
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

author:Zhaoqing release

Embrace the energy of summer

Listen to the sounds of nature

In Star Lake, meet the Wizard of Oz

Listen to the echoes of nature

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

dreary weather

The waterfall rushes from the top of the cliff

Straight down

Transform into ethereal echoes

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

△Photo by Zhang Yan

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

Summer rain

Wash away the boredom and heat of the world

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

Rocks, waterfalls, fallen leaves

Converge on the clear water

There is a kind of clarity called Star Lake

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

Shade of greenery

The moist green color enters the lungs with the breath

Hold your breath

Between the staggered branches

The wind blows the scent of the jungle

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

Xia Cicada snorted

Fiercely narrowed the heavens and the earth

They're in such a hot summer

Unreservedly expressed enthusiasm for life

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

The mist rising from the woods

Dew on the grass

and the joy of being close to nature

Freeze in the moment

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

Star Lake is home to many animals

Red-crowned cranes, white pheasants, swans, and flowermunks......

Live at ease and leisurely

Summer is long

Who can refuse the opportunity to sing out loud at home

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

Pacing in the grass or in the woods

Feel free to hum a few words

It may be high-pitched or low, or agile or tactful

Every note has its own charm

It depends on which person is their "Bole"

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

A cloud of smoke and rain, and the chaffinch's chirp

The rowing boat is from far and near

Like an ink flower spilling on rice paper

Roll up the white waves

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......
In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

△ Photo by Deng Hanwen, reporter of Dinghu District Rong Media Center

Take a rocking boat

Gently shake the wood pulp and take you around Dreamstar Lake

With the sound of the oars, it is like being in a dream

In the star lake landscape with TA

Have an unexpected encounter

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

△ Photo by Fang Dong

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

△Photo by Xie Yaoming

Star Lake is calling you for a date

The summer scenery is infinitely better

Nature's hospitality

Will cure the summer heat

In Star Lake, look for the coolness and comfort of summer......

◆ Picture: Except for the signed one, the rest were taken by Xijiang No. 1

Source: Xinghu Meimei

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