
After urging the purchase of a house to no avail, will the country move seriously? Starting next year, real estate will show three major changes

author:Lamb notes

Buying a house? Don't buy it? For those who are currently waiting to buy a house, this question is like a fish bone in the throat, which makes people in a dilemma. When is the best time to start? Recently, it was reported that starting next year, the real estate market may usher in three major changes, when the cost of buying a house is expected to drop significantly, and the rights and interests of buyers and the quality of housing will be better protected. This means that the golden period of buying a house is coming?

Let's start with the first big change: the cost of buying a home for homebuyers will come down

We know that many people are shy away from buying a house these days, partly because of the frighteningly high price prices. In first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, housing prices are often 5 or 60,000 square meters, and even second-tier cities are about 20,000. Even in the small county towns of the third and fourth lines, the better houses have to be seven or eight thousand square meters. On the other hand, there are also a lot of various house purchase costs, such as down payment, deed tax, value-added tax, and individual income tax...... It adds up to a lot of money. So many people don't dare to start easily.

After urging the purchase of a house to no avail, will the country move seriously? Starting next year, real estate will show three major changes

However, in the future, the state may give certain preferential treatment and exemption to the cost of buying a house such as deed tax and value-added tax. For example, the deed tax has been reduced from the current 3% to 1%, and the VAT refund is 30%. As for personal income tax, there may also be a deduction for house purchases. These measures will undoubtedly significantly reduce the cost of home ownership for home buyers.

In addition to the reduction of various fees, housing prices themselves are also expected to fall. In the past two years, the state has been strengthening the regulation of the real estate market to curb the rapid rise of housing prices. In the future, China's average house price is likely to continue to decline slightly, especially in third- and fourth-tier cities where there is an imbalance between supply and demand, and high prices and low volume. This is undoubtedly good news for people who really need to buy a house.

After talking about the cost of buying a house, let's take a look at the second change: the rights and interests of home buyers will be more secure

In order to save money, many people often choose to buy off-plan properties, but they are always worried that the developer will run away and dump the unfinished property. Indeed, in recent years, some cases of real estate explosions are common, which makes buyers panic. Some developers go bankrupt after a problem with the capital chain through pre-sale and cash-out, which also makes the house an empty talk.

After urging the purchase of a house to no avail, will the country move seriously? Starting next year, real estate will show three major changes

But the next step for the state will be to reform the real estate market, strictly regulate pre-sale behavior, and do not allow developers to take home buyers' money to invest in enclosures everywhere. At the same time, government supervision will also be further strengthened, and the vital interests of the vast number of home buyers will be effectively safeguarded through the guarantee of delivery funds. In short, it is to make your money safer and your house more reliable.

In addition, the quality of housing construction will also be better controlled.

First, in order to increase sales, developers take the initiative to improve the standard of fine decoration; Second, the relevant departments will further refine the regulatory requirements for housing quality from the perspective of laws and regulations. The commercial housing delivered in the future, whether it is decoration or supporting, will be on a higher level than now. The new house will have many fewer flaws.

After talking about these three major changes in real estate, many people may ask: should you buy a house now? Is it in full or on a loan?

Everyone's situation is different and needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

If you have more money and are optimistic about the future development prospects of a certain area, you may wish to consider buying a place to live in. After all, the housing prices in the first and second tiers are still quite strong, and public resources such as education and medical care are relatively perfect. In the medium to long term, the potential for added value is also greater.

After urging the purchase of a house to no avail, will the country move seriously? Starting next year, real estate will show three major changes

For young people with limited funds, if they have no plans to get married and have children for the time being, they can wait and see for a while. At present, the overall housing prices in the country are still in a downward channel, especially in the third and fourth tier cities, where there may be more room for price reduction. Instead of carrying a heavy mortgage burden, it is better to save for a down payment and wait for the situation to become clearer.

Second-hand housing is actually an option that can be considered. Compared with new houses, the price of second-hand houses is generally much cheaper, but the living experience is not much different. Especially the kind of well-maintained, newly renovated second-hand houses, the cost performance is really high. It's just that when choosing, you must inquire more than one party to avoid buying a house with property rights disputes.


The recent introduction of a series of new real estate policies will undoubtedly open a new chapter in the development of China's real estate market. The cost of buying a house is expected to be reduced, the rights and interests will be better maintained, and the quality of commercial housing will also be greatly improved. For the majority of people who just need to buy a house, this is really good news.

After urging the purchase of a house to no avail, will the country move seriously? Starting next year, real estate will show three major changes

2025 may be an excellent window period for buying a house. At that time, the overall housing prices across the country will stabilize and fall, various preferential policies will gradually land, and the budget for buying a house in your hands will be more abundant. Of course, choosing when to make a move will vary from person to person. But in any case, owning a house of your own is an important goal in everyone's life. No matter how the market changes, as long as you do what you can, it will not go anywhere.

In general, buying a house is a life topic that every Chinese can't avoid. Against the backdrop of the economic downturn and the raging epidemic, the real estate industry has been hit hard, with both transaction volume and investment volume falling sharply. A series of policies to urge buyers to buy houses do not seem to have reversed the market decline. However, the country's upcoming new policy has made people have new hopes for next year's real estate trend.

So, what do you think about the property market trend under the country's new policy? Will next year be a rare opportunity to buy a home? How much can these three major changes play a role in improving the buying environment for ordinary home buyers? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss and express your insights. Whether it is already on the bus or sighing, let us make suggestions and contribute our own wisdom to the future of China's real estate!

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