
She was promoted at the age of 50, at the age of 55 at the ministerial level, at the age of 56 at the level of vice state, and at the age of 57 she served as the vice premier

author:Wukong talks about history

In 1937, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in an all-round way, at the moment when the country's survival was in danger, many aspiring young people gave up their studies or careers and threw themselves into the call of the times to resist Japan and save the country.

She was promoted at the age of 50, at the age of 55 at the ministerial level, at the age of 56 at the level of vice state, and at the age of 57 she served as the vice premier

Chen Muhua was born in 1921, a native of Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province, in her early years, Chen Muhua received a good basic education, and with the increase in reading, her thinking has changed greatly, and began to care about the future and destiny of the country, eager for the country to become strong. In 1937, the full-scale outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression further stimulated Chen Muhua's patriotic enthusiasm, and she was eager to take up arms and embark on the revolutionary road of saving the country and the people.

In 1938, Chen Muhua went to Yan'an, the holy land of the revolution, and entered the fourth phase of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University.

She was promoted at the age of 50, at the age of 55 at the ministerial level, at the age of 56 at the level of vice state, and at the age of 57 she served as the vice premier

After graduation, he entered the training department of the third branch of the Kang University as a military instructor, and then served as a staff officer of the Fifth Garrison Regiment of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ning Left-behind Corps of the Eighth Route Army, and a staff officer of the Education Section of the Corps Headquarters.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Muhua was sent to work in Northeast China and served as the political assistant of the General Administration of the Northeast Railway, the special commissioner of the Muling Coal Miner's Union, and the president of the Northeast Railway Nursery Institute. During her tenure of office, she extensively publicized the party's principles and policies, actively supported the frontline, trained grassroots cadres, and made positive contributions to the liberation of Northeast China.

She was promoted at the age of 50, at the age of 55 at the ministerial level, at the age of 56 at the level of vice state, and at the age of 57 she served as the vice premier

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Muhua served as the head of the propaganda group of the Political Department of the Northeast Railway, and supported the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, especially in terms of logistics and transportation, and made great contributions to the establishment of steel transportation lines to resist US aggression and aid Korea. In 1953, she was transferred to the Ministry of Railways, where she continued her propaganda work. During his tenure, Chen Muhua participated in and led the socialist transformation work such as the suppression of the rebellion, the three antis and the five antis, and consolidated the nascent political power.

After 1954, Chen Muhua successively went to work in the State Planning Commission, the State Administration of Foreign Economic Liaison and other departments, and continued to devote himself to the construction of New China. In 1966, after the ten-year catastrophe began, Chen Muhua was also shocked and was greatly persecuted physically and mentally. In 1971, under the protection of the chairman and the prime minister, Chen Muhua made a comeback, and it was also in this year that the 50-year-old Chen Muhua was promoted by skipping the ranks, from a deputy director-level cadre to the deputy minister of foreign economic liaison, becoming a vice-ministerial-level cadre.

She was promoted at the age of 50, at the age of 55 at the ministerial level, at the age of 56 at the level of vice state, and at the age of 57 she served as the vice premier

In 1976, after smashing the "Gang of Four", the 55-year-old Chen Muhua continued to be reused and served as the head of the Foreign Economic Liaison Department, becoming a ministerial-level cadre. In 1977, at the First Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee, 56-year-old Chen Muhua entered the Politburo and became a deputy state-level cadre. A year later, the 57-year-old Chen Muhua assumed the post of vice premier, and at the same time, she was also the second female vice premier of the People's Republic of China.

During his tenure as vice premier, Chen Muhua actively promoted various forms of foreign economic cooperation and exchanges, such as foreign contracted projects, labor exports, cooperative leasing, and foreign investment and factory establishments, opened up the business areas of the mainland's foreign economic and technological cooperation, and did a great deal of fruitful work in foreign trade, foreign aid, foreign economic and technological cooperation, and foreign investment management, thus making tremendous contributions to the mainland's reform and opening up.

She was promoted at the age of 50, at the age of 55 at the ministerial level, at the age of 56 at the level of vice state, and at the age of 57 she served as the vice premier

Since then, Chen Muhua has served as vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and chairman of the All-China Women's Federation, and has continued to make suggestions and suggestions for the mainland's economic construction and women's and children's work during the period of reform and opening up. In his later years, Chen Muhua mainly lived in Beijing and died of illness in 2011 at the age of 90.