
"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival

author:Shanghai Changning

On the occasion of the 2nd Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival and the Publicity Month for the Protection of Minors, today (June 25), the Beixinjing Street "Special 'Summer' Law Popularization, 'Un' You Escort" Youth Rule of Law Publicity Activity was launched in Xiyan'an Middle School. Nearly 300 junior high school students participated in the rich and colorful content of law popularization and novel and interesting activities.

"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival

The activity was carried out in the form of "judge's statement + interesting rule of law game", using different forms such as listening to lectures, doing handicrafts, playing games, etc., to help minors improve their awareness of the rule of law and self-protection.

In the "Judge's Statement" session, Gu Xuelei, President of the Comprehensive Trial Division of Juvenile and Family Cases of the Changning District People's Court, brought a wonderful lecture on the popularization of the rule of law with the theme of "Enjoying the Internet, Protecting Children's Hearts, and Escorting the Growth of the Rule of Law". Combining his professional legal knowledge and personal experience in handling cases, Gu Xuelei elaborated on the necessity of carrying out cyber security education for teenagers, guiding teenagers to use the Internet legally and reasonably, and bravely saying "no" to bullying, and the students said that they benefited a lot.

"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival

After the lecture, the students drew the "Rule of Law Scale" on the spot, which is shaped by a scale to symbolize fairness, justice and objectivity, implying that the law should be the same as the scale, weighing the interests of all parties and maintaining fairness and justice. By explaining the history, structure, manufacturing steps, and modern improvements and developments of the scale, the students further deepened their understanding of the scale and its symbolism.

"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival
"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival

In the "rule of law game" session, 7 check-in points were set up on the spot, each point corresponds to different theme games and related legal knowledge, and the students learned the importance of "knowing the law to learn the law to understand reason, understanding the law and using the law to protect themselves, respecting the law and abiding by the law to establish people".

"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival

The relevant person in charge of Beixinjing Street said that this activity aims to further improve the quality of law popularization, so that the concept of the rule of law can be integrated into schools and into the hearts of young people. At the same time, give full play to the role of the rule of law in escorting the healthy growth of minors, prevent juvenile delinquency, increase juveniles' awareness of the law, and strengthen the concept of the rule of law.

"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival
"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival

According to reports, Beixinjing Street and Xiyan'an Middle School will form a joint force through the integration of "government, legal service institutions, and social forces" tripartite resources, and take care of the "jointing and booting period" of young people's lives with "key courses", give young people careful guidance and cultivation, and cultivate a generation that walks in the same direction and advances together with the new era.

In addition, the street will continue to unite the forces of schools and communities to jointly explore more "going out" rule of law culture projects, and give full play to resources such as the public safety experience hall of the street comprehensive management center, the "mock court" for minors, and the youth rule of law culture corridor in Xinjing four villages, so as to make North Xinjing more livable and suitable for studying, and jointly create a good legal culture atmosphere.

It is reported that this event was hosted by Beixinjing Street and Xiyan'an Middle School, which is an important grassroots practice for the two sides to jointly implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, and it is also a useful attempt for Beixinjing to continue to promote the construction of grassroots rule of law into the work of the uninsured and go deep into schools and communities. Leaders of the Political and Legal Committee of the District Party Committee and the District Judicial Bureau, as well as relevant persons in charge of the District Civil Affairs Bureau, Beixinjing Street, and Xiyan'an Middle School attended the event.

"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival
"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival

Some of the pictures are from Beixinjing StreetWriting/Photography: Li Songnan Editor: Bi Yangjing Editor: Wang Bo* Please indicate the source of "Shanghai Changning"

"Specializing in 'summer' law popularization and 'not escorting' you", Beixinjing Street launched the rule of law cultural festival

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