
Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

author:More than kites

Foreword: She entered the circle at the age of 17 and embarked on the most difficult road to becoming a female star, becoming the "successor of Michelle Yeoh" recognized by everyone.

In the most glorious era of the Hong Kong film and television industry, he participated in countless films, and cooperated with many well-known actors such as Dillon, Guan Zhilin, and Zhu Yin.

Later, he moved to the small screen, and there are still countless masterpieces, among which the classic role is the role of Mo Chou in the well-known "Iron Tooth and Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan".

She is Yang Lijing, a legendary Chinese female star, who was almost paralyzed in order to shoot a scene. Her love life has also suffered many ups and downs, but she is still optimistic, and now at the age of 56, she looks bright like a girl.

What was it that made her develop such a detached mindset, and what happened to her? Today, let's walk into the star Yang Lijing's wonderful and troubled life.

Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

Yang Lijing was born in 1968 in Chiayi, Taiwan, China. Yang Lijing's girlhood is the most glorious era of the Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment circles, Hong Kong's Shaw Brothers Film Company dominates the big screen field, and the idol dramas represented by Qiong Yao in Taiwan are also popular all over the country, and many female stars such as Lin Qingxia are popular.

Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

At that time, Taiwanese female students wanted to be stars and act in movies It didn't seem to be a new topic, but Yang Lijing didn't have this idea.

She studied dance since she was a child and aspired to be a great dancer. In order to achieve this, she practiced dance hard and often participated in competitions, which became the opportunity to change her life.

You must know that at that time, the entertainment industry was not as capital-rampant as it is today, and a bunch of resource coffees with no appearance and no strength were launched.

At that time, there was still the role of a talent scout, specializing in mining outstanding talents for major film and television companies, which was equivalent to a "headhunter" in the entertainment industry. Yang Lijing, who has profound dancing skills and heroic appearance, was soon favored by talent scouts and introduced her to Hong Kong Debao Film Company, and embarked on the road of kung fu actress.

In 1986, Yang Lijing starred in her debut film, the martial arts drama "The Legend of the Banner Heroes" adapted from Gu Long's classic works.

Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

Since then, she has starred in a number of martial arts movies, at that time, the film production equipment was poor, the protection of the actors was not in place, for the performance effect, Yang Lijing went into battle again and again, once jumped off the six or seven meters high platform, and was once kicked in the face by the actor who played the rival play and almost broke the face.

In the most severe case, she suddenly lost sensation in her lower limbs and was unable to move. The doctor warned her very seriously that if she continued like this, she would likely be paralyzed.

Yang Lijing had to reduce the intensity of her work, undergo treatment, and needed someone to support her when she first started to practice walking, which made it difficult for her, who has always been stubborn and strong, to accept.

However, the open-minded Yang Lijing did not immerse herself in this sad atmosphere, and she found a way to reconcile with herself - yoga.

Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

The so-called do a line of love, love a line of fine line. Yang Lijing is probably such a person, she then obtained the International Yoga Teacher Certificate, taught classes in Taiwan, and published a number of books and videos of yoga teaching, and started her own yoga career, which makes people have to sigh at her amazing learning ability and action.

In the late 90s of the 20th century, Yang Lijing switched to the small screen, and the shooting of TV series was not as high as that of movies, her body was completely bearable, and she also ushered in a blowout period of works at this time.

She can be seen in classic TV series such as "The Beggar Emperor", "Revitalizing Jingwumen", "Iron Tooth and Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan", and the name Yang Lijing has gradually become familiar to mainland audiences.

Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

Compared with the ups and downs in her career, Yang Lijing's love life is far from being so smooth.

Yang Lijing's first love happened when she was a student, and her love object later became an actor.

After entering the circle, Yang Lijing put all her enthusiasm on work, her career became more and more prosperous, and she became a popular female star, and at this moment, she met a man.

This man's family background is ordinary, just a small employee of the company, and his considerate and gentle and thoughtful personality makes Yang Lijing, who is wandering outside, feel at home all of a sudden.

The two have engaged in a long-distance love run that has lasted for more than ten years. Accompanied by each other, love seems to have unconsciously turned into family affection, just when Yang Lijing wanted to make the relationship between the two go further, the other party hesitated.

Yang Lijing knew that her boyfriend was an unmarried, but she didn't expect that after so many years of love, the other party still didn't let down her guard, she chose to break up, and soon entered the next relationship to numb herself, but unfortunately this time she met a real scumbag.

The other person is an artist, talented and very capable of providing emotional value. Yang Lijing once thought that this was her future husband, and they would definitely get married. Unexpectedly, this honest man cheated on his best friend behind his back.

The double betrayal of friendship and love left Yang Lijing heartbroken, and she was alone for a long time after that.

Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

Until 2018, she was photographed by the paparazzi dating her boyfriend who was 13 years younger. The two behaved intimately and seemed to be very affectionate.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and Yang Lijing soon discovered that her boyfriend was extremely controlling, always looking through her mobile phone, checking her chat history, and showing violent tendencies. Yang Lijing felt extremely suffocated, was depressed for a while, and couldn't bear it anymore, she chose to break up.

originally thought that this relationship was like the men she had met before, easy to get together and disperse, but the reality slapped her in the face. Men still frequently harass themselves when they break up, and even threatens to break the net. The two finally got into a confrontation in court, and Yang Lijing's application for a protection order ended.

Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

However, when this incident broke out, many netizens actually accused Yang Lijing of not being disciplined enough, and the old cow ate tender grass, so it caused such a consequence, which is ridiculous to think about.

One day in April 2024, Yang Lijing's Porsche was maliciously spray-painted, full of curses and abusive words, and the frightened Yang Lijing immediately chose to call the police, and the police quickly found out the culprit of the incident, which was her ex-boyfriend who had broken up for 6 years - Gong Weilun.

The sudden accident made Yang Lijing feel uneasy, but she soon calmed down and continued to post news on social media. After all, in her past more than ten years of life, she has experienced too much, her body is damaged, she is almost paralyzed, and her boyfriend betrays her...... She doesn't have the leisure to think too much, she just wants to meet every day in the best condition, which may be the reason why she looks so bright and brilliant at the age of 56.

Yang Liqing: My boyfriend stepped on the two girlfriends, and she was almost paralyzed in the filming scene, and now she is 56 years old and still looks like a girl

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