
Summer is a good time for depression to replenish yang, pure yang grass perilla, and replenish yang qi into the five organs

author:Director Fan Junming

Perilla is a good helper for replenishing yang in summer, known as "pure yang grass", which replenishes yang energy into the internal organs and makes depression nowhere to hide

Today I will give you a detailed introduction to perilla, perilla is the same source of medicine and food, can be boiled water, boiled porridge, medicine, can enter the lungs, spleen and two meridians, reconcile the spleen and stomach, smooth the flow of machinery, and dissolve phlegm.

Summer is a good time for depression to replenish yang, pure yang grass perilla, and replenish yang qi into the five organs

Many depressed patients always say that their spleen and stomach are not good, which is because the cold and dampness are hidden deep in the body, hidden in the internal organs, and you can use perilla at this time.

As for the perilla, it directly replenishes the yang qi into the viscera and hits the nail on the head.

Summer is a good time for depression to replenish yang, pure yang grass perilla, and replenish yang qi into the five organs

Share a clinical case:

Last year, a patient was diagnosed with depression, and after taking Western medicine for half a year, the effect was not satisfactory, and his condition worsened for 3 months, so he wanted to try Chinese medicine.

Low mood, easy to get angry, feeling chest tightness and pain when angry, as well as menstrual cramps, insomnia.

Formula: Empirical formula + perilla leaves, calamus, gallant star, dodder seed, etc

After taking it for 25 days, I said that my insomnia was much better, I could sleep for five or six hours, my mood was much better, and my chest tightness and pain were not obvious.

Summer is a good time for depression to replenish yang, pure yang grass perilla, and replenish yang qi into the five organs

Adjust the prescription according to her condition and take it for another 1 month.

This patient is depressed due to kidney yang deficiency, lack of yang qi, unable to lift energy, and too much phlegm and dampness accumulate in the body, coupled with the lack of yang qi and easy to be invaded by external evils, various somatization symptoms of depression will occur.

Summer is a good time for depression to replenish yang, pure yang grass perilla, and replenish yang qi into the five organs

On the whole, it is to improve these uncomfortable symptoms such as depression by replenishing yang qi, dissolving phlegm and dampness, and promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.


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