
The Party Branch of Chazhan Village, Dazhuyuan Town, Hanbin District, carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Recalling the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Three-line Spirit".

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network

Sunshine News (correspondent Chen Zerong, reporter Xiang Bo) On June 27, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, the party branch of Chazhan Village, Dazhuyuan Town, Hanbin District, Ankang City, widely mobilized the party members at home in the village, and actively organized and carried out the party day activities with the theme of "recalling the eventful years and inheriting the spirit of the three lines", so as to effectively enhance the cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations.

The Party Branch of Chazhan Village, Dazhuyuan Town, Hanbin District, carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Recalling the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Three-line Spirit".

The activity was carried out in two links, first in the conference room of the party branch of Chazhan Village, the organization focused on learning some chapters of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and the leaders of the village gave a special party class on party discipline learning and education. Finally, all party members took a bus to the third-line spiritual education base in Dadaohe Town to visit and study.

"As a grassroots party member, I will take the opportunity of studying the disciplinary regulations, actively base myself on my own post, strictly abide by party discipline and state law, conscientiously perform my duties, fulfill my responsibilities, do not deviate, do not exceed the rules, always maintain the political nature of honesty and integrity, think about what the masses think, be anxious about what the masses are anxious about, solve the difficulties of the masses, and truly serve the masses." Li Yongchi, director of the Supervisory Committee of Chazhan Village, spoke enthusiastically when participating in the intensive study.

The Party Branch of Chazhan Village, Dazhuyuan Town, Hanbin District, carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Recalling the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Three-line Spirit".

"Through study, I have further understood the six disciplines of the party, enhanced the consciousness of the party and the consciousness of party members, I will keep in mind the purpose of the party, keep in mind the identity of party members, give full play to the role of party members in demonstration and leadership, and continue to care for and support the work of Murakami." Xiong Ronghao, secretary of the village's retired party branch, made an impassioned speech when participating in the intensive study.

In the party lecture session, the leaders of Liancun Village, Dazhuyuan Town, demanded that based on the actual situation of Chazhan Village, strive to create a good external development environment, improve excellent infrastructure, and make the two characteristic pillar industries of tea and citrus better and stronger. We must strictly abide by the rules and do not exceed the bottom line. Do not cross the red line, and resolutely do not touch the high-voltage line. Be reverent and self-disciplined. We must always have a heart of self-discipline, always think about the harm of greed, and always practice the way of learning. We must take the initiative and act actively. Work stresses principles, life stresses feelings, has the courage to take responsibility, works hard, and solidly promotes the efficient implementation of various tasks.

The Party Branch of Chazhan Village, Dazhuyuan Town, Hanbin District, carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Recalling the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Three-line Spirit".

During the on-site visit and study session, everyone listened carefully to the touching and heartfelt stories that happened in the construction of the third line, relived the arduous years, felt the fearless feelings of the ancestors, and understood the rich connotation of the spirit of the third line. The yellowed old photos and old objects full of traces of time reproduce the arduous process and great achievements of the third-line construction in those years.

This activity not only allowed party members to fully understand the historical background and great significance of the three-line spirit, but also stimulated everyone's sense of mission and responsibility. Everyone unanimously said that the party spirit has been tempered and the understanding has been sublimated, and they will continue to carry forward the three-line spirit of "hard work, selfless dedication, unity and cooperation, and innovation", actively base themselves on their own posts, inherit the red gene, continue the spiritual bloodline, have the courage to take responsibility, take the initiative, and make unremitting efforts to solidly promote the high-quality development of Chazhan Village.

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