
"Cool consumption" is upgraded again, and the "summer economy" is vibrant

author:Southwest Guizhou, China
Abstract:With the arrival of high temperature weather in summer, summer vacations, business districts, and night markets, all kinds of new consumption scenarios and new formats are welcomed by consumers.
"Cool consumption" is upgraded again, and the "summer economy" is vibrant

The night market has become a good place for citizens to cool off Photo by reporter Yan Zhuyun

Taste delicious food to escape the heat and bring fire to the "summer economy"

Early in the morning of June 25th, Aunt Hu, a citizen, went out, and she made an appointment with her partners to dance and exercise in the Chuanyundong Park Square in Xingyi City.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Aunt Hu and her partners finished their workout, packed up their things and walked along the lotus pond to the street garden, where they were ready to go to the "Flower Coffee Room" to eat their favorite cold cut noodles and cold noodles.

"It's been raining lately, and it's rare to have a good weather, so a bunch of our friends made an appointment to go out and eat cold cut noodles and cold noodles for breakfast." Aunt Hu said that although there has been abundant rain recently, the temperature is not low, and she usually likes to eat refreshing things, and today is the opportunity.

For Aunt Hu, it is undoubtedly a good day to be able to exercise and satisfy the appetite of the mouth.

As a veteran ice house in Xingyi, "Huadelai Ice House" has almost contracted the childhood of the post-80s and 90s in Xingyi, and it is often full. The store has a wide variety of products, which have remained delicious for many years, in addition to cold cut noodles and cold noodles, there are also sour plum soup, peanut ice cream, crystal cold powder, brown sugar porridge...... These foods have always been favored by the citizens of Xingyi.

At 11 o'clock, close to lunchtime, a few kilometers away in the Wanfeng Forest Scenic Area, Mr. Li, a Xingyi man who has settled in Zhengzhou, Henan Province for many years, is taking his wife and children to Jiangjun Bridge, and they are ready to eat a bowl of fragrant egg fried rice at noon.

"I settled outside after graduating from university, and if there are no special circumstances, I will return to Xingyi every summer to visit relatives and escape the summer." Mr. Li said that at first, he came back alone, but later when he got married and had children, he took his wife and children home. "My wife fell in love with Xingyi the first time she came here, and she said that she fell in love not only with the people who grew up here, but also with the beauty and food, especially the egg fried rice in Wanfenglin. Later, every time I went home, eating a bowl of egg fried rice became a must. ”

As one of Wanfenglin's iconic specialties, eating a bowl of egg fried rice in the "Egg Fried Rice Street" with Buyi special side dishes has become a must-see item for tourists. It is this bowl of golden egg fried rice that brings a lot of income to the local villagers every year.

The continuous high temperature weather has made summer tourism a growth point of the "summer economy". The annual average temperature of 16 °C, the forest coverage rate of 60.67%, and the number of days with good air quality reach 100%, making the four seasons like spring and the pleasant climate of Xingyi have become a summer vacation destination for many tourists.

The B&B in Wanfeng Forest Scenic Area will receive vacation groups that come to escape the summer every year, and most of the teams come from Sichuan, Guangdong and other provinces. "We receive a lot of guests from other provinces in the summer, and they are here to escape the heat and recuperate." A boss who has opened a homestay in Wanfeng Forest Scenic Area for many years said.

With the vigorous development of the summer economy, the tourism format of Wanfeng Forest Scenic Area is not only limited to traditional sightseeing, but also more and more outdoor activities such as hiking, jogging, and cycling, so that tourists can enjoy the charm of sports in nature.

Shopping in business districts and buying products to give birth to a "cool economy"

The high temperature in summer has "stirred" the tourism market, and also driven the sales of "cool goods" such as household appliances and small commodities to cool off the heat.

"I have elderly people at home, and they are not suitable for air conditioning, so I want to buy an 'air conditioning fan' or something to help ventilate and cool down the home." In a large home appliance shopping mall next to Jushan Avenue in Xingyi City, Mr. Zhu, a citizen, told the shopping guide about his needs.

After learning about the needs of customers, the shopping guide actively recommended several suitable models. According to the shopping guide, in recent times, air conditioners, refrigerators and other household appliances have entered the peak sales season, and the number of consumers who have purchased has increased a lot.

