
Pingyuan County: Meet the needs of the masses for "ten minutes to do things" and deliver convenience to the people's doorsteps

Editor's note: At present, Dezhou is breaking the boundaries of the county system by promoting the reform of "equal rights for counties and towns", so that more enterprises and the masses can enjoy the "dividends" of reform. In order to further tell the story of Dezhou and optimize the business environment, from June 25, the Propaganda Department of the Dezhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau jointly planned to launch a series of reports on "Counties and Towns with the Same Rights, Front-line Research", focusing on the classic cases and experience practices of Dezhou in promoting the integrated reform of "counties and towns with the same rights", and continue to polish the business environment brand of "doing good business in Dezhou", presenting the happy stories of Dezhou citizens with small incisions and reflecting the magnificent chapter of Dezhou's development.


Dazhong reporter Li Ran correspondent Xin Kai reported from Texas

In Encheng Town, 15 kilometers away from the county seat of Pingyuan, a town street more than 3,000 meters long is lined with open shops. Moving on, at the westernmost end of the town is the Encheng Branch of the Pingyuan County Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau.

On June 27th, a reporter from came here and found that in the neat and bright office hall, Song Changkun, the head of the Encheng Branch of the Pingyuan County Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau, was helping the villagers to change their business licenses.

"Although it's a town, there's not a lot of business." Song Changkun said that in May 2022, the Encheng Branch of the Pingyuan County Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau was officially established, co-located with the Encheng Convenience Service Center, and opened a number of comprehensive windows such as enterprise start-up, enterprise quasi-operation, investment and construction, and also integrated more than 10 departments such as social security, medical insurance, civil affairs, disabled persons' federation, and real estate to settle in the convenience service hall and undertake 269 examination and approval services. The high-frequency handling matters of enterprises and the masses can all be approved, and the masses can complete various business transactions without leaving the town.

The examination and approval is extended to the grassroots level, and the service is delivered to the people's doorstep

Chen Wei, 37, is a native of Encheng, and his family works and lives in the town. I have just applied for the "Business License" and "Food Business License" at the Encheng Branch, and the grilled chicken store that has been cleaned up is waiting to open for business.

"In the past, to open a store, you need to go to the county seat to apply for a license, and it takes one or two hours to go back and forth on the road, plus waiting in line, on-site inspection and other links, there is no three or five days without coming. Now, I can get there in 5 minutes on an electric car, and I can do it on the same day. Speaking of the convenience of handling documents in the town, Chen Wei was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. She told reporters that an hour or two drive is nothing, but for middle-aged people who are "old and young", it is really not easy to go out.

The efficient processing of documents is due to the continuous promotion of the reform of equal rights in counties and towns in recent years.

Pingyuan County: Meet the needs of the masses for "ten minutes to do things" and deliver convenience to the people's doorsteps

Song Changkun introduced that the Encheng Branch realizes the whole process of service from the masses to apply, business approval, and certificate making and issuance, so as to ensure that grassroots affairs are handled at the grassroots level, grassroots power is given to the grassroots level, and grassroots affairs are handled. To meet the needs of the masses for "ten minutes to do things", and truly realize the transformation of the central town into the center.

It is understood that in 2024 alone, the Encheng Branch will handle more than 1,500 businesses, including more than 900 business license businesses, more than 260 forest felling businesses, and more than 200 food businesses.

There is a "drag" in the approval of the grass-roots level, and the approver is also a "waiter"

The county's approval is put in the town, can the staff be in place? Do you have a good grasp of the work business? In the face of the reporter's doubts, Song Changkun answered them one by one: "In order to better promote the work of 'county and town with the same power', the county administrative examination and approval bureau sent 1 member of the party group and 4 business backbones to settle in the branch to handle business for the masses. ”

It turned out that the county examination and approval department had already selected professionals to settle in to ensure that the business could be done quickly. Li Xue is one of them, since the establishment of the sub-center, the villagers' processing time has been reduced, there is no need to run on the road, and there is no need to queue up for processing. "Before I came to Encheng, I trained and studied at the county examination and approval bureau for more than a month, mainly for the establishment, change, cancellation of individuals and the change and continuation of the food business, and other businesses that are in high demand in the town, all of which came to work after passing the assessment." Li Xue told reporters that most of the people who came to handle business in the town were not familiar with electronic equipment and handling procedures, so in addition to handling business normally, she also had to act as an "operator" and "commentator" for the people.

