
【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

author:Zhangjiachuan Media

Zhangjiachuan County Rong Media Center News (Reporter Dou Miaomiao) In Zhangjiachuan, there is a doctor's name named Guo Hubing, whose name is a household name, he is the leader of the "group" medical assistance team of the First People's Hospital of Tianshui City and the president of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County, Comrade Guo Hubing. As the leader of the group medical assistance team, he took the lead in leading the team members to devote themselves to the medical assistance work, adhering to the benevolence of doctors, and practicing the original mission of a Communist Party member with superb medical skills and good medical ethics, which won the praise of the people of all ethnic groups in Zhangjiachuan County.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

Guo Hubing was selected in June 2022 to serve as the leader of the group assistance team of the First People's Hospital of Tianshui City and the president of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

Guo Hubing told reporters that the help work has arrived, just these two years, I feel that it is short and long, at the beginning I feel as if this work has no way to start, all aspects of how to do, I feel that the time is very long. But now that it's coming soon, I feel that the time is very short, and I feel that there is a lot of work that has not yet been completed, and we need to continue to work hard, which is a little regret.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

Guo Hubing's wife, Yang Lingxia, a doctor at the First People's Hospital of Tianshui City, said in an interview with reporters that in the past two years that my lover has not been at home, I am alone inside and outside the house, and it is inevitable that there will be resentment when I am busy, I am also a medical worker, we have a night shift for four or five days, and no one can read the children's homework when they are busy, and the elderly can not take care of them. I feel very relieved and proud.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

This morning, Guo Hubing and his colleagues from the Department of Orthopedics were doing ward rounds. When patient Shao Hai's husband saw Guo Hubing, he excitedly stepped forward and held his hand tightly, "Thank you so much!" We were all about to give up the treatment, but then we heard that the county hospital had experts from Tianshui City Hospital who could do orthopedic surgery, so we hurried to see a doctor. The surgery was very successful, thank you very much! ”

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

Shao Hai's husband said that I am a family member of the patient, and her back pain has been intermittent for more than ten years, but sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't hurt, and it has been maintained with painkillers. We heard that Guo Hubing, a medical assistance expert from Tianshui City Hospital, came to the county hospital, and he did a good job in lumbar spine surgery, so we came with the mentality of trying it out. Today is the fifth day after the operation, my wife's legs can move, the operation is very successful, the effect is very good, as for the future walking, slowly exercise, everyone is such a process, thank you very much Dean Guo, and the team members for the operation, I am grateful on behalf of the family. After the operation, I often have to check the ward to see what the effect is, and it is not very difficult to do this, President Guo has been trained by the Communist Party for many years and is a good doctor.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

This is just a microcosm of the improvement of the comprehensive medical level of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County, and behind this, it is inseparable from the continuous "group" assistance of medical talents. Since 2022, the First Hospital of Tianshui City has sent a number of experts to the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County in two consecutive batches to assist in improving the setting of departments, making up for business shortcomings, improving management level, and comprehensively improving medical service capabilities.

Sink to the grassroots level and devote yourself to the front line of medical treatment

After the help group was stationed in the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County, in view of the health development level of Zhangjiachuan, the diagnosis and treatment needs of residents and the frequent occurrence of common diseases, the captain Guo Hubing led the team to scientifically formulate a help plan, so that each team member can give full play to their professional expertise, actively devote themselves to the front line of medical treatment with skilled technology and excellent theory, and escort the life and health of the people of Zhangjiachuan County.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

Su Biya, director of the pharmacy department of the First People's Hospital of Tianshui City, said: "President Guo Hubing's personal work style is very solid, very rigorous, two years ago came to our Zhangjiachuan County Hospital, first of all, our system has been gradually improved, during the two years, five centers have been built. In terms of talent training, the reform of the performance appraisal program, have done some real work in the county hospital, so that the work of the county hospital has been greatly improved, then in our team he is our captain, his serious and practical work style, but also set a particularly good example for us, our team members take him as an example, learn from him, our whole team has also made certain achievements in the help work in the past two years. ”

Through group medical assistance and the joint efforts of the medical staff of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County, the comprehensive service capacity of Zhangjiachuan County Hospital has been significantly improved, the scope of diagnosis and treatment has been expanded, the outward transmission rate of patients has decreased, the average length of stay has been shortened, the utilization rate of hospital beds has increased, the average cost of patients has decreased, and the proportion of drugs and antibiotics has decreased, and all indicators have been significantly improved.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

In addition, the group has actively established and strengthened the construction of five major centers (chest pain center, trauma center, stroke center, critical maternal treatment center, critical child and neonatal treatment center) and key departments. Through the renovation of the old area of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, the rapid construction of the fever clinic construction project, the hemodialysis and health management center project, the level of hospital hardware construction will be improved, the hospital will get rid of the shortage of hospital basic housing, and the blood purification center and health management center project will be built.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

