
In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

author:Sister October next door

Material/Zhang Yufeng Text/Sister October next door

Statement: Original debut, rights protection on the whole network, plagiarism must be investigated.

My name is Zhang Yufeng, born in 1975, and I am 49 years old this year.

In 93, after studying hard for more than 10 years, I failed the college entrance examination.

I stood in front of the bulletin board at the entrance of the No. 1 Middle School in the city, and felt that fate had played a big, cruel joke on me, and I was not even among the dense names on the 7 or 8 red lists.

I was so discouraged that tears poured out of my eyes uncontrollably and blurred my eyes. I got out of the gap in the crowd in front of the red list, hid at the foot of the tree, and silently wiped my tears......

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

Although my grades are not in the top 3 in the class, they will remain around the top 15. It's just not very stable, sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes up and sometimes down.

Achievements like this, although there is no hope for one, there is still hope for two, and it is really not possible to go to a junior college. Unexpectedly, the final result was nowhere on the list.

When I think of my parents at home, they are standing in the mud with their trouser legs rolled up and barefoot in the rice fields, hunched over the loess, with the scorching sun on their heads, planting rice with their backs to the sky, and enduring the bites of leeches.

Sometimes, the leeches bite their feet and suck blood, but they can't pull it off, and after finally pulling it off, their feet are bitten and the blood doesn't stop, and they have to continue planting seedlings.

As a result, the blood soaked into the paddy field, and the leeches smelled fishy, which attracted more leeches to come over. However, due to the slow transplanting of the field, a small piece could not be inserted in half a day, so I had to stand near the same place and let the leeches that swam over continue to bite.

My parents used the money from the sale of agricultural products for my education. My family was counting on me to go to university and find a good job to earn money to support my family.

I didn't expect to get such a result after studying hard for more than 10 years.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

That day, under the scorching sun, my head was blank, and I took a car ride back to the town for more than an hour, and walked for half an hour in sweat before returning to the village.

Back at home, my sister and my next-door neighbor Chubby sat on the floor of the hall and played. I hurriedly hid in my room and immediately locked the door.

As soon as my sister saw me, she immediately shouted, "Mom, my sister is back." ”

My mother heard this, and while cooking in the kitchen, she asked me loudly, "Yufeng, have you found the score?" What school did you get into? ”

At that time, the score was evaluated after the college entrance examination, and then according to the results of the evaluation, the volunteer was filled. When the results are released, you will know what university you will be admitted to.

I was in the room, pretending not to hear my mother's words, not daring to say anything.

The mother ran out of the kitchen and asked her sister, "Huahua, didn't you say that your sister is back, what about the people?" ”

The younger sister pointed to the room and said, "It's inside." ”

My mother came over and unlocked the door of the room, found it locked from the inside, and knew that I was inside.

She knocked on the door outside and shouted, "Yufeng, open the door quickly." "But I didn't dare open the door, and I didn't dare say anything.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

I only heard my mother say angrily outside, "I know you're inside, open the door quickly." There is no salt for stir-frying, so I take a bag of salt. ”

It's embarrassing, if it's really no salt, how can you eat this dish without salt? But when I open the door, how should I face my mother?

Just as I was hesitating, my mother yelled outside, "Hurry up, hurry up, the fire is too big, and the food is about to burn." ”

I had no choice but to open the door.

As a result, my mother didn't go to get the salt at all, but stared at me directly and asked, "What are you doing hiding in your room when you come back?" Sooner or later, the ugly daughter-in-law will have to meet her in-laws. How many points? Hurry up. ”

I said in a hutter, "I only scored more than 400 points." ”

The mother continued to ask fiercely: "How many are 400?" ”

I whispered, "More than 430 points." ”

The mother said impatiently, "Can you finish it all at once?" Mother-in-law's, like squeezing toothpaste. ”

I said in the voice of a mosquito, "431 points." ”

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

When the mother knew that the first line needed 562 points, the second line needed 524 points, and the third line needed 441 points, she didn't speak for a long time.

Suddenly, she sadly left a sentence: "It's okay now, let's farm at home with us honestly, I can't count on anything." ”

Little sister Huahua ran over and asked in a whisper: "Sister, did you score more than 400 points?" With so many points, can't you go to college? How many points do you need to get into college? ”

It's really eventful, I glared at my little sister hatefully: "Go away, it's so annoying." ”

The little sister looked at me aggrievedly, pouted and walked away.

