
The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

author:Calligraphy and Painting Art 123

December 11, 1936, was a day that was etched in the annals of history for the British people. On the same day, they received shocking news - King Edward VIII, who was only 42 years old, had submitted an application for resignation.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Allow me to tell you frankly that without the untold encouragement and assistance of a woman whom I love, I would find it difficult for me to take on the heavy duty of king alone. Therefore, after much deliberation, I decided to abdicate the throne.

For the world today, the emotion of this resignation report is truly moving.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

It is like a beautiful legend of a beautiful woman who abandons the country and pursues true love. However, for the British people at the time, this choice was as absurd as the sky falling apart, and it was unbelievable.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

However, Edward VIII resolutely abandoned the people of the whole country for the sake of Mrs. Simpson, and he not only openly challenged the prohibition of religion, but also ran counter to the British constitution.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Perhaps it was because of his deep attachment to Mrs. Simpson that Edward's obsession is still talked about today, and that unusual old man's enthusiasm still shines through the ages.

According to relevant information, although Edward VIII has married Mrs. Simpson, he still thinks about her in his heart, thinking about her needs and problems all the time.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

As George VI ascended the throne and delivered his impassioned inaugural speech, he sat indoors, needlework in hand, busy making a warm sweater for his beloved wife Simpson.

From this, it can be inferred that the attitude of the royal family and the whole of England towards this unreliable king is self-evident.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

King George VI decided to give his brother, the Duke of Windsor, the honourable status and generously stipulated that a stipend of £25,000 would be allocated to him each year.

However, the royal family then reconsidered the matter and decided to provide only £21,000 to Edward VIII, but only if he and his wife Simpson stayed away from British territory, otherwise he would not be able to receive any financial assistance.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

As a result, Edward VIII had no choice but to leave his homeland with his beloved Mrs. Simpson, and travel to many countries to live a life of wandering.

It is true that there is also a conclusive record in the long history of Edward VIII, who had been adrift in a foreign land, and deeply regretted the decision to abdicate the throne under the baptism of time.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

For this reason, he repeatedly tried to make a comeback, and even after the death of his younger brother, he did not hesitate to eyed his niece's throne in an attempt to replace him.

However, the British royal family was well aware of Edward VIII's unrealistic ideas, and his mother, Queen Mary, saw him through. Thus, despite his many ideals, Edward VIII failed to achieve his wishes and became a tragic figure.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

When Edward VIII was about to abdicate the throne, Mrs. Simpson tried to dissuade him, hoping that he would think twice.

From an objective standpoint, we have a fact that cannot be ignored: Mrs. Simpson is connected to Edward VIII himself, not Edward, who bears the name of the Duke of Windsor.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Mrs. Simpson was not content with the simple role of a lover, her inner ambition drove her to aspire to a higher status and glory, and what she pursued was the supreme status and lofty status.

Becoming a queen is the pinnacle of glory, but even if you don't make it, becoming the Duchess of Windsor is a privileged choice. In this capacity, she proved that she was connected to the royal family, thus filling her inner desire for glory and status.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

In his pursuit of this goal, King Edward VIII persevered and persevered in making a request to the Crown: I beg that my wife be granted the honourable title of Her Royal Highness.

However, George VI may not have agreed. His life had been peaceful and happy, but this woman had thrown her into chaos, how could he easily bestow her on that glorious royal title?

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

For this matter, Edward VIII can be said to have lost face, and even the last bit of dignity was abandoned.

Once, after lingering on the sickbed for a long time, George VI finally put down his dignity as a king and came to visit his brother in person, showing a deep brotherhood.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Unexpectedly, from his sickbed, Edward VIII earnestly made a plea to George VI, hoping that the king would bestow him the title of Lady of Honor. This move undoubtedly brought a lot of surprise to George VI.

George VI returned devastated that his brother had been corrupted by the Simpsons' poison and had fallen into an irreparable situation.

Edward VIII remained true to his beliefs, and until his death in 1972, he continued to try to meet with the King of England, his niece Elizabeth II, in the hope of securing the title of royal family for Simpson. His persistence and perseverance have become a good story for later generations.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Some people can't help but wonder if Edward VIII, who was deeply infatuated with Mrs. Simpson, also received an affectionate response from her?

In the realm of love, we may not be able to accurately measure the reciprocity of love, but we must ensure that both parties can exist as equals and maintain this affection together.

