
From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?



With the continuous progress of technology, the innovation is getting stronger and stronger, and some technologies from the mainland have also shown advantages, and the price of nuclear magnetic resonance instruments imported from the mainland is getting higher and higher.

The price of domestic nuclear magnetic resonance instruments is getting lower and lower, and the price of an imported nuclear magnetic resonance instrument can buy several domestic nuclear magnetic resonance instruments, why is the price contrast so large?

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

The role of NMR.

Nuclear magnetic resonance, also known as magnetic resonance imaging, or NMRI for short, detects signals of different frequencies from the body's hydrogen nuclei and then converts these signals into images.

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

These signals of different frequencies are mainly due to the fact that each part of the human organ has its own characteristics, so it also corresponds to different signals, so that we can identify the organs of the human body through different signals.

The principle of MRI is that most of the human body is made up of water, but hydrogen accounts for more than 90% of the water, so we can image the internal structure of the human body by detecting the electrons in the hydrogen nucleus.

When the human body is tested, the NMR machine only needs to put the human body in the NMR equipment, and then the instrument starts to work, and the huge magnetic field constantly disturbs the hydrogen inside the human body to obtain an image.

In addition, MRI can also help doctors diagnose the extent of human lesions, and can provide early warning of cancer, tumors and other diseases, so that patients can detect diseases as soon as possible, so as to get timely treatment.

The internal structure of an MRI.

The core part of the NMR equipment is the magnetic resonance magnet, which generates a certain magnetic field through the current, and the direction of the current through the coil is constantly changing to form a curved magnetic field, which is a huge magnetic field generator.

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

In general, the magnets of NMR equipment are mainly divided into two categories, one is superconducting magnets, the other is permanent magnets, the most commonly used of which is superconducting magnets, so how do superconductors generate magnetic fields?

A superconductor is a material with zero resistance, and its equivalent circuit is a non-lossy current loop, when a wire with current forms a current loop, as the current continues to circulate, a constant magnetic field is finally formed.

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

That is, superconducting magnets, from which the huge magnetic field of NMR equipment is generated.

When the nuclear magnetic resonance equipment detects the human body, it also needs to rely on the gradient coil, which is combined with the nuclear magnetic resonance magnet in the nuclear magnetic resonance equipment, and the magnetic field is changed by increasing and decreasing the current to produce different frequencies, and the three-dimensional imaging of the human body can be obtained.

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

In the MRI equipment, there is also a system that integrates the detection signal, which can easily detect the magnetic components in the human body and make a more accurate evaluation of the physical examination results of the human body.

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

A good NMR equipment has a total of 4 key parts: magnetic field strength, gradient coil, detection signal integration system, magnet system, of which the magnet system has been mentioned, let's take a look at the other three parts.

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

The first is the magnetic field strength, the magnetic field strength is the most important indicator of the detection instrument, the greater the magnetic field strength, the better the imaging effect obtained.

There are three main types of magnetic field strength of magnetic resonance imaging equipment at home and abroad: 0.5T, 1.5T and 3.0T, of which 0.5T is mainly used to view joints and other parts.

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

1.5T is mainly used to view the abdomen, brain and other parts, the biggest advantage is to see more clearly; The 3.0T is used to observe the most complex areas, i.e. the prostate and orthopedic patients who must undergo an MRI.

The strength of the domestic nuclear magnetic field is mostly about the same, mainly 1.5T.

From 30 million to 2.6 million! Why is the domestic NMR instrument so cheaper than the imported one?

Price gap.

The price also varies according to the strength of the magnetic field, with the price of 0.5T NMR at about 1.5 million yuan, 1.5T at about 4 million yuan, and 3.0T at about 6 million yuan.

However, with the continuous improvement of our country's technology, the price of a domestic 1.5T nuclear magnetic resonance instrument is only 600,000 yuan, while the price of an imported 1.5T nuclear magnetic resonance instrument is as high as 30 million yuan.

The price of the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument close to the domestic price is from Israel, and the price is 20 million yuan, which is 30 million yuan cheaper, a difference of 10 times, while the price of the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument produced in South Korea is 25 million yuan.

The price is so high, why doesn't the mainland produce NMR in its own country, which is so cheaper than importing, is it because the strength of the NMR field in the mainland does not meet the requirements?

Although the price of NMR machines made in Korea is second only to Israel compared to other countries, why is there such a big price gap between our NMR machines?

The answer to this question is the huge cost gap created by RECON, or imaging processors.

Recon refers to the signal data collected from the nuclear magnetic resonance, through complex calculations, to calculate the imaging signal, and finally present it on the screen.

That is to say, the core part of the NMR equipment is RECON, and the better the performance requirements of RECON, the higher the performance of the chip, in this regard, the price of a chip behind foreign countries in the mainland is 60 million yuan.

This is also the reason why the price of nuclear magnetic resonance instrument in our country and the price gap between foreign countries is huge, as the country continues to promote scientific and technological innovation, breaking the monopoly of foreign countries, the price of nuclear magnetic resonance instrument in the mainland has become cheaper and cheaper in the past few years.


As a scientific and technological person in the mainland, we will be able to build a world-class nuclear magnetic resonance instrument in the future by breaking the monopoly of foreign countries, improving the technical level of the mainland, and producing the nuclear magnetic resonance of the mainland at home, and no longer relying on foreign countries in the future.

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