
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush

author:Love Jade Gate

Source: Smile Fish Kitchen

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1. Lotus root: cold lotus root slices!

When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush

2. Lotus seeds: Lotus seed white fungus soup!

When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush

3. Water chestnut: water chestnut roasted pork ribs!

When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush

4. Chicken head rice: asparagus chicken head rice shrimp!

When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush
When entering the summer season, don't forget to eat "4 fresh in water" to replenish nutrients to cool off the heat and prepare for the ambush

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