
"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

author:Military sub-plane

The Pakistani security forces have struck!

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

On June 14, Pakistan's Dawn newspaper reported that Pakistani security forces conducted an intelligence operation in the southern province of Balochistan to thwart attempts by the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) to establish a group on the ground. During the operation, a key Bata-based criminal, believed to be a member of the Pakistani Taliban Command Council (Shura Committee), was also captured and was wanted by the Pakistani government for terrorist activities, and it was not clear at the time who the exact commander was due to secrecy.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

On June 26, also according to the "Dawn" newspaper, Pakistan's Balochistan Minister of Internal Affairs Ziaullah Langau held a press conference in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan Province, on the same day, at which the details of the arrest of senior Bata commanders by Pakistani security forces in Balochistan Province on the 14th were announced, and the name of the commander was also made public, and the video of the commander's self-confession was played.

Allegedly, the commander of Bata, named Nasrullah, also known as Maulvi Mansoor, who was captured by the Pakistani security forces, looked tired and serious in front of the camera, but the information he confessed was quite important.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

After seeing this video, Big Ivan exclaimed that the details were full of details, and the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks in the north and south of Pakistan had surfaced.

Mansour's confession

According to Mansour's confession, he lived in the Sararogha area of the South Waziristan tribal region in his early years, and at the age of 44 became a follower of the Mahsud tribe, which is also the core tribe that makes up the Pakistani Taliban (TTP), and Mansour followed Baithullah Mahsud as the first leader of the Pakistani Taliban at the age of 44.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

When TTP was established in 2007, Mansour became one of its earliest members. It is reported that in the early days of his joining the Pakistani Taliban, he often traveled between Afghanistan's Khost Province and Paktia Province and Pakistan's Waziristan tribal area, and also carried out many terrorist attacks against the Pakistani army.

In 2021, Mansour became the deputy of Mullah Khan Saeed Mahsud, the leader of the Batabajol region, and in 2022, he was appointed as the deputy of the leader of the Wali region, Mullah Shahid Umar Banjuri, and the following year, Mansour finally reached the pinnacle of his life as the "emir" of the Pakistani Taliban Command Council (Shura Committee).

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

He confessed that his mission was to exercise control over all military, financial and administrative affairs of the Pakistani Taliban, which may be an exaggeration. After all, judging from the trajectory of Mansour's life, from the deputy of the two branch leaders to a member of the Bata Command Committee, it is already considered a step to the sky, and it is too unlikely that he will be immediately appointed as one of the most important leaders of Bata after one step to the sky.

At the same time, from the perspective of Bata's organizational structure, it is more similar to the medieval feudal system, and the core Mahsud family may not be able to control its branches, and Mansour's so-called control of Bata's military, financial and administrative content is also a question mark.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

After confessing his past experiences, Mansour began to recount the infiltration into Pakistan's southern Balochistan region.

According to his confession, in January 2024, Bata's leader Mufti Nur Wali Mahsud and military leader Mufti Musasim sent him to Kandahar, a key town in southern Afghanistan, and informed him that he would be on a "special mission" in Balochistan. To do this, they crossed the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan from the town of Spinbandak in northern Balochistan province and into Pakistani territory under the guidance of a local guide.

The plan was developed by the Pakistani Taliban and Bashir Zaib, commander of the Majid Brigades, a military unit of the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), a terrorist organization based in Balochistan. Mansour also confessed that the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), the largest and most capable of India's intelligence organization, was involved in the development of the infiltration plan by the Pakistani Taliban and the Baloch Liberation Army.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

Mansour said that according to the plan formulated by Bata, the Balochistan Liberation Army, and the Indian Bureau of Investigation and Analysis, after the Pakistani Taliban infiltrate into Balochistan, they will establish two Bata strongholds in the Khuzdal area of Balochistan province according to the plan, and gradually expand to the entire territory of Balochistan, respectively establishing safe houses, operational bases and other facilities. According to the tasks assigned to Mansur by the leader of the Bata Command Council, Nur Wali Mahsud, Mansur has three main tasks in Balochistan:

The first is to incite terrorist activities in Balochistan and create an atmosphere of terror and panic among the population. There is nothing wrong with this, after all, it is the business of terrorist organizations to create terrorist activities, and since this year, both Bata and the Baloch Liberation Army have carried out all kinds of terrorist attacks in the north and south of Pakistan.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

The second is to hype up the so-called "enforced disappearance" in Balochistan. The issue of "enforced disappearances" has been an old hype hot spot of Baloch separatist organizations, and Baloch separatists have been attacking Pakistani security forces, intelligence services, and other groups to arrest Baloch separatist suspects without permission, and take them away without their whereabouts, and some of them may not have returned for several years, so that the issue of "enforced disappearances" has formed.

