
Don't lose the rotten tomatoes, it's actually a "treasure", many people don't understand it, and after reading the long knowledge

author:Uncle Water

Don't lose the rotten tomatoes, it's actually a "treasure", many people don't understand it, and after reading the long knowledge

Tomatoes are a more common ingredient in our lives, but because the shelf life of tomatoes is relatively short, a little carelessness will rot the situation, because rotten tomatoes will breed a large number of bacteria, if you continue to eat, it will cause some damage to our body, in order to avoid such a situation, many people will throw it directly into the trash. In fact, it would be a bit too wasteful to do so, and rotten tomatoes, although they cannot be eaten, can be used in other ways.

Don't lose the rotten tomatoes, it's actually a "treasure", many people don't understand it, and after reading the long knowledge

Remove rust.

It is believed that there will be iron in every family, and if iron is not used properly, it is prone to rust. What should I do in such a situation? In fact, the method is very simple, we just need to take out the rotten tomatoes and rub them back and forth on the iron. After standing for more than 10 minutes, it is then cleaned with normal cleaning techniques, so that the rust on the iron will disappear.

Don't lose the rotten tomatoes, it's actually a "treasure", many people don't understand it, and after reading the long knowledge

Homemade flower fertilizer.

Friends who have raised flowers know that in the process of raising flowers, you also need to fertilize flowers frequently, because flower fertilizer contains a lot of nutrients, and after the flowers absorb these nutrients, their growth rate will also be accelerated, and the flowers will be dense and large. If you go directly to the flower market to buy flower fertilizer, the price is not cheap, and in this case, we can use rotten tomatoes to make our own flower fertilizer. Mix the chopped tomatoes with water in a ratio of 1:1, seal them in a plastic bag, and ferment them for about 7 days.

Don't lose the rotten tomatoes, it's actually a "treasure", many people don't understand it, and after reading the long knowledge

Pot cultivation.

Although the tomatoes are rotten, the seeds inside the tomatoes are not rotten, so we can take out the seeds of the tomatoes and put them in pots. Then spread a thin layer of soil on the surface of the seeds, add appropriate water and fertilizer, and you can wait quietly for the seeds to grow, and after about dozens of days, new life will appear. It's not just about reusing food, it's about giving back to nature.

Don't lose the rotten tomatoes, it's actually a "treasure", many people don't understand it, and after reading the long knowledge

Homemade hair mask.

I believe that many people have experienced or are experiencing hair loss, dry hair and other problems, and many people do not hesitate to spend a lot of money on hair maintenance in order to solve this problem. In fact, it is understandable, after all, hair is also a part of our body, and everyone wants to have black and bright hair, which can not only improve our image, but also increase people's self-confidence.

Don't lose the rotten tomatoes, it's actually a "treasure", many people don't understand it, and after reading the long knowledge

But not everyone is happy, and black and shiny hair needs to be maintained regularly in addition to adequate nutrient intake. Although there are a lot of hair care kits on the market and they are expensive, when you buy them home, you will find that the results are very ordinary. Instead of paying a high price for a special maintenance kit, you can make your own hair mask for maintenance, the method is very simple, you can make it with tomatoes, if you don't want to use fresh tomatoes, you can also take out the rotten tomatoes and use them.

Don't lose the rotten tomatoes, it's actually a "treasure", many people don't understand it, and after reading the long knowledge

Simply cut off the spoiled part of the tomatoes and blend the rest directly into the blender. After the stirring is completed, pour in water to dilute it, so that the hair mask is completed, we only need to wash the hair, apply the hair mask to the head, wrap it firmly with plastic wrap, and wait for more than 20 minutes until it is completely absorbed before washing. This will prevent dry hair and make it shinier.

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