
Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

author:Xiaochai Health Talk
Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

"Doctor, do you think I can still eat fruit? I have been unable to control my blood sugar, and I heard that bananas are 'natural insulin' that can lower blood sugar, so I eat several ...... every day."

Aunt Li asked anxiously, holding the blood glucose meter tightly in her hand, her eyes full of longing and uneasiness.

The doctor sighed helplessly and patiently explained: "Although bananas are rich in nutrients, they are not low in sugar and do not have the effect of lowering blood sugar.

You need to manage your blood sugar better by controlling your diet according to your doctor's advice. ”

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

When Aunt Li heard the doctor's explanation, a trace of disappointment flashed on her face, but hope was soon ignited again:

"And what other fruit can be eaten? It's so hot in summer, you can't eat bitter gourd all the time......"

In fact, many people, like Aunt Li, have misunderstandings about the relationship between fruits and blood sugar.

There are various "miraculous effects" of fruits in the market, such as bananas are "natural insulin", watermelon can lower blood pressure, etc.

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

These claims often lack scientific basis and may even mislead patients with undesirable consequences.

So, how should sugar friends choose fruits?

Which fruits are suitable for summer to supplement nutrition and help control blood sugar?

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

1. Lemon: Sour and relieves heat and controls blood sugar

Sweet and sour, citric is a great summer reliever, but it also has many unexpected effects.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant effects, which can strengthen immunity and prevent colds.

What's more, the citric acid in lemons can promote insulin secretion, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

2. Mango: Sweet and delicious, low glycemic index

Mango is sweet and delicious, and it is a favorite of many people.

But the sugar content of mango is not low, and many people are worried that eating mango will raise blood sugar.

In fact, mango does not have a high glycemic index, and it is rich in dietary fiber, which can delay the absorption of sugar and help control blood sugar.

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

3. Strawberries: Nutritious, low in calories and sugar

Strawberries are not only delicious, but they are also highly nutritious, rich in many nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, and more.

What's more, strawberries are relatively low in calories and sugar, making them an ideal choice for sugar lovers.

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

It is important to note that even fruits with a low glycemic index should not be consumed in excess.

It is recommended that sugar friends control the amount of fruit each time they eat about 100 grams, and adjust the amount of food according to their own blood sugar situation.

In addition to choosing the right fruit, sugar lovers also need to pay attention to the following:

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

Control total calorie intake: Although fruits are rich in nutrients, it is also important to control total calorie intake and avoid consuming too much sugar.

Choose the right time to eat: It is recommended to consume fruits between meals or 2 hours after meals, and avoid eating them before meals to avoid raising blood sugar.

Pay attention to the ripeness of the fruit: ripe fruits have a higher sugar content, so it is recommended to choose fruits with moderate ripeness.

Monitor your blood sugar regularly: After eating fruits, monitor your blood sugar in time so that you can adjust your diet in time.

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

Fruit is an important part of a healthy diet, and sugar lovers don't have to say no to fruit entirely.

Choosing the right fruit and paying attention to how you eat it will help you enjoy the delicious taste and control your blood sugar for a healthy summer.

Bananas are "natural insulin"?Gospel for sugar friends: 3 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be dropped while eating!

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)


Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016). Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2016.

Chinese Journal of Diabetes. A guide to choosing fruit for diabetics. Chinese Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2019, 27(1): 1-4.

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