
Man stopped swimming in drinking water backup reservoir! Shouting: I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I reveal my identity!

author:Heavy rain drama can be said
Man stopped swimming in drinking water backup reservoir! Shouting: I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I reveal my identity!

I'm really going to write a good one this time! You see, as a "big V" blogger with 10 years of experience in self-media writing, I am responsible for my own articles. This incident is really shocking, this so-called "Kochi" professor is really shocking to us ordinary people!

I just saw that video and I almost fainted. A professor dared to swim in a backup reservoir for drinking water, shouting "I've swam everywhere" and "I'll scare you to death if I reveal my identity". I said, buddy, do you have a problem with your brain? You can't swim in a drinking water source even if you're the Minister of Education! This is about the safety of drinking water for millions of people!

You say, what the hell does this professor think? As a highly educated person, doesn't he know the importance of backup reservoirs? Didn't he understand that swimming there would pollute the water and endanger the health of the people? You know, it's about the lives of millions of people!

Man stopped swimming in drinking water backup reservoir! Shouting: I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I reveal my identity!

I really hate that iron does not make steel, such a "knowledgeable person" would do such an irresponsible thing. Not only that, but he also tried to come up with his "identity" to suppress law enforcement officers, which is so low! You say, shouldn't you, as a professor, always lead by example and set a good example for your students? Your behavior not only damages the image of the education community, but also seriously violates social morality.

To be honest, I was so angry that I wanted to vomit when I watched what this professor was doing. We, ordinary people, are running for our own livelihood every day, so how can we have time to care about these so-called "intellectuals"? But you "elites" are so out of tune, so without a sense of social responsibility.

You say, if this professor really reveals his "identity", then what will he do? What if he is really a "good friend" of a certain leader? Wouldn't that have to be someone to defend him and excuse him? I think these "intellectuals" are just a bunch of self-righteous guys who like to be arrogant, feel that they are superior to others, and can do whatever they want.

Man stopped swimming in drinking water backup reservoir! Shouting: I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I reveal my identity!

But I really want to ask him, have you ever thought about the interests of thousands of ordinary people? Have you ever wondered what kind of impact you will have on society by doing this? As a professor, shouldn't you be responsible for your words and actions?

I really hope that something like this doesn't happen again. We, ordinary people, are running for life every day, so how can we have time to care about these so-called "elites"? But you are so out of tune, so without a sense of social responsibility.

I really hope that the education sector will pay attention to strengthening the education of public ethics for teachers, so that they can fundamentally establish correct values and a sense of social responsibility. Only in this way can our society truly move towards civilization and progress, so that everyone can live and work with peace of mind.

Man stopped swimming in drinking water backup reservoir! Shouting: I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I reveal my identity!

As a self-media practitioner, I also feel deeply. As public figures, we should always pay attention to our words and deeds, set an example, and set a good example for our readers. We should guide readers with correct values, so that more people can realize the importance of social morality and contribute their own strength to society.

To be honest, I really admire those law enforcement officers. In the face of an angry "professor", they still remained calm and rational, and patiently persuaded him. I think they are the real social heroes, they maintain the public order of the society and protect the interests of millions of people.

I believe that as long as everyone can establish correct values and enhance the awareness of social morality, our society will definitely become more civilized and orderly. Let's work together to contribute to this beautiful home!

Man stopped swimming in drinking water backup reservoir! Shouting: I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I reveal my identity!

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