
Fight your own people! Does China really not need to develop its own chips? Is the development of domestic chips in the wrong direction?

author:Pear Moon Sky Dream

"We don't need to develop our own chips, we can rely on imports!" Recently, some businessmen or so-called experts threw out such remarks, which caused an uproar. You know, these words are not a joke, but they really come out of their mouths. Such a point of view not only our nerves, but also makes us reflect: if we really don't develop our own chips, what should we do in the future?

Fight your own people! Does China really not need to develop its own chips? Is the development of domestic chips in the wrong direction?

First of all, we have to understand how important it is to develop self-developed chips. Those who say that it is okay to rely on imports are really "good scars and forget the pain". Think about it, if we are completely dependent on the technology of other countries, once the supply is cut off, will our high-tech industry have to "shut down"? This risk is not a trivial matter, but a major matter related to national security and the lifeblood of the economy.

Historically, we have suffered such losses. Remember the "glass house" incident? Back then, because we relied on foreign technology, we were pinched by others, and the taste was really uncomfortable. If there is no independent research and development, we can only look at other people's faces and act, and we can no longer bear this kind of humiliation.

Fight your own people! Does China really not need to develop its own chips? Is the development of domestic chips in the wrong direction?

Besides, the China of today is not the China of the past. We have made significant progress in the field of chips. If you don't believe it, our high-end chip research and development has begun to emerge. The breakthrough of lithography machine technology has taken an important step on the road to getting rid of dependence on foreign countries. These achievements are the result of the painstaking efforts of China's scientific and technological workers day and night.

Fight your own people! Does China really not need to develop its own chips? Is the development of domestic chips in the wrong direction?

However, Western countries, especially the United States, can be described as "stuck in the throat" for our progress. They have frequently obstructed, and even dished out the so-called "China threat theory", saying that China's technological progress threatens their security. In fact, what they are really afraid of is the power after our rise. For them, China's development potential is undoubtedly a threat, after all, they are used to being "one big house" in the field of technology.

Fight your own people! Does China really not need to develop its own chips? Is the development of domestic chips in the wrong direction?

In the face of some domestic people's doubts about the development direction of domestic chips, we must say "no" loudly. These people believe that we should continue to rely on imports, and that self-developed chips are "the opposite of the opposite". But the fact is that self-developed chips are not only the right choice, but also the way we must go. You know, the U.S. sanctions on Huawei are a living example. Huawei was once in trouble because it could not obtain key chips. This kind of feeling of being "stuck in the neck" by someone, no one wants to experience it again.

Fight your own people! Does China really not need to develop its own chips? Is the development of domestic chips in the wrong direction?

China's development direction has been very clear, that is, self-developed chips. We are not dependent on others, now or in the future. Our goal is to achieve technological independence and completely get rid of dependence on foreign countries. This is not only a task in the field of science and technology, but also a strategic choice related to national security and economic development.

Our scientific and technological workers are also constantly working hard, from the research and development of high-end chips to the breakthrough of lithography machine technology, every step is moving forward. These achievements not only demonstrate China's determination in self-developed chips, but also show the world our strength. In the future, China will achieve more technological innovation in the field of chips and become an important player in the global science and technology field.

Fight your own people! Does China really not need to develop its own chips? Is the development of domestic chips in the wrong direction?

Look at other countries, they also leave no stone unturned in the field of chips. The United States, Japan, South Korea, these countries are vigorously developing their own chip technology. They know that chips are the core of the high-tech industry, and whoever masters chip technology will master the future. In contrast, China's efforts in self-developed chips are particularly important. We must not only catch up, but also occupy a place in the future technological competition.

Fight your own people! Does China really not need to develop its own chips? Is the development of domestic chips in the wrong direction?

In the final analysis, self-developed chips are not only a scientific and technological issue, but also a strategic choice related to the future of the country. We can no longer be prisoners in the "glass house", but we must become masters who truly control our own destiny. China's efforts in the field of chips will usher in a brighter future.

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