At lunchtime, I didn't want to go, but I heard my mother shouting outside, "I didn't get into college, so I don't need to eat?" It's still squirming when you eat. Come and eat, when you are full, go to plant rice with us, and there are still 7 acres of fields that have not been planted. ”

My sister ran into the room again and took me by the hand and asked me to come out to eat.

I walked a lot that day, and I was very hungry, but because I was in a bad mood, I only ate half a bowl, so I left my chopsticks and didn't eat.

At noon, because of the scorching sun, the family waited until after 3:00 p.m. before going out to do farm work.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

Because I didn't do well in the exam, after eating, at 1:00 noon, I wore a straw hat and set off alone.

My sister said in the back: "Sister, the sun is too big, go outside to work later." I didn't bother to pay attention to her and walked away without looking back.

I only heard my mother say: "It's okay, let her bask in the sun more, she knows the hardships of planting crops, and she knows that reading is good." "

Wearing a straw hat and facing the scorching sun, I stepped into the paddy field alone, and the water in the field was hot from the sun.

I bent my body at 60 to 90 degrees, picked up a handful of rice and planted it. Sweat slid down the forehead to the tip of the nose and dripped into the paddy fields.

When I stepped back after inserting a line, I pulled my foot out of the mud and suddenly noticed a leech biting on my foot.

I angrily pinched it with two fingers, and the leech was slippery and without a single bone.

I pulled it out, but it still sucked at the wound on my foot. My heart was furious, so I had to slap it hard, and the leech fell into the water.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

As a result, the blood soaked into the paddy field, attracting a few leeches to come over. I had to go to the other side and go to the field.

That's it, I stayed at home for a week.

One day, my mother suddenly said to me, "Yufeng, I have agreed with my cousin, after planting the family's fields, I will follow my cousin to learn tailoring." ”

I whispered, "Can you repeat the year?" ”

The mother sighed and said, "I have inquired a long time ago, and the tuition fee for repeating is 850 yuan, where can I borrow so much money?" ”

The mother continued: "There is no interest in growing crops at home, and you still have to learn a trade. ”

I didn't say anything, okay, anyway, the family doesn't have the money for me to repeat, so I'll do whatever my mother arranges.

One day, my family and I planted a field together and came back from work. After washing their feet in the pond, everyone walked in front. I was dragging and grinding in the back alone.

When I walked to the entrance of the village, suddenly a boy at the foot of the tree greeted me from afar: "Yufeng, are you back from the field?" ”

When I looked at it, I thought this person was a little familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was for a while.

I saw that he was about 1.75 meters tall, wearing a pair of glasses, and he looked polite.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

I had to laugh awkwardly, "yes." You are? ”

The boy quipped, "Oh my God, old classmate, you're not going to forget me, are you?" I'm He Lei, your former tablemate. ”

I took a closer look, and it was really that kid. I haven't seen him for 3 years, and he's changed too much.

He wasn't that tall, he wasn't that handsome, and he didn't have a beard. When I was in junior high school, I was always clinging to me like a fart.

I was surprised and asked, "Why are you here?" Didn't you go to a secondary school and become a teacher? ”

He Lei raised his eyebrows and said, "It's summer vacation, I'll come to my aunt's house to play for a few days." Listen to her, you didn't get into college, and you're going to study tailoring? ”

Oh, it turns out that the Cuihua Niang at the village gate is He Lei's aunt.

I lowered my head and said helplessly: "Yes, I didn't get admitted to university, and my family has no money to repeat my studies, so I can only learn a craft." ”

He Lei looked at me and said: "Yufeng, I don't recommend you to learn tailoring, being an apprentice is also very hard, at least 3 years to become a teacher, and you have to be a free maid in someone else's house for 3 years." In the future, I can only be a tailor. ”

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

"Do you think that's good? You go to repeat the year, and if you get in, you are a college student. If you can't pass the test, it's the same as now, and there is nothing to lose to you. ”

I don't want to repeat it, but how can our family afford to repeat it for me? I had no choice but to remain silent.

Suddenly, my sister's voice came from the village: "Sister, hurry back for dinner." ”

He Lei heard someone calling me, so he hurriedly took out a note from his trouser pocket, stuffed it into my hand, and walked towards Cuihuaniang's house at the entrance of the village in great strides.

I was stunned for a moment, and quickly put it in my pocket. When I got home, I took a few bites of food and hid in my room alone.

When I opened the note, my God, there was a stack of red hundred-yuan bills rolled in the note, 10 sheets, a total of 1,000 yuan.

