
No. 1 in summer potassium supplementation! Potassium is 30 times that of winter melon and 16 times that of bananas

author:Morning mom food

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, it is about to come to the summer heat, and after the summer heat, followed by dog days, this is the hottest time of the year, during this time in addition to the hot weather, people often sweat more, do not walk a few steps after going out, are covered in sweat, and have a poor appetite for eating, often feel physically and mentally exhausted.

No. 1 in summer potassium supplementation! Potassium is 30 times that of winter melon and 16 times that of bananas

In most cases, this is the loss of potassium in the body, so in addition to hydrating more, it is also necessary to eat more potassium-rich foods in summer. As we all know, foods with high potassium content are bananas, potatoes, spinach, rape, winter melon, etc., among these vegetables, the first vegetable with potassium content is Pleurotus eryngii, its potassium content is 30 times that of winter melon, 16 times that of bananas, and it is rich in B group element cobalamin, which has many benefits for the body.

No. 1 in summer potassium supplementation! Potassium is 30 times that of winter melon and 16 times that of bananas

1. [Shrimp mushroom]

Main ingredients: 3 oyster mushrooms, peanuts, garlic, ginger, millet pepper, chopped green onion

No. 1 in summer potassium supplementation! Potassium is 30 times that of winter melon and 16 times that of bananas

1. Let's clean the oyster mushrooms first, put them in the steamer after cleaning, and steam them on high heat for 8 minutes

2. Prepare a few grains of garlic to flatten first, then cut into minced garlic, cut a small piece of ginger into minced pieces, and cut the millet pepper into rings.

3. Splash the minced garlic with hot oil, add two spoons of rice vinegar, a spoonful of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of sesame oil, a small spoon of salt, a little sugar, stir the juice evenly and set aside.

4. At this time, the oyster mushroom is also steamed, take it out and let it cool, and tear it into long strips after cooling, so that it is more flavorful than cutting it with a knife.

5. After all the tears are done, pour in the juice, add some peanuts to taste better, and finally sprinkle some green onions and stir evenly.

2. [Stir-fried beef with oyster mushrooms]

Main ingredients: Pleurotus eryngii, beef, green and red peppers

No. 1 in summer potassium supplementation! Potassium is 30 times that of winter melon and 16 times that of bananas

1. Cut the beef tenderloin into thin slices, grasp well with cooking wine, pepper, starch and a little salt, and marinate for 15 minutes. Sliced oyster mushrooms, shredded green and red peppers, sliced garlic and ginger.

2. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, heat it and put in the marinated beef tenderloin, stir-fry quickly until it changes color, and set aside.

3. Leave a little base oil in the pot, add ginger and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add the oyster mushroom slices and stir-fry until soft, then add the green and red pepper shreds and continue to stir-fry.

5. Add the beef tenderloin and stir-fry evenly, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar, and stir-fry evenly.

6. Add a little water and stir-fry, when the sauce is thick, sprinkle with chopped chives and white sesame seeds, remove from the pot and serve on a plate.

This dish is full of flavor and flavor, with succulent beef tenderloin and rich oyster mushrooms and rich sauce, making it a delicious main course on the family table.

3. [Stir-fried oyster mushroom]

Main ingredients: king oyster mushrooms, green and red peppers, shallots

No. 1 in summer potassium supplementation! Potassium is 30 times that of winter melon and 16 times that of bananas

1. Wash the oyster mushrooms and cut them into thin slices. Dried chili peppers cut into pieces, garlic and ginger sliced.

2. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, add the oyster mushroom slices after the oil is hot, and simmer slowly over low heat until the water content of the oyster mushrooms is reduced and the edges are golden and crispy.

3. Add dried chili peppers, ginger slices and garlic slices to the stir-fried oyster mushrooms and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt and sugar, and continue to stir-fry evenly so that the king oyster mushrooms are evenly coated with the seasoning.

5. Turn to high heat and stir-fry quickly, when the sauce is thickened, sprinkle with chopped chives and pepper, remove from the pot and put on a plate.

6. Place the dried oyster mushrooms on a clean white plate and garnish with a little chopped chives and red pepper segments.

This dry stir-fried king oyster mushroom is full of color and aroma, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, full of spicy flavor, very suitable for friends who like heavy taste.

Selection of oyster mushrooms

Some oyster mushrooms on the market may have been soaked in formaldehyde, which is to preserve them for a longer time, so we need to pay attention when choosing, the first thing is to smell the taste, normal oyster mushrooms are the natural taste of mushrooms, if there is a pungent odor, or sour, moldy, stinky smell, don't buy it.

No. 1 in summer potassium supplementation! Potassium is 30 times that of winter melon and 16 times that of bananas

In addition, when choosing the king oyster mushroom, you can buy about 10-15 cm, this length of the king oyster mushroom taste and freshness is the best, the king oyster mushroom also depends on the umbrella cover, the best one is not opened, the stem is relatively strong, and the color is milky white.

Use the simplest ingredients to make the most beautiful dishes, make a meal of love for the family, I am Mommy early, every day you will bring a home-cooked food. If you like me, like it, forward and follow it!

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