
Pure-blooded Hongmeng! See you at the end of September for the Huawei Mate 70 series

Pure-blooded Hongmeng! See you at the end of September for the Huawei Mate 70 series

Zhongguancun Online

2024-06-25 00:32Posted on Beijing Zhongguancun Online Official Account

Previously, it was reported that the Huawei Mate 70 will be postponed to October, and it cannot be released on the same day as the iPhone 16, but the new news says that the Mate 70 is still expected to be released at the end of September, depending on the progress of the software and hardware teams.

Pure-blooded Hongmeng! See you at the end of September for the Huawei Mate 70 series

Huawei Mate 70 has been confirmed to be the first HarmonyOS Next, that is, pure-blooded Hongmeng,Hongmeng Galaxy version removes the AOSP code,Only supports the Hongmeng kernel and the Hongmeng system app,According to the plan,Hongmeng will be on the shelves at the end of the yearMore than 5000 native applications,There will also be a built-in Pangu model。


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  • Pure-blooded Hongmeng! See you at the end of September for the Huawei Mate 70 series

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