
Is it reliable for AI to help fill in the college entrance examination volunteers?

author:Ju County release

At present, the voluntary filling in of the college entrance examination in various provinces is being carried out intensively. In recent years, with the popularization and application of artificial intelligence, filling in the college entrance examination with the help of AI has become a new choice for some candidates and parents. Candidates only need to enter information such as scores and instantly generate a detailed school selection plan.

AI helps fill in the college entrance examination volunteers, is it reliable? What's going on with AI helping to fill in the college entrance examination volunteers?

Is it reliable for AI to help fill in the college entrance examination volunteers?


Enter the candidate information

Generate a volunteer "referral list" instantly

Zou from Changsha, Hunan Province, has taken the college entrance examination this year, and in the past two days, he is trying to use the AI intelligent system to help fill in the volunteers. On the "Intelligent Filling" page of a product, he only needs to enter basic information such as the total score, rank, and subject selection of the college entrance examination, and the system will recommend three different risk types of "rushing, stability, and protection" for him to volunteer and admit probability predictions. At the same time, Zou can further narrow down the selection range according to the filter conditions such as college priority, major priority, and career priority.


Same candidate information

Different AI software recommends different results

After the reporter enters "AI volunteer filling" in the web search bar, he can see several web pages and App products that provide AI-assisted filling volunteer functions. The reporter took a Beijing candidate's college entrance examination score of 550 as an example to experience AI-assisted volunteer service. In one of the products, after submitting the candidate's information, the system automatically generates a list of volunteer recommendations, recommending 1167 volunteers, and according to the probability of applying for the exam, these volunteers are divided into three categories: impactable, relatively stable, and guaranteed. The reporter then changed to a product and entered the same candidate information, but there were only 195 recommended volunteers on the webpage. If I input the same candidate information, why do different AI-assisted products have different volunteer recommendation results? The reporter interviewed a company that provides AI volunteer software.

Predictions based on historical data are for reference only

It is understood that most of the companies that currently provide AI volunteer software are based on the information disclosed in the past few years to clean and mine data, and then make probability predictions based on big data.

Is it reliable for AI to help fill in the college entrance examination volunteers?

Experts said that most of the current AI volunteer products are based on the data of the college entrance examination over the years to provide intelligent predictions, helping candidates and parents solve problems such as difficulty in querying massive information and unclear career directions.

Is it reliable for AI to help fill in the college entrance examination volunteers?

Chen Zhiwen, member of the expert group of the National Education Examination Steering Committee: The current popular software on the market is only a primary product of AI, and it only makes a prediction of future or this year's admission based on historical admission data. According to your score or ranking, you may be eligible for these schools and majors this year, and it is a probability prediction, which cannot be accurately predicted, for reference only.


For AI-assisted filling in volunteers

There are good reviews and hidden concerns

For a long time, candidates can refer to the "Professional Catalog" and "Filling Guide" to find colleges and majors when filling in the volunteers. However, the reform of the college entrance examination has brought changes in exams, propositions, and enrollment, and has also increased the difficulty of voluntary filling, so some candidates and parents choose to use AI to assist in screening and recommendation.


AI-assisted filling in volunteers

Convenience and limitations coexist

What should we think of the popular AI-assisted filling in volunteers?

Experts told reporters that when volunteering to fill in, these AI volunteer products can save the time of candidates and parents to collect information, reduce repetitive and data-based labor, and improve the convenience and efficiency of voluntary filling.

However, the limitations of AI volunteering are also obvious. AI decision-making depends on the integrity and accuracy of the data and the scientific nature of the algorithm. In addition, AI products cannot make a comprehensive evaluation of the specific characteristics of each candidate, such as the candidate's personality traits, interests and hobbies.

Source: Beijing Daily client

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