Teach advanced management experience to improve the construction of talent team

"In the two years of work helped by President Guo Hubing in Zhangjiachuan County Hospital, he himself worked rigorously, positively, paid attention to business learning, teaching rounds, and the management mode of the county hospital has also been changed and improved to a certain extent, so that everyone feels that the working environment is also relaxed, the enthusiasm of employees has also been enhanced, the appearance of the hospital has also changed, the business of the clinical departments of surgery and orthopedics has been improved significantly, the evaluation of patients is better than before, and there are obvious changes in all aspects than before." This is what Zhang Zhenyu, deputy chief physician of the Surgical Office of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County, said in an interview with reporters, in the two years he worked with Guo Hubing, he learned a lot, he is not only a good leader, but also a good colleague, a good doctor.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

Medical assistance alone is not enough, in order to improve the ability of medical services, it is necessary to build a localized medical team that can be retained and used. Each team member leads 1-3 students, and 53 people (17 + 36 people) are contracted to train by mentor and apprentice, in the form of mentoring and apprenticeship, hand in hand, cultivating backbone talents, and really leaving the technology to the county hospital at the end of the help, through surgical teaching, ward rounds, teaching, case discussions, training lectures, etc., to teach the clinical knowledge and technology they have mastered to the local medical staff, and provide assistance to Zhangjiachuan County People's Hospital from many aspects such as discipline construction, talent team construction, and department management.

At present, a total of 79 lectures, 590 trainings, 6,391 trainings, 438 teaching rounds, 256 difficult case discussions, 840 teaching surgeries have been completed, and the application for a municipal scientific research project "Research on the Effect of Pharmaceutical Intervention in Promoting the Rational Use of Perioperative Antimicrobial Drugs" has been successfully established. It has improved the scientific research ability of the hospital, greatly improved the theoretical level of the department, and standardized the diagnosis and treatment behavior.

In addition, the "group" medical assistance also "recharges and stores energy" for local medical staff through "inviting in" and "sending out". In 2022, 11 clinicians (2 from the central and western regions) and 40 nurses will be sent to hospitals above the municipal level for further training. Strengthen the interaction between Zhangjiachuan County Hospital and the First People's Hospital of Tianshui City, conduct remote consultation and other services through the remote diagnosis and treatment system, cultivate talents for the county hospital, and make up for technical shortcomings. Through the help of experts in the famous doctor studio, we will further strengthen the cultivation of talents. Build a nest to attract phoenixes, actively introduce 12 talents, recruit 33 outstanding talents such as nursing, clinical, secretarial, etc., and further expand the talent team, with 3 in the city and county.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

In-depth grassroots training to improve rural medical capacity

In recent years, through a series of assistance measures and the development of new business and new technologies, the infrastructure construction of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County has been greatly improved. A "Zhangjiachuan County Township Health Center General Practitioner and Village Doctor Skills Improvement Training Course" was held, and the program was designed to use the experts of the "group" medical team as teachers to carry out theoretical training on 7 antennas, and practical skills training under 1 antenna in each township. At present, the online training activities have been successfully completed, with a total of more than 600 grassroots medical staff participating in the training, and offline training has been completed in 15 townships and towns, and the response has been good. The course involves internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, first aid, nursing and pharmacy, etc., in order to strengthen the understanding and mastery of basic knowledge and basic skills of first aid, daily aseptic operation standards, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common and frequent diseases in rural areas, clinical practice and skills, and rational use of drugs, so as to continuously improve the ability of public health services and meet the growing needs of basic medical treatment, prevention and health care in rural areas. The medical service level of grassroots medical staff has been improved in an all-round way, and the foundation of the county's medical work has been consolidated. This year, the first phase of first-aid skills training for township health centers and village doctors was carried out, and the county-wide first-aid skills competition was held in the follow-up. It will further promote the improvement of the basic service capacity of the county's townships and towns.

"Zhangjiachuan is my second hometown. Even if I return to Tianshui, I hope that my technology can take root here and benefit the people. Guo Hubing said that although there is a time limit for help, the service is endless, and he will come back again if Zhang Jiachuan is in need.

【Ayang Characters】"Group-type" medical assistance captain Guo Hu, the soldier doctor, is benevolent and warms the hearts of the people

Tie Jianjun, Secretary of the Party Group of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County, commented that Comrade Guo Hubing, as the leader of the "group-type" help team, has served as the deputy secretary of the Party Committee and the president of our hospital. He has a strong sense of party spirit, a firm political stance, fairness and decency, and has always set strict demands on himself according to the standards of a Communist Party member. He has excellent skills, and under his leadership, the Department of Orthopedics has shown rapid development, and has been established as a key discipline at the municipal level, and the various specialties of the hospital have advanced by leaps and bounds, laying a solid foundation for serving the people. He is an honest person, excellent style, stresses principles in major matters and style in small matters, unites and leads the leadership team of the hospital to plan the development of the hospital, has made fruitful work, created outstanding work performance, and is an excellent Communist Party member, president and manager. Through group medical assistance, the management ability, diagnosis and treatment ability, health service management, talent team construction and improvement of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County have been helped, the sharing of medical technology and management resources has been realized, and the medical treatment ability and management ability of the First People's Hospital of Zhangjiachuan County have been further improved.

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