
This is a good poem, and the whole sentence is exquisite, and people can't help but praise it after reading it

author:No. 1 Poetry Lane

Poetry has an appointment, and No. 1 Poetry Lane welcomes everyone's arrival.

The pillow is not stretched and lazy, and it is more difficult to listen to the rain outside the eaves.

In the hot summer, the most refreshing thing is to have a hearty rain.

Reading the rain through the window is a pleasure; And reading the rain through poetry is another kind of enjoyment.

This is a good poem, and the whole sentence is exquisite, and people can't help but praise it after reading it

Walk into the ancient poems, in the most beautiful words, to see the world that belongs to the rain; A song "Plum Rain" is brought to everyone in front of the screen.

This poem shows the author's different level with a moving artistic conception, and the first two sentences are beautiful enough, and people can't help but praise after reading.

rainy season

Song Wang

The eaves rain sieve beads are not stopped, and the plum yellow sky is lighter than autumn.

The insects are talking on the waist of the grass mattress wall, and the fish swims on the surface of the water.

Soak the wine medicine seedlings and heavy stones, and the wet book loosens the gas into the mountain building.

In the evening, take advantage of the fishermen to learn to sit on a fishing boat with a silk rod.

Wang Di, the character Jieweng, the number of moon cave, the Southern Song Dynasty poet in the mainland.

After the fall of the Song Dynasty, Wang Di escaped as a Taoist priest and lived in seclusion in the mountains, he named his residence "Sun Moon Cave", so people called him "Mr. Moon Cave".

Wang Di's poems are beautiful and have a Tang style, and they had a high reputation at that time.

The poem "Plum Rain" we share in this issue was written by Wang Dian during his seclusion, from the beginning to the end, this poem exudes a natural and tranquil, leisurely and indifferent meaning, which is indeed not inferior to the charm of Tang poetry.

This is a good poem, and the whole sentence is exquisite, and people can't help but praise it after reading it

The first couplet of the poem is directly to the topic, pointing out the "plum rain" weather: the eaves rain sieve beads are not ending, and the plum yellow sky is lighter than autumn; The rain on the eaves was like beads falling, and the plum-yellow sky was lighter than the autumn sky.

The description of the first couplet is novel enough and vivid enough to be beautiful.

The author uses a figurative rhetorical device, using the word "sieve beads" to vividly copy the scene of the plum rain falling from the eaves; Not only that, but he also used "Ringing Unstopping" to describe the sound of the rainy season.

In a nutshell, we saw a timely rain that rained happily and lasted for a long time.

The main reason for the novelty of the first link lies in the latter sentence. "Plum yellow sky" does not often appear in some famous poems, so when it is used in the first sentence, it will give people a bright feeling, and it can fully stimulate the reader's imagination.

"Fainter than Autumn" deliberately modifies and limits the "Plum Yellow Sky", making the very light but fresh colors in the whole picture particularly charming.

The next jaw couplet is a further supplement to Jingyu: insects follow the waist language of the grass mattress wall, and the fish swims on the water surface with money; Bugs in the grass snuggle up by the wall and whisper, and fish tease lotus leaves and swim around the water.

Compared with the first couplet, the scenery of the jaw couplet is more concrete, and its space has also shifted from the "high" to the "low" of the first couplet.

These are two very clever descriptions. Because the main objects such as "insects" and "fish" chosen by the author have full vitality and have lively and lovely images.

In the process of writing, the author used metaphor and anthropomorphic rhetorical devices respectively, he compared the grass to a "mattress" and the lotus leaf to "money", fully reflecting the lushness of the grass and the roundness of the lotus leaf.

In addition, the author also used the word "language" to activate the objects and "insects", making their chirping images and sounds more vivid.

One touches the reader's sense of hearing, the other touches the reader's vision, insects chirp and fish swim, and the grass is full of lotus. There are sounds and colors, stillness and movement, and it is really joyful to enjoy such a picture.

This is a good poem, and the whole sentence is exquisite, and people can't help but praise it after reading it

The neck couplet also transferred the space: soaked in wine and medicine seedlings and heavy stones, and wet books loosened into the mountain building; The medicinal seedlings of the wine were stacked in stone urns, and the loose air that moistened the poems and books filled the entire mountain building.

There is no character appearance, but we can clearly see the figure of the character, which is one of the characteristics of the neck couplet.

So where do the so-called "characters" come from? Of course, from the words "soaking wine", "stone urn" and "book". These words are all related to "people" and are closely associated with people. Therefore, the author only needs to properly match such words to make the characters fully present in front of the reader's eyes.

Whether it is the medicinal seedlings soaked in wine, or the relaxation of wet books, they all show the tranquility and comfort of the environment, and all of them show the indifference and open-mindedness of the characters. The two sentences of the neck couplet outline an indisputable residence and an indifferent and calm author.

"Take advantage of the fishermen to go in the evening and learn to take the silk rod and sit on the fishing boat."; In the evening, when the weather was fine, the author went out with the fishermen and learned how to sit on their boats and hang rods.

From the first couplet to the last couplet, from visual to spiritual aesthetics, the author's descriptions are all highlighting the word "quiet" and the word "quiet".

And the tail couplet once again uses the sunny weather to pull the characters into the picture vividly.

As soon as the word "leisure" comes out, the charm of the poem adds a touch of chic and comfortable, and it shows the author's carefree and free image at a glance.

Learning from fishermen to "take the rod" and "sit on the fishing boat" is a powerful interpretation of "leisure", which allows us to truly see the author's leisurely and free side.

In addition, while describing the activities of the characters, the couplet also implicitly illustrates the author's noble feelings of not caring about mundane affairs and being willing to live in seclusion, so that the realm of the whole poem can be improved.

This is a good poem, and the whole sentence is exquisite, and people can't help but praise it after reading it

Come late and chase the fishermen, sit idle fishing boats and idle rods; After reading a poem, my mood is open.

regard poetry as a confidant, and carry out reading and writing to the end; Pay attention to No. 1 Poetry Lane and enrich your soul in a unique way, see you next time!