
The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here

author:New capital release
The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here


Xindu District in 2024

The voluntary guidance line for filling in the high school entrance examination was announced

Today at 10:00 a.m ⏰

Chengdu high school examination sub-system has been opened

Xiaoxin is available to everyone

2024 Xindu District High School Entrance Examination Fill in the Volunteer Guidance Line

And attached is the statistical table of the results of the high school entrance examination in Xindu District

I wish you all the best of luck!

In 2024, a total of 10,791 people in our district have registered for the high school entrance examination

8799 people referenced

According to the enrollment plan of the two types of high schools and the results of the high school entrance examination

In order to ensure the completion of the enrollment task of two types of high schools in our district

It was decided by the Recruitment Committee

The two types of high schools in our district are delineated as follows


The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here

1. All high schools should strictly implement the provincial, municipal, and district enrollment policies and strictly abide by the enrollment discipline.

2. All high schools should strictly implement the enrollment plan to ensure the completion of the enrollment task of the whole district.

3. All high schools should do a good job in the enrollment work plan and emergency plan, deal with the relevant problems in the enrollment process, and ensure the orderly, safe and stable development of the enrollment work.

Notice is hereby given.

Chengdu Xindu District University Secondary School Admissions Committee

June 28, 2024

Xindu District High School Entrance Examination Score Segmentation Statistical Table

The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here
The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here
The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here
The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here
The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here

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Edit | Deng Xiao

Editor-in-charge | Huang Yangmin source | Xindu Education

The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here
The Xindu 2024 high school entrance examination score line is here

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