
The Zhifu District Disabled Persons' Federation implements the "three-in" work method and answers the "three" answer sheet for serving the disabled

author:Big and small news

Big and small news client, June 29 (YMG all-media reporter Wang Yao, correspondent Zhang Zehui) Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation that the Zhifu District Disabled Persons' Federation has carried out the "three advances" work method at the grassroots level, and every month, the leaders in charge will lead the department to go into the streets, communities, and homes of the disabled to carry out visits and research, and open up the "last mile" to serve the masses.

Strengthen the mechanism and answer the service disability security paper. A team meeting was held to study and formulate the "Opinions on the Implementation of Liaison Visits to the Grassroots Work" in early May, and to clarify the main tasks and work requirements of the visits. Count and summarize the work content that needs to be investigated and supervised before the monthly visit, sort out the investigation contact situation after the visit, and summarize the problem solving situation every quarter.

The Zhifu District Disabled Persons' Federation implements the "three-in" work method and answers the "three" answer sheet for serving the disabled

Conduct extensive research and answer the appeal of the disabled for services. Since the launch of the "Three Advances" work, the Zhifu District Disabled Persons' Federation has gone deep into 12 streets, 18 communities and 9 homes of the disabled in the district to fully understand the overall situation of the disabled in the district, the implementation of policies, and the difficulties and needs of the disabled, so as to meet the reasonable demands of the disabled in an all-round way.

The Zhifu District Disabled Persons' Federation implements the "three-in" work method and answers the "three" answer sheet for serving the disabled

Re-implement, answer the service for the disabled to solve the question sheet. With a sincere, responsible and pragmatic attitude, respond to and implement the problems and suggestions collected during the visit one by one. For the 6 shortcomings found in the grassroots work, a special meeting of the leadership team was held to study and feedback the rectification opinions to the grassroots level; For the 8 problems related to persons with disabilities that need to be solved, relevant departments will be organized to actively help solve them; The 7 work suggestions collected will be used as a strong basis and support for improvement and optimization work, and will be followed up and implemented by the specific responsible departments.

The Zhifu District Disabled Persons' Federation implements the "three-in" work method and answers the "three" answer sheet for serving the disabled

In the next step, the Zhifu District Disabled Persons' Federation will continue to promote the normalization of grassroots visits, gain an in-depth understanding of the difficulties, hot spots, and blocking points of the disabled, and establish a list of problems in a timely manner. At the same time, we should widely absorb the opinions of the grassroots, optimize work methods, better provide standardized, efficient and professional services for the disabled people, and effectively improve the sense of gain, happiness and satisfaction of the disabled people.

Editor-in-charge: Wang Yao

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