
Domestic perilla, the beauty of nature

author:Spring comes to the green and thick a rural uncle

Perilla, an ancient and mysterious plant, not only has unique ornamental value, but also contains rich medicinal value. Nowadays, more and more people are choosing to grow perilla at home, integrating the beauty of nature into their daily lives.

Domestic perilla, the beauty of nature

Domesticated perilla adds freshness and elegance to the home. The leaves of the shiso show a rich range of colors, from deep purple to light green, like a gorgeous picture. Its elegant form and lush foliage give it a sense of vitality. Placing shiso on windowsills, balconies, or interior corners not only beautifies the environment, but also makes people feel good.

Perilla is not only a beautiful ornament, but also a precious medicinal herb. It has the effect of dissolving cold, promoting qi and stomach. In our daily life, we can use perilla to make tea and cook food, so that our family can enjoy health and feel the unique flavor brought by perilla.

After a day of work, I returned to my cozy little home and made a pot of perilla tea, which was fragrant, as if it could brush away all the tiredness. Life, like this cup of tea, is simple but full of charm. Enjoy the tranquility of this moment and feel the beauty that perilla brings.

Domestic perilla, the beauty of nature

Domestic perilla is also a kind of awe and care for nature. In the process of caring for perilla, we need to pay attention to its growing environment and give it proper light and water. This not only makes us pay more attention to nature, but also cultivates our sense of responsibility and patience.

The best time to sow perilla is in March every year, when the temperature gradually rises and the sun is abundant, which is conducive to the growth and development of perilla.

Shiso's life is picturesque. The morning dew caresses, it blooms quietly; The sun is scorching at noon, and it stands proudly; When night falls, it quietly closes its eyes. Every leaf tells the tenacity and beauty of life. Stop by it today, dance with the perilla, feel the charm of nature, the beauty of life.

Domestic perilla, the beauty of nature

Friends, keep a pot of perilla at home and make it a part of our lives. Admire its beauty, enjoy its benefits, and feel the gifts of nature. Raise perilla at home to make life better.

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