In addition to large household appliances, some commonly used sunscreen and summer clothing have also become seasonal hot products. In a store in the Xingyi Mall, Ms. Qi, the owner, is rearranging the layout of the products, and she has listed sunglasses, bucket hats, outdoor sun-protective clothing and other products in a conspicuous area for customers to buy. Ms. Qi said: "Recently, there have been many consumers who have purchased summer products, and special sunscreen clothing and sun hats have sold very well. ”

"Cool consumption" is upgraded again, and the "summer economy" is vibrant

Summer clothing occupies the market Photo by reporter Yan Zhuyun

Consumer demand for cooling products continues to rise, prompting the summer economy to usher in a "small boom" ahead of schedule. On the other hand, how to let children have a good time while escaping the summer, and a large business district integrating eating, shopping and entertainment has become the choice of many parents.

On June 23, a bookstore in Happy Orange Shopping Center in Xingyi City was crowded, and many parents accompanied their children to buy books here and enjoy the fun of reading. "I'm here to read, drink, and pet cats, which makes me very happy." Xiao Wang, who had a lot of fun in the bookstore, said.

In order to attract more readers, the bookstore has opened a special drink shop, fed some kittens and set up a special cat petting area. Readers can order a drink and read in the reading area of the bookstore to enjoy the coolness and happiness; You can also interact with the cats in the store and relax in your spare time.

In the afternoon, ushered in the hottest time of the day, in a children's basketball training camp located in Jushan Street, Xingyi City, there was the sound of whistles and basketballs hitting the floor, and a group of children were training in the gym in a nervous and orderly manner; In the cage football field not far from the training hall, many football fans are sweating and practicing skills. For them, exercising is one of the ways to cool off in the summer.

Visit the night market, enjoy the night view, and unlock the "summer mode"

The public's preference for night tours has existed since ancient times. Especially in the hot summer, it is a pleasure to feel the coolness of night travel.

When twilight falls, the lights are on, and the night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration area of Maling River in Xingyi City is lively, and the gurgling river meanders down with the river, and rows of night market stalls are scattered along the river. At around 9 o'clock in the evening, Mr. Yu and his wife came to the trunk market, ordered some kebabs, bought some cold beer, and sat on the tables and chairs provided by the merchants on the riverbank, listening to the musicians playing and singing.

In recent years, Xingyi City has continuously enriched the consumption format of the nighttime economy, through the implementation of a number of convenient measures, to encourage nighttime catering, tourism, culture and other consumption activities, and strive to build a characteristic eco-tourism layout integrating food, music, fashion and other elements.

"Cool consumption" is upgraded again, and the "summer economy" is vibrant

A cold drink for a cool summer. Photo by reporter Mao Nijia

Focusing on the three-wind and three-color planning and development idea of "flavor as the background color, scenery as the color matching, and style as the bright color", the starlight market, trunk market, riverside restaurant and other places have been integrated into the surrounding scattered self-employed household resources, which have become a good place for citizens to cool off in summer.

On summer nights, with the rising smoke of cooking, the shouts of the vendors and the conversations of the diners, the enthusiasm of the city night is released by the river.

The "night economy" is connected to the "fireworks" of the people on the one hand, and the new summer consumption format on the other.

At night, the Fenglin Buyi Scenic Area is full of light, and the visitors are weaving. Since the beginning of this year, based on local regional characteristics, Xingyi has focused on creating night tour projects such as light shows and folk performances, enriching the business format of the scenic spot and attracting everyone;

In Xingren, the Neighborhood Space Market has become a good place for leisure and entertainment for Xingren citizens. Since its opening on June 2, the market has been favored by the public, and has settled in more than 40 businesses, covering eating, drinking and playing, and is suitable for people of different ages. In addition to the local specialties of Xingren, the market also contains the special foods of surrounding counties and cities and other regions, and also provides a rich entertainment environment for children;

In the Binhe Starlight Night Market in Wangmo County, the stores are neatly lit up, and the entire night market exudes a thick smoke and fireworks. One after another, citizens came to take a walk, enjoy the shade, and take their children and families to taste the food;

…… (Reporter Yan Zhuyun)

Second Instance Zhou Bo

Third trial Peng Yuanqing

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