It turns out that Pingyuan County has always insisted on empathy, mostly thinking of ways to do it well, and not to find reasons for doing it badly. Develop the "original full office" applet to realize the remote "non-face-to-face" assistant agency. Change you to come over for me, change "internal approval" to "mobile approval", and the masses can get things done without leaving home, creating a convenient service environment for the high-quality economic and social development of the central town.

Pingyuan County: Meet the needs of the masses for "ten minutes to do things" and deliver convenience to the people's doorsteps

It is understood that in order to better enhance the experience of the masses, the Encheng Branch also coordinated the entry of official seal engraving, tax registration and other businesses to meet the one-stop needs of the masses. At the same time, it also provides delayed, door-to-door and other services.

Yang Kuibo, an old man who lives in Gengtang Village, Encheng Town, talked about the Encheng Branch, and his words were full of gratitude: "Thanks to them, they knew that I was unable to move, and they also gave me a door-to-door handling." It turned out that the old man Yang Kuibo wanted to cancel the "individual business certificate", but he could not go due to physical reasons, and the staff immediately came to the door after learning the news, and the work was completed in half an hour.

"The approvers have become service personnel, so that the people have a 'bottom' in their hearts!" Yang Kuibo said with emotion.

Break down administrative barriers and continue to expand the service circle of the central town

"We are from Wucheng and want to open a store, can we apply for a business license here?"

"Yes! Please take a seat and show your ID. ”

On the afternoon of June 27, such a conversation appeared in the Encheng Branch, and in less than 2 hours, a business license for "Wucheng nationality" had been completed.

Originally, Encheng Town, Pingyuan County, is a transportation hub leading to Gaotang, Xiajin, Wucheng, Pingyuan and Dezhou, and has unique geographical advantages. In order to give full play to the role of the sub-bureau in serving local economic development, the examination and approval service bureaus of Pingyuan and Wucheng signed a cooperation agreement to break down administrative barriers, and launched the first batch of 41 high-frequency matters such as business licenses and food business licenses.

Pingyuan County: Meet the needs of the masses for "ten minutes to do things" and deliver convenience to the people's doorsteps

The agreement stipulates that the Pingyuan and Wucheng Examination and Approval Service Bureaus will exchange business handling accounts and blank licenses stamped with local approval seals, and the applicants who apply for general matters in the two places will be accepted, reviewed online, and issued on the spot; For those who need on-site inspection, they can be carried out through remote guidance and cloud inspection, and a new cross-regional linkage joint office service model of "remote application and on-site issuance" has been constructed.

"Driven by the comprehensive reform project of "counties and towns with the same rights", Pingyuan County has broken down regional administrative barriers and built a new cross-regional linkage joint service model of 'applying for in different places and issuing certificates on the spot'. Song Changkun introduced.

At present, the service scope of Encheng Branch extends to the southeast of Wucheng and the northeast of Xiajin County to the west, realizing "Wucheng affairs, Encheng affairs" and "Xiajin affairs, nearby offices"; To the east, north and south, it covers the "western half of the plain" such as Encheng, Wanggaopu, Waist Station, and Wangdagua, so as to meet the needs of the masses for "doing things in ten minutes" and truly realize the transformation of the central town into the center.

Zhang Zhiping, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Pingyuan County Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau, said that at present, Pingyuan County has implemented the "same power of counties and towns" in 12 townships (streets) in the county, sinking the county-level administrative licensing items, and all township convenience service centers have implemented the new service model of "one window and all offices", which has greatly facilitated the townships, villages and surrounding masses and enterprises. In the next step, we will continue to promote the reform of equal rights in counties and towns, promote the concentration of resources and service advantages in central towns, and better empower the economic and social development of central towns.

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