
Touching old photos

author:Yantian culture
Touching old photos

A set of old photos, a touching time. The charm of old photographs lies in the freezing of time, the restoration of the moment, and the recollection of people of that specific historical period.

A few seconds before the surprise, 1955

Touching old photos

Kids and their best friends

Touching old photos

Happy french girl and her cat, 1959

Touching old photos

Small animals were used in the treatment of children, 1956

Touching old photos

During World War II, Austrian children who received new shoes

Touching old photos

Borrowing a hearing aid for the first time a child hears a sound, 1974

Touching old photos

Soldiers adopt orphaned kittens during the war

Touching old photos

Black kitten waiting for milk, 1954

Touching old photos

The little girl plays and sings for her dog

Touching old photos

Tomb of a woman of different religions and her husband, 1888

Touching old photos

Russian soldiers sleeping with dogs during World War II

Touching old photos

Portman and dachshund talking in front of the hotel, 1938

Touching old photos

Little girl pulling a penguin at the zoo, 1937

Touching old photos

The little boy lets his best friend sleep in bed

Touching old photos

Soldiers share bananas with lambs during the war, 1944

Touching old photos

Little girl watching her mom perform on stage, 1963

Touching old photos

Little girl and her pet toad at a pet show, 1936

Touching old photos

Little girl kisses puppies, 1950

Touching old photos

Little girl happily pretending to make a phone call, 1958

Touching old photos

Champion detective dog embraced by his little lover, 1935

Touching old photos

Little French girl gives a kiss to an American soldier on Valentine's Day, 1945

Touching old photos

Blind woman swimming with guide dog, 1966

Touching old photos

A dozen boys threw girls into the air with blankets, 1948

Touching old photos

The little girl sings aloud to the accompaniment of street musicians

Touching old photos

Nuns dancing with children, 1964

Touching old photos

Women's Outdoor Outing, 1958

Touching old photos

American lady hugging soldier boyfriend at train station, 1945

Touching old photos

Little boy running with a loaf of bread, 1952

Touching old photos

A young French boy introduces himself to an Indian soldier, 1914

Touching old photos

Queen Elizabeth and her beloved corgi, 1973

Touching old photos

Little girl dancing for her teddy bear, 1961

Touching old photos

Medical staff feed young birds during the war

Touching old photos

Cub cub eating honey in a café, 1950

Touching old photos

To prove that lipstick is cruelty-free

Workers at a cosmetics company are covered in lip prints, 1960

Touching old photos

Happy childhood of a child on a swing

Touching old photos

An American soldier and his pet kangaroo, 1942

Touching old photos

A little girl's bath time

Touching old photos

Woman jumping rope with a dog, 1940

Touching old photos

Soldier and lover hugging each other after returning from the battlefield, 1940

Touching old photos

At that time, although life was simple, people were simple and kind.

A lover is a lifetime, and joy is only for a moment.

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Source: Microphotography

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