
"After the college entrance examination, I spent my mother's 3 months' salary in 2 days": I finally understand why everyone doesn't want to have a baby

author:A small world of detachment

I swiped a post on a red book:

"After the college entrance examination, I spent 3 months of my mother's salary in 2 days"

The blogger said that her college entrance examination was over, and her mother rewarded her with 20,000 yuan (equivalent to her mother's 3 months' salary), which she used freely.

After the blogger got the money, he immediately arranged for himself an "Apple three-piece set", as well as cosmetics, skin care products and other items.

It only took 2 days, and only a few dozen of the 20,000 pieces remained.

"After the college entrance examination, I spent my mother's 3 months' salary in 2 days": I finally understand why everyone doesn't want to have a baby

When I first saw this post, my first thought was: ridiculous!

Children from poor families are raised according to the standards of the rich, isn't it normal for children to not understand and feel sorry for their parents?

Although it was later found out that this was an advertising drainage post, the phenomenon it reflected was not uncommon in reality, and this is probably one of the reasons why more and more people are reluctant to have children.

Although many people now say that they have children, it is not to raise children to prevent old age.

But who doesn't want their child to be a caring person? When a child does something chilling, parents will also be very hurt and will regret giving birth to the child.

For example, the experience of the following netizens:

"I went downstairs to play with my 10-year-old daughter, I was thirsty, and I wanted to drink some water brought by my daughter, but my daughter refused to live or die, saying that I didn't drink enough at school. At that time, my heart was cold, and I almost didn't go to the street to scold. ”
"After the college entrance examination, I spent my mother's 3 months' salary in 2 days": I finally understand why everyone doesn't want to have a baby
"One day, my 7-year-old son suddenly said, 'Mom, I wish you were dead.' Holding back his anger and asking why, the child said that I would leave him alone because I was dead. At that time, I was really hurt by the child's serious appearance. ”
"After the college entrance examination, I spent my mother's 3 months' salary in 2 days": I finally understand why everyone doesn't want to have a baby
"I and my husband are very filial and very good people to the elderly, but once I had cervical spondylosis, I was very uncomfortable, and asked my daughter to accompany me to the hospital, but my daughter said that it would be good to sleep, and all day long, I didn't say that it hurt or that pain, and I pretended to be dead. Since then, I don't love my daughter anymore. ”
"After the college entrance examination, I spent my mother's 3 months' salary in 2 days": I finally understand why everyone doesn't want to have a baby
"Two daughters, one is 11 years old and one is 9 years old, every time they go to the supermarket to buy daily necessities, they are carrying their own big bags and small bags, and the two daughters are indifferent, asking the boss to help, and the boss has to fight with the second child, saying why the sister doesn't have to take it."
"After the college entrance examination, I spent my mother's 3 months' salary in 2 days": I finally understand why everyone doesn't want to have a baby
"My daughter has always been the meat of my heart, but once I went out to eat, I ate something very spicy, so I drank a bottle of my daughter's milk, but my daughter was very angry and snatched it, and I felt so cold at that time."
"After the college entrance examination, I spent my mother's 3 months' salary in 2 days": I finally understand why everyone doesn't want to have a baby

In the sharing of these mothers, I can feel their disappointment and helplessness towards their children.

Nowadays, people's lives are already under great pressure, and if you raise a child, you will eventually be half angry with yourself, and your willingness to have children will naturally be greatly reduced.

However, understanding is understanding, I always believe that every child is a blank slate at the beginning, and what they will become in the end is closely related to their parents.

Although some parents are very good to their children, they are heart-wrenching.

But the relationship between husband and wife is very bad, and they don't know how to love themselves at all, or they use the wrong way to be good to their children.

In these cases, the child can become a caring little padded jacket or a little warm man, and that is all by luck.

How parents treat their children, how they deal with their relationships, how they deal with their own relationships, etc., are all imperceptibly influencing their children.

To put it more bluntly and cruelly, children don't talk to their parents and don't know how to feel sorry for their parents, in fact, they are all caused by their parents, but they may not have found out.

"After the college entrance examination, I spent my mother's 3 months' salary in 2 days": I finally understand why everyone doesn't want to have a baby

I have recently experienced this very well.

I am a mother of two children, Dabao is 7 years old and Xiaobao is 3 years old.

In the past month, because my husband has been on a business trip, I have started a life of being in charge of everything and writing to make money.

Anyone who has experienced it knows what this means, plus the mother-in-law is angry with you from time to time, and she is really exhausted every day.

At this time, I will hope that Dabao can be sensible and can help me with some things, such as doing simple housework, or playing with my sister independently.

But I don't have that much time and patience to teach her well, so a lot of the time it becomes a request and a blame.

Dabao was naturally aggrieved in his heart, and then various problems appeared:

Talking to classmates in class, not completing homework on time, and often making Xiaobao cry at home.

Students who never let teachers and parents worry about them before were left in class twice a week by teachers and complained three times.

At first, I was angry, aggrieved, and felt physically and mentally exhausted.

But calm down and think about it, how did a good child suddenly become so annoying?

It's impossible for a child to become like this for no reason!

I began to reflect on myself, and then my husband also came back from a business trip, and from the way he got along with Dabao, I found out that I was too anxious and too strict with Dabao.

Now my own state has improved, my children are slowly getting better, and everything is slowly getting back on track.

Therefore, I think that the "deterioration" of children is actually influenced by the family, but many times we do not realize it ourselves.

Do you agree with that?

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