
Guo Shiqiang will never be soft! The men's national basketball team eliminated four more people, and there are only 17 people left in the current squad!

author:Frye talks about gossip

Foreword: Warm-up game in the hot summer

In this scorching summer, the warm-up game of the Chinese men's basketball team is like a heat wave on the basketball court, which has aroused a thousand waves in the hearts of fans. On June 27th, a seemingly inconspicuous contest set off a monstrous wave on the Internet - our national team was "bitten" by the Macau Black Bears, 78-83, the score was frozen, and the mood of the fans was also solidified.

Macau Black Bears: An opponent to be reckoned with

The Macau Black Bears, who may sound like amateurs, are actually a "ragtag army" composed of a group of wild ball masters and foreign players who have just won the TAT tournament and their strength should not be underestimated. this

Guo Shiqiang will never be soft! The men's national basketball team eliminated four more people, and there are only 17 people left in the current squad!

The game, like a well-arranged actual combat drill, unexpectedly became the Waterloo of the Chinese men's basketball team.

When it comes to the performance of the players, it is really a few joys and a few sorrows. Gao Shiyan and Zhu Mingzhen, who have faces in the CBA arena, seem to have been spelled this time, their hands are cold, and they make mistakes one after another. Fans exploded on social media, and some people ridiculed: "I'm afraid this game is not sending a 'foreign aid' recommendation letter to the opponent, right?" On the other hand, although the data of young players such as Yang Hansen is not obvious, it makes people see the light of hope for the future.

Internal Teaching Competition: A Problem That Can't Be Covered Up

Back to the training camp, the original 26-person squad looked a little bleak due to the absence of Zhou Qi, Hu Mingxuan and others. They were either injured or went to the United States for special training, and were absent from this feast of "summer training." The remaining 21 young men are all gearing up, eager to prove themselves under the nose of Guo Shiqiang's guidance. In the internal teaching game, the Chinese men's basketball team was full of firepower and easily won a 35-point lead, but this "closed-door soup" was not broadcast live to the outside world, which made fans regret for a while.

Open Warm-up Match: Plot reversal

The plot reversal of the open warm-up match caught people off guard. The first three quarters were steady, but in the fourth quarter, it seemed that the whole team was pressed the pause button, with frequent mistakes, inaccurate shots, and finally overtaken by the opponent. The fans' emoji war broke out in an instant, shaking their heads helplessly on the one hand, and hating iron and steel on the other hand.

Guo Shiqiang's iron-fisted strategy

Coach Guo Shiqiang, the tough guy on the court in the past, is now a strict teacher. After the game, his sentence "The basic skills are not solid, the game is to look in the demon mirror" pierced people's hearts. The decision to eliminate the four youngsters is ruthless, but it is also a thoughtful consideration for the future of the team. In the eyes of Director Guo, there are no stars, only fighters who do their best.

Looking closely at the existing 17-man roster, Cheng Shuaipeng's dexterous breakthrough on the guard line, He Xining's calm command, and Zhao Weilun's newborn calf's heart that is not afraid of tigers are all shining stars of the future. In the forward group, when will Du Runwang's three-point rain baptize the opponent again? How can Zhu Junlong's defense go to the next level? In the center position, can Yu Jiahao's height advantage translate into dominance under the basket? Every player is an important piece on the chessboard of Guo Gui.

The future of the Chinese men's basketball team

The Chinese men's basketball team is like a basketball teenager in adolescence, full of ambition but also falls on his heels from time to time. The road ahead, said to be a sea of stars, is actually more like a playground covered with morning mist, and every step has to be carefully groped forward. When it comes to basic skills and teamwork, these two words, fans are almost hearing the cocoon, but when they say a thousand, they say 10,000, and when it comes to a critical moment, they smear oil on the soles of their feet, which is simply "no matter how high the martial arts are, they are afraid of kitchen knives".

At this time, the two guys we talked about may be light and breezy on weekdays, but now they seem to be wearing iron shoes and walking calmly like the old basketball in the corner of the training hall. Every time the boys slapped it, the ball "banged", as if to say: "Young man, don't just look at me disgraced, what we pay attention to here is real kung fu in exchange for real sweat." ”

Guo Shiqiang will never be soft! The men's national basketball team eliminated four more people, and there are only 17 people left in the current squad!

A contest of strength and mentality

That sounds so true! It's like the old Wang Tou next door educating his son: "Don't think about pie in the sky all day long, with that effort, move two more bricks, and the house will be built long ago." "Strength is a thing, it's silent, but it's more reliable than anyone else. is like the martial arts dramas we have chased together in those years, the masters have made moves, one move and one style seem to be ordinary, but in fact, the internal strength is profound, that is the contest of real money, not by lip service.

So, no matter how eloquent you usually are, you have to have two brushes in your hands at critical moments. It's like the pancake of the second aunt of the village entrance, golden and crispy on the outside, soft and hot on the inside, which is a real heat and effort. Whether it's life or work, in the end, it's the real ability of "strength witness, sweat casting".

