
Haichao is also super! Single-kill Knight helped LGD defeat BLG in an upset

author:Game Horseshoe

★ Game Horseshoe Original

Haichao is also super! Single-kill Knight helped LGD defeat BLG in an upset


LGD has always been a very strange existence in the LPL, and after S5, they are obviously the team that has no chance to reach the finals every year, but they can always make you feel that they are strong at some point in time, and they can often play the following upsets frequently in the league. Today, LGD faced the group 5-0 without losing a game, and it is also the champion of the spring tournament, and the current strongest BLG team in the LPL, and finally won 2-1. Especially in the last wave of the group, LGD's mid-laner Haichao has also become the "super" power of LPL, killing Knight alone and killing the game!

Haichao is also super! Single-kill Knight helped LGD defeat BLG in an upset

Knight with weak legs at the critical moment

Knight has always been very strong in the LPL, but as soon as he arrived at the World Championship, his legs were weak, and this time the opponent was not the super power of the LCK, but the sea super of the LPL, and the result was also completely blown up. The details of the sea super enchantress exploded chain damage and the golden body perfectly counter-killed Knight, and killed the key ancient dragon group in front of the sideline, which also directly helped the frontal teammates kill the game.

Haichao is also super! Single-kill Knight helped LGD defeat BLG in an upset

LGD crushes BLG head-on

Haichao's single kill directly made BLG dare not move the ancient dragon in front of the moment, and as a result, LGD's Qianjue and EZ double shooters chased and killed Nosuke and died, leaving only the top laner and ADC powerless to resist, and finally LGD won.

Haichao is also super! Single-kill Knight helped LGD defeat BLG in an upset

Haichao incarnates the "super" power of LPL

Defeat BLG, as long as the mid laner is stronger than them, today's Hai Super is obviously like LCK's super power in MSI, and being able to beat Knight in the middle lane is the key to victory.

Haichao is also super! Single-kill Knight helped LGD defeat BLG in an upset

Haichao won the MVP

Today, LGD's Nakano duo still performed very well, winning an MVP each. And this is still in the case that the top and bottom lane play are not very ideal, they defeated BLG, the strongest in the current LPL league. Of course, it's not sure if this is influenced by the global BP, but at least it's certain that LGD is a team that can't be underestimated in the summit group.


★ The game Horseshoe is original, and commercial reproduction is prohibited without permission

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