The BLA is good at using this issue to incite the people, and even encourage people to take to the streets, which has seriously hampered Pakistan's ruling order in Balochistan.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

The third is the terrorist attack in Balochistan against Chinese construction projects and Chinese citizens. Mansour confessed that according to the action plan drawn up by the three parties, the CPEC project will be their top target for sabotage, including terrorist attacks against Chinese citizens and Chinese companies, kidnapping for ransom, etc.

Mansour specifically mentions that according to Nur Wali Mahsud's orders, "do not discuss religious issues with the people of the BLA" and that "they are not really halal at all", indicating that the alliance between the two is just a stopgap measure.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

Finally, Mansour specifically mentioned that the Pakistani Taliban leader, Mufti Nur Wali Mahsud, secretly met with agents of the Indian Bureau of Investigation and Analysis at the Indian Embassy in Kabul, and that the Afghan Taliban interim government also facilitated the meeting and provided financial, manpower and training support to Bata.

Of course, this is followed by Mansour's various confessions and confessions of questioning Nur Wali Mahsud, and Big Ivan will not say much after reading it.

The intelligence value of the confession

For the confession of the captured bata commander Mullah Mansour, the judgment of the Great Iwan, the intelligence value is extremely high:

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

First, this information is basically logical, including the financial and training support of the Taliban interim government in Afghanistan for Bata, and the support of Indian intelligence organizations for Bata-ta and the Palatian Liberation Organization. Bata's diversion from northern Pakistan to Balochistan via Afghanistan is also in line with reports by Pakistan's border guards this year.

Since the beginning of this year, the Pakistani border guards have reported a number of incidents of Afghans illegally crossing the border into Balochistan province, and it is conceivable that we do not know how many of these Afghans are real Afghans, and how many actually entered Afghanistan from northern Pakistan and then infiltrated into Balochistan province in southern Pakistan through Afghanistan.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

Second, the objectives set out in this information are basically in line with the status quo. Since the beginning of this year, both the northern Pakistan and the southern Pakistan have carried out a number of terrorist attacks against the CPEC project, such as the Baloch Liberation Army's attack on the Gwadar Port Authority, and another attack on the vehicles of the Dasu Hydropower Project Department carried out by Bata, all of which were aimed at Chinese engineering projects in Pakistan.

It's just that the outside world only speculated that there was the Indian Bureau of Investigation and Analysis behind these attacks, and now Mullah Mansour's self-confession has basically made this matter a real hammer, and India is the mastermind behind these attacks.

The Chinese bus that was attacked earlier

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?
"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

Third, the Pakistani Taliban have allegedly admitted that Mullah Mansour has been arrested, but Pakistan has denied that they will target CPEC. This denial is worthless, just to avoid over-provoking China in order to usher in China's blow, as long as Mansour is recognized as a member of Bata, then the content of Mansour's confession can basically be determined as the established policy of the Pakistani Taliban.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

So based on this mullah. Judging by Mansour's self-confessed intelligence, we can only say a few points:

First, the situation in Pakistan's domestic fight against terrorism will become more severe, especially the convergence of the Pakistani Taliban and the Balochistan Liberation Army, which will become a trend in the future. Of course, al-Mansour mentions that there is a religious discord between the two, and that they are completely pinching their noses and cooperating, which may become a rift between the two.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

Second, Indian intelligence is currently the largest general backer of the Pakistani Taliban and the Balochistan Liberation Army. After all, in India's view, the CPEC has deeply hurt India's national interests and even endangered India's national security.

Third, the Afghan Taliban has an ambiguous attitude on this issue, although they may not have directly participated in the collusion between the Indian intelligence services and the Bata and the Palatian Liberation, but the incident happened inside the Indian embassy in Afghanistan. This proves that the Afghan Taliban should turn a blind eye to this, after all, the containment of the Pakistani government is more conducive to Atta's vision of building a pure Pashtun state.

"Targeting Chinese citizens"? Pakistan arrests senior TTP official, India is behind it?

Therefore, for us, how to ensure the safety of our engineering projects in Pakistan has become an urgent issue for us in the coming period.

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