
Food recommendation: How to make mountain cured dog meat jerky pot, caviar and oysters, and roast pork knuckles

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: How to make mountain cured dog meat jerky pot, caviar and oysters, and roast pork knuckles

Dried pot of mountain cured dog meat

Raw material:

500 grams of preserved dog meat, 250 grams of tea tree mushrooms, dried sea pepper sections, green peppercorns, diced onions, ginger slices, garlic slices, garlic sprouts, mint leaves, refined salt, chicken essence, fresh soup, sesame oil, 1000 grams of salad oil (about 100 grams).


1. Wash the cured dog meat and change the knife into slices; Tea tree mushrooms are cleaned, and the knife is changed into segments.

2. Put the pot on the heat, pour in the salad oil and cook until it is hot, add the dog meat slices and tea tree mushroom segments and fry until fragrant, pour out and drain the oil.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put in the dried sea pepper section, diced onion, ginger slices and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, mix in the fresh soup, put in the dog meat slices and tea tree mushrooms, after boiling, add refined salt and chicken essence, continue to burn until the dog meat is cooked thoroughly, drip in sesame oil, put it into the pot with green peppercorns, and finally sprinkle the garlic sprouts and mint leaves, and serve it on the table with the lit stove.

Preserved dog meat production:

Raw material:

5 kg of soil dog hind leg meat, 250 grams of rose wine, 10 bay leaves, 8 grams of fennel, 4 grass fruits, 10 grams of star anise, 10 grams of cloves, 15 grams of cinnamon, 15 grams of tangerine peel, 5 pieces of bean curd, 350 pieces of ginger, refined salt, thirteen spices, peppercorn noodles, and bacon spices [Note].


1. Soak the dog meat in clean water and clean the blood, change the knife into large pieces, put it in a large wooden basin, first marinate it with refined salt and rose wine for 15 minutes, and then add bay leaves, fennel, grass fruit, star anise, cloves, cinnamon, tangerine peel, fermented bean curd (pressed into a puree), ginger, pepper noodles, thirteen spices, etc., and mix well, continue to marinate for 48 hours (turn once in the middle).

2. Take out the marinated dog meat and hang it at the tuyere for 5 days until it dries dry.

3. Take a large iron bucket, put bacon spices under the barrel, insert a few iron rods in the middle of the barrel, and then put the dried dog meat on top of the iron rod, turn an iron pot upside down as a cover, ignite the bacon spices below, and smoke until the dog meat is ruddy.

Note: The bacon spice is made of green charcoal, sawdust, orange peel, bay leaves, peanut shells, and walnut shells.

Food recommendation: How to make mountain cured dog meat jerky pot, caviar and oysters, and roast pork knuckles

Caviar and oysters

Recipe (1 serving):

10 grams of caviar, 1 oyster, 1 egg, 5 grams of sour cream, 2 grams of chopped parsley, 20 grams of cuttlefish juice.


1. Boil the eggs in water for 13 minutes, then immediately remove them and soak them in ice water, remove the shells, separate the whites and yolks, and grind them.

2. Add an appropriate amount of white wine to the cuttlefish sauce and simmer for 30 minutes.

3. Brush the plate with a brush and arrange the plate according to the picture.


1. The quality of caviar must be good, fresh and reliable, and the oysters must be fresh.

2. For oysters and caviar, don't have too much seasoning.

Food recommendation: How to make mountain cured dog meat jerky pot, caviar and oysters, and roast pork knuckles

Roast pork knuckles


1000 grams of pork trotters, 2 grams of garlic, 2 grams of ginger, 2 grams of salt, 5 grams of light soy sauce.


1. Cut the pig's trotters into pieces, wash them and set aside.

2. Pat the garlic and ginger with the skin on the back of a knife, pour it into a clay pot with oil, and then pour in pig's trotters, water, light soy sauce and salt for cooking.

3. Cook the pig's trotters over slow heat to soften the gelatinous body.

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