
"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

author:Eight buckets of cheese QQh


In real life, everyone will experience a variety of feelings, whether it is a sweet love or a bumpy marriage, it is an indispensable part of life. In the recently hit TV series "The Story of Rose", the emotional experience of the heroine Huang Yimei has also aroused heated discussions and resonance among the audience. From first love to wealthy marriage to life and death love, Huang Yimei's emotional experience can be said to be ups and downs, but she always dared to love and hate, and finally understood that being loved is the best way to heal.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

1. First love: the rift after the love

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

Huang Yimei's first love was Zhuang Guodong, and the two used to be in love sweetly, but with the triviality of life and the pressure of reality, a rift gradually appeared between the two. Zhuang Guodong is a very ambitious person, for him, career is always the first, and feelings are just a spice in life. When faced with the choice of career and relationship, Zhuang Guodong chose to give up his relationship without hesitation, and Huang Yimei was deeply hurt because of this.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, first love is a beautiful accident, and in the end it will only become a faint memory in life. But for Huang Yimei, the experience of first love is undoubtedly an important lesson on her emotional journey, from which she learned to grow and be strong, and also understood the dedication and choice in the relationship.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women
"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

2. Marriage: Feelings that transcend ages

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

After experiencing the pain of her first love, Huang Yimei met the wealthy Luo Qing, and the two started a marriage that spanned ages. During the days with Luo Qing, Huang Yimei felt the happiness of being loved, and also learned to enjoy luxury and superior life.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

In marriage, Huang Yimei shows the independence and firmness of women, she is not the kind of woman who will blindly pursue because of money and status, but knows how to feel and cherish with her heart, and also knows how to maintain her unique charm in marriage.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

In reality, it is not uncommon to get married across ages, whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, it is possible to choose to marry someone who is far away from their age. And the marriage in "The Story of Rose" also brought some conjectures to the audience, making people guess what kind of foundation real marital happiness is built on, and how to find balance and resonance in marriage.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women
"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

3. The love of life and death: the power of love

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the love of life and death is just a storyline that exists in fairy tales and myths, and it is an extreme and unrealistic way of expression. But in real life, there are indeed some people who, when facing the test of life and death, can still stick to love and dare to pursue their own happiness.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

In the play, the love of life and death between Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming shows the power and courage of love. Fu Jiaming is a terminally ill man, and his appearance undoubtedly brought a huge impact on Huang Yimei's life, and also made her fall into a difficult relationship choice.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

But even so, Huang Yimei still chose to face it bravely and chose to spend the rest of her life with Fu Jiaming, she used her actions to interpret what true love is, and also made people understand that in a relationship, the so-called happiness is not to have everything, but to dare to give and tolerate for the person you love.

"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women
"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women


"The Story of Rose": From naked joy to being healed by love, Huang Yimei reminded women

Everyone's emotional experience is unique, whether it is a sweet love or a bumpy marriage, they will gain growth and insight in it. And Huang Yimei in "The Story of Rose" also used her own emotional experience to bring a lot of touches and conjectures to the audience. She dared to love and hate, bravely faced the ups and downs of various feelings, and finally understood that being loved is the best way to heal. Perhaps in real life, we can also draw some strength from it, learn to stick to ourselves in our relationships, and bravely pursue true love, because only by daring to love can we harvest the most sincere emotions and warmth in life.

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