After Mrs. Simpson left the royal family, her opinion of Edward VIII changed completely, and she even disparaged him as "a good-for-nothing being". This fact, as absurd as it sounds, is an indisputable fact.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Not to mention the green halo she had woven for Edward VIII, her arrogant attitude towards a duke alone was enough to make the world feel unacceptable.

Mrs. Simpson's attitude towards Edward VIII gradually became cold, so that she gradually showed the posture of a haughty hostess towards a humble manservant, and did not shy away from even harshly reprimanding and reprimanding him in front of the guests.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

When Edward VIII still had the money at his disposal and was still able to move freely, every time he gave Mrs. Simpson a gift that could be used to show off, she would "love" her husband with joy as if she were in love, and wear those dazzling jewels to show off everywhere in a state of affection.

When Edward VIII's illness was so severe that he could barely get up, Mrs. Simpson no longer had to worry about the eyes of others. Even though the two lived in the same building, she still had no intention of going downstairs to visit her seriously ill husband.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

In 1972, Edward VIII was afflicted by illness and felt that there was no hope of recovery. However, he still cared for his wife, and with deep concern, he did everything in his power to ask to see Elizabeth II again.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Finally, Elizabeth II walked up to Edward VIII, and the feud between uncle and nephew disappeared at this moment. However, Edward VIII remained preoccupied with the issue of Simpson's title, and he implored the queen to grant his wife a royal status to show her prestige.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

The queen and the uncle met in secret, and the content of the conversation was always shrouded in a mysterious fog, and no one has been able to uncover the truth so far.

However, Edward was quite calm when he died, and his only regret was that he did not see his beloved Mrs. Simpson until the end of his life.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

At that time, Mrs. Simpson lived upstairs in Edward VIII's house until he closed his eyes and slept for the last breath. Then she walked slowly downstairs and sat down beside the bedside of the man who had given up the throne for her, gently taking his hand and gazing affectionately.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

It's a foregone conclusion, and looking back, what memories did Edward VIII's heart echo at the end of his life?

I am afraid that in addition to those pictures of Mrs. Simpson's affectionate style in the past, there will continue to emerge one after another clips of sharp ridicule and ruthless sarcasm.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

These fragments were unwanted by Edward VIII, and yet, apart from the persistent and deep love between him and Simpson, they seemed to be left with nothing but helplessness after abandoning the throne.

Especially in the face of Mrs. Simpson's indignation at the unconfirmed identity, he is afraid that he will be haunted by it for the rest of his life.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

It is worth mentioning that Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson did not leave any children.

When his life was dying, only Elizabeth II, as the queen, was the only person he entrusted with the future. So, at the end of his life, he bowed his head to his niece, honored her as queen, and secretly consulted with her about the aftermath to make sure everything was in order.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Thinking about it, the queen also felt that the uncle's life work did not seem to be duly rewarded, so until the death of Edward VIII, she did not give Mrs. Simpson the slightest royal status, which seemed to have become an insurmountable hurdle in her heart.

Mrs. Simpson suffered undoubtedly the heaviest loss of her life.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

Ironically, however, Mrs. Simpson has finally left this world after fourteen years.

After a deliberate decision by the British royal family, her body was buried next to Edward VIII, and from then on, she officially received the honorary status of HRH The Duchess of Windsor.

The Queen's uncle is humble in love, giving everything for Mrs. Simpson but no one is sending her to the end, relying on his niece to clean up the aftermath

The honorable title that this lady pursued all her life eventually became an eternal mark on her tombstone after her death.

Perhaps, this was the last conversation between Edward VIII and his niece, right?

International Responsibility Editor: Xiao Menglin


Artistic CV:

Xiao Menglin, a famous Chinese painter, is a poet and playwright in West Lake.

Graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of China Academy of Art. Chinese flowers, birds, fish and insects, landscapes, and famous people.

It is now:

World stage design artist


Artistic director of the grand stage of the opening ceremony of major national projects

China Olympic Games, Korea World Cup, Japan East Olympics, Hangzhou Asian Games, served as the artistic director of the China Pavilion

Dean of Hangzhou Mudanjiang Academy

He is a visiting professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Chinese Painting at the China Academy of Art

Chinese painting color grading expert at the Academy of Fine Arts of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

An expert in the restoration of ancient paintings in the Art Department of the Palace Museum in Beijing

Vice President of Zhongnanhai Newspaper Cover Art Editor

Her peony pictures, color lotus pictures, ink lotus, and figures have become world famous paintings