The note read: "Yufeng, your grades are better than mine, when you were admitted to the first middle school of the market, I was only admitted to the secondary school, you must repeat your studies." Listen to my advice and don't do things that you will regret. I have a salary every month, and I don't need to use this money in a hurry, so I will borrow it from you. In the future, after being admitted to the university and working, it will not be too late to return it to me. ”

The repetition fee for the third year of high school requires 850 yuan, and it seems that there is an extra 150 yuan, which can be kept for living expenses.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

Looking at the thick stack of banknotes in my hand, tears blurred my eyes. Old classmate, this is really a charcoal in the snow.

So, I made a showdown with my mother: "I want to go back to school for another year, and I won't study tailoring." If, after a year, I am still on the list, I will listen to you and listen to your arrangement. ”

Seeing that the tuition fee had been settled, my mother also agreed to my request to repeat, and at the same time praised He Lei.

After a year of hard work day and night, He Lei often wrote to encourage me and asked me to pay attention to the ways and methods of learning. He also sent me living expenses from time to time.

I vaguely felt He Lei's affection for me.

A few classmates who played well with me, every time they saw He Lei's letter, they laughed and said that the teacher's boyfriend had written again.

I laughed it off and turned it into motivation to move forward in my studies.

I brushed the questions over and over again, and the test papers were made one after another, and the scores on each test paper gave me great confidence.

A year later, when I went to the bulletin board at the school gate again, I was shocked to see my name on the red list. At that moment, I burst into tears.

For the title of the "Gold List", I, He Lei, the teacher and the whole family have all made countless efforts and bitterness.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

When I heard that I was going to repeat my studies last year, several of my daughters-in-law and my mother said, "Why do my daughters read so many books?" Sooner or later, you will have to get married, and if you read it, you will also read it for your husband's family. You are spending money in your mother's house and earning money in your husband's house. What's the use? ”

My mother smiled at the time and said, "It's okay, just repeat the study for a year, and if you are admitted, you will continue to study, and if you can't pass the exam, she will die." ”

When I got out of the gap in the crowd in front of the red list and walked to the foot of the tree, suddenly a bass voice called me: "Yufeng, why are you crying?" ”

I looked at it and it turned out to be He Lei.

I wiped my tears embarrassedly and asked, "Why did you come to the gate of my school?" ”

He Lei smiled, showed a mouthful of white teeth and said, "Wait for you, the red list will be announced today, I know you will definitely come." I've seen the red list a long time ago, and I've seen you a long time ago. Congratulations, you got into one. ”

I glanced at him and said, "You're so bad, you didn't tell me when you saw it, and you made me squeeze into the crowd to find my name." ”

He Lei laughed and said, "If you don't let you take a look in person, will you rest assured?" ”

He Lei accompanied me, took a bus for more than an hour, walked for more than half an hour, and went home to tell the whole family the good news.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

When my parents knew that I had been admitted to the first class, my father's eyes were red at that time, and he said, "Thank God, my family Yufeng finally doesn't have to follow us to farm." ”

The mother ran to the entrance of the village excitedly, her waist was straight, her face was facing the sky as she walked, and she said to several big-mouthed daughters-in-law in the village: "My Yufeng has been admitted to a book!" I just said that this girl is smart, and she was also the first in our village to be admitted to the first middle school in the city. ”

provoked those big-mouthed daughters-in-law, who were both envious and jealous, but there was nothing they could do about their mothers.

Naturally, while I was in college, I fell in love with He Lei. He Lei took the self-examination while teaching, and was also admitted to the undergraduate program.

After graduation, I worked in the city bank, and He Lei was also transferred to the city junior high school to teach.

Two years later, we got married and had a daughter and a son.

We brought my parents from the countryside to the city. The family lives happily together.

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

I am especially grateful to He Lei, if it weren't for him, I would have really gone to learn tailoring. After learning tailoring, he will go to work in a garment factory in another place, just like others.

A note that He Leisai gave me back then changed my fate, and also combined me with fate and his fate to form a happy family.

Now is the time to check the scores of the college entrance examination and fill in the volunteers, I advise all parents, if the child's usual grades are okay, but the worst test is dedicated to the college entrance examination, it is a mistake in the test. Then be brave enough to choose to repeat it.

Repeat a year to leave no regrets. Of course, the premise is that the child himself is not reconciled and wants to repeat it.

If the child does not want to repeat his studies, then respect the child's ideas, what university to be admitted to, what university to study, and stop tossing.

Finally, I wish all students to be admitted to their ideal universities!

In 93, when I failed the college entrance examination to learn tailoring, my junior high school classmate stuffed me with a note, which changed my fate

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