Reflections after the game

The next game is like a big meal after a common meal, and the test is how the "food" is on weekdays. If you win, that's the icing on the cake, and if you lose, you have to go home and gnaw on the "nest head" and reflect on it. Summer training, which sounds like a sweaty word, is not just as simple as a few tans for the Chinese men's basketball team.

It is a self-revolution, from the inside to the outside of the "scraping bones to cure the poison", if you want to reproduce the glory of the "return of the great sage" on the international stage, this bowl of "bitter medicine", you have to take a mouthful! For individual players, this is the road to promotion from bronze to king, and every drop of sweat records the trajectory of growth.

Future outlook: hand in hand

The boys of the Chinese men's basketball team are now like sprinters standing on the starting line, and as soon as the gun goes off, they have to go all out to rush forward. As for whether we can plant the victory flag belonging to China at the finish line, let's wait and see. After all, miracles are always reserved for those who dare to dream and dare to challenge. Chinese men's basketball team, come on! Our youth is to be so enthusiastic!

Conclusion: The expectation and support of the fans

The voice of the fans is simple and direct: "Men's basketball team, you can have a snack!" "We look forward to this group of young men being able to draw strength from setbacks and find direction from failures under the tutelage of Coach Guo Shiqiang. After all, there are no eternal winners on the basketball court, only fighters who never give up. Chinese men's basketball team, our national brand, in the future, we will fight with you!

In-depth summary: Guo Shiqiang will never be soft! The men's national basketball team eliminated four more players, and there are only 17 players left in the current roster

The results of the competition sparked heated discussions

The Chinese men's basketball team lost 78-83 in the warm-up game against the Macau Black Bears, a result that sparked widespread discussion and reflection. Although the Macau Black Bears may sound like an amateur team, they are actually made up of a group of wild ball players and foreign players who have returned from overseas, and their strength should not be underestimated. The game became an unexpected defeat for the Chinese men's basketball team, and the performance of the players was also uneven.

Player performance and coach attitude

In the game, players such as Gao Shiyan and Zhu Mingzhen who performed well in the CBA did not play well, with cold hands and frequent mistakes. Although the data of young players such as Yang Hansen is not outstanding, they show potential for the future. After the game, head coach Guo Shiqiang mercilessly pointed out the problem that the team's basic skills are not solid, and made the decision to eliminate four players. Although this decision is harsh, it reflects Guo Shiqiang's thoughtful and high standards for the future of the team.

Guo Shiqiang will never be soft! The men's national basketball team eliminated four more people, and there are only 17 people left in the current squad!

The potential and shortcomings of the existing squad

Among the remaining 17 players on the current Chinese men's basketball team, there are Cheng Shuaipeng's dexterous breakthroughs on the guard line, He Xining's calm command, and Zhao Weilun's fighting spirit, Du Runwang's three-point shooting ability and Zhu Junlong's defensive strength in the forward group, and Yu Jiahao's height advantage in the center position. These players are all future stars, but they also face their own challenges and need to improve and prove themselves in the game.

The future direction of the team

Guo Shiqiang's iron-fisted strategy and stern attitude are designed to motivate the players to perform at their best in the game. The Chinese men's basketball team needs to continuously strengthen its basic skills and teamwork to improve the technical level and tactical literacy of its players. At the same time, the team needs to work more on the mental quality and game experience to cope with the various challenges on the international stage.

The importance of summer training

Summer training is not only a training opportunity for the Chinese men's basketball team, but also a self-revolution. Players need to improve their strength through high-intensity training and games during this time, overcoming technical shortcomings and psychological pressure. Summer training not only helps players make technical breakthroughs, but also strengthens the team's cohesion and combat effectiveness, preparing for the upcoming international competition.

The direction of the player's personal development

For every player, the summer training and the next games are an opportunity to show their quality and gain playing time. Cheng Shuai Peng needs to continue to improve in terms of breakthrough and organization, He Xining needs to remain calm and stable in key moments, and Zhao Weilun needs to play a bigger role in defense and attack. Du Runwang needs to be consistent in three-point shooting percentage, and Zhu Junlong needs to

Guo Shiqiang will never be soft! The men's national basketball team eliminated four more people, and there are only 17 people left in the current squad!

To contribute more on the defensive end. Center Yu Jiahao needs to take advantage of his height advantage to improve his dominance under the basket.

The anticipation and support of the fans

Fans are full of expectations and support for the Chinese men's basketball team, and they want to see the team achieve better results in the international arena. The voices of the fans are both a motivation for the team and a spur to the management and coaching staff. Only with the support of the fans can the team continue to improve and move to a higher stage.

Summary and outlook

The Chinese men's basketball team exposed many problems in the game against the Macau Black Bears, but it was also a rare opportunity for self-reflection and improvement. Guo Shiqiang's iron-fisted strategy and stern attitude, as well as the team's efforts in summer training, paved the way for future victories. The players need to improve in the game, find their place and contribute to the overall strength of the team. The future of the Chinese men's basketball team is full of challenges, but it is also full of hope. Let's look forward to this young team shining on the international stage and winning more honors for Chinese basketball.

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