
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus

author:Seven Mile River release

In order to further do a good job in drug prevention and education among young people, set off an upsurge of anti-drug propaganda and education, enhance young people's awareness of self-protection, and create a healthy and safe environment for growth. With the June 26 International Anti-Drug Day as the starting point, Qilihe District actively carried out anti-drug publicity and education activities, strengthened the main anti-drug position on campus, and built a "anti-drug wall" on a drug-free campus, so that the flower of youth could bloom beautifully on the green and drug-free pure land.

Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus

Rabindranath Tagore once said, "Life is like the splendor of summer flowers, and death is like the quiet beauty of autumn leaves." "Living healthily and worthily is the greatest gift to life, to parents, and to society.

Cherish life and stay away from drugs

The police officers in the jurisdiction brought vivid anti-drug knowledge lectures to the students of Wangjiapu Primary School, Yintan Zehua Primary School, and Jianlan Road Primary School. The police officer introduced the definition, types, and hazards of drugs in simple terms, as well as how to identify and prevent drugs, especially the characteristics, harms, and identification methods of new drugs. At the same time, combined with real cases, the students were explained the great harm of drug abuse to individuals, families and society, and guided the students to establish a correct world view, outlook on life and values, and enhance their vigilance and awareness of drug prevention.

Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus

The bright five-star red flag rose with the sound of the national anthem, and the student representatives of the No. 2 Primary School and Xizhan Primary School in Qilihe District gave speeches under the national flag. "Dear teachers, dear students, good morning! Today, the theme of my speech under the national flag is – cherish life, stay away from drugs. As students, we must truly recognize the harm of drugs, establish a clear understanding, cultivate a strong will, build a solid psychological line of defense, and resist the harm of drugs to the body and mind..... "Raise the national flag once, receive an education; Raise the national flag once, be edified once. Through this flag-raising activity, the importance of anti-drug and the prevention of drug harm were emphasized to students.

Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus

Each class of Mars Street Primary School organized an anti-drug theme team meeting to let students have an in-depth understanding of the harm of drugs through group discussions and case studies. At the same time, combined with the interests of students, the atmosphere of the scene was set off round after round of climax with vivid and lively forms such as melodrama, allegro, and hand dance exercises.

Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus

The students of Lanzhou No. 55 Middle School boarded the anti-drug propaganda mobile car, and under the leadership of the anti-drug lecturer, they learned the types of drugs, the dangers of drugs, and how to prevent new drugs in combination with drug simulation models, anti-drug games, anti-drug exhibition boards, VR experiences and other forms.

Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus
Qilihe District has set off a new upsurge of anti-drug publicity and education on campus

This series of anti-drug prevention education and publicity activities on campus not only enhanced the ability of all teachers and students to distinguish drugs, but also improved the awareness of drug prevention and self-protection ability of teachers and students. All schools in Qilihe District will take this opportunity to further increase anti-drug publicity, innovate publicity methods, enrich publicity content, let anti-drug knowledge be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and jointly play the main theme of "cherishing life, staying away from drugs, harmonious campus, and having you and me".

Reporter: Yuan Rui Editor-in-charge: Ren Siyu Review: Chen Yaling

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