting will be, or if there will be a chance to say goodbye.

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin's grievances are beginning and end: the gold medal partner broke up, and he was unwilling to reconcile until he died

In this Vanity Fair, may we all keep our original intentions, cherish sincere emotions, and don't wait until we lose to know how to cherish them.

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