
The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

author:Enthusiastic artist f5o

In this entertainment industry full of glitter, every award ceremony is like a brilliant interstellar trip, attracting countless eyes. But just as the stars in the universe sometimes change in brightness, this year's Shanghai Magnolia Awards Ceremony also seems to be a little bleak. Let's step into this star-studded yet low-key awards ceremony and see the story behind it.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

When it comes to this Magnolia Award, I have to mention those big names who are expected but absent. Yang Zi went to Paris, and Fan Wei didn't know where to go, which made the originally dazzling starlight instantly dim by half. There is such a sentence, "people go to empty buildings", although this is something else, but it is quite appropriate here. The stars are gone, and the night sky is naturally losing its former luster.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

Next, let's talk about Chen Xiao. Last year, the bald style walked the red carpet and became popular all over the Internet, but this year he didn't show up, leaving a question mark in one place. Netizens have their own words and gossip, which may have become a big suspense at this year's awards ceremony.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

Then there are the two "brothers" Wang Yang and Wang Yibo, and the nomination has made them the focus of heated discussions. Especially Wang Yang, who was even absent from the nomination dinner, made people full of questions about his presence. I didn't expect him to really come, and he still appeared in a black suit with a good demeanor. But the host didn't even mention his name, and this scene was a little embarrassing.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

What is surprising is Liu Yifei, the actress who has always given people a fresh and refined image, but this time she seems to be a little blessed. However, her pink dress is really a highlight, setting off her like a princess in the world. It's a pity that this beautiful princess dress almost became a minefield on the road, which made Lin Yi cry and laugh.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

Fan Xiangyan's nomination for Best Supporting Actress made people see her true feelings, and her excitement on the red carpet almost brought tears to her eyes, and this emotion moved the audience.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

And Tang Yan is very calm, and this mentality has to be admired.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

Huang Xiaoming's "Cloud Walking Red Carpet" added a lot of fun to the award ceremony, and he participated in it through video connection, which also attracted a lot of attention. Another one worth mentioning is Wang Ou, whose long-lost appearance with a bold dress is indeed unforgettable.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving, Huang Xiaoming is on the red carpet, and Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed

To sum up, although the stars of this year's Magnolia Awards are a little dim, there are still many highlights in these interesting stories. Each participating star showed their charm in a different way, even those who were absent left their own shadow in the topic. The entertainment industry is always full of unknowns and surprises, depending on how you look at it.

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