
At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

author:Sister October next door

Original debut, rights protection of the whole network, plagiarism must be investigated.

After the college entrance examination scores came out, our whole family, relatives and friends couldn't contact our son.

I was restless and no longer wanted to go to work, so I hurriedly asked the leader for leave and took the subway and bus for more than an hour to return home.

The son is not at home. I hurriedly asked 2 families in the same neighborhood that my son was playing well with their children, but they said they didn't see my son.

I called three classmates who often played with my son, and the answer was that I didn't see anyone.

I was so anxious that I went crazy, and I turned back to my son's room, and I found a small note on my desk, which read, "Mom and Dad, I'll go back to my hometown and grandparents for a while." Don't look for me, I want to think quietly alone, what will I do in the future? Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. "

Seeing my son's message, my heart hanging in my throat finally landed.

I sat down on the couch and didn't want to move......

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel


In this college entrance examination, my son scored 457 points. The first line of science is 538 points, and the second line is 446 points, which means that my son can only go to two books.

When I look at the scores, my heart is really mixed.

My son usually ranks in the top 5 in the class in mathematics, and often scores 120~140 points, but this time he only scored 85 points, with a full score of 150 points, and he failed the mathematics test.

With a full score of 100 in physics, he usually scores more than 80 points, but this time he only scored 60 points.

No wonder my son was disappointed with the score, and as soon as he finished the exam, he said that he wanted to repeat it.

What I'm struggling with now is that my son has reached the second line, should I let him go directly to the second line, and then try my best to go to graduate school in the future?

But I heard from a friend that I would also look at an undergraduate school when I was admitted to graduate school. If it is a second book, it is difficult to say whether it will be treated differently, which will affect the admission to the graduate school entrance examination.

Or let him repeat it for another year? But the pressure of repeating is so great, what if you don't get the exam next year and don't do it this year? Do you want to keep repeating it?

I thought about it for a few days, but I couldn't make up my mind.

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

I remember that on the night after the math test, my son called me crying, saying that he didn't have time to do the last two big questions in math, and he felt very uncomfortable doing the whole test paper.

After the college entrance examination, I asked him how he did in the next two days. The son didn't say anything, and after a long time, he suddenly said, "Mom, can I repeat it?" ”

At that time, I had a hunch that my son really failed the exam this time.

When I learned that my son had taken the high-speed train back to his grandparents' house, I thought about it and was still a little uneasy, so I called my parents-in-law: "Mom and Dad, Gao Lei is back to his hometown today." He is now on the high-speed train, and he will sit for six and a half hours, and will arrive at the high-speed rail station at 11 o'clock in the evening. Take a taxi back, estimated at 12 o'clock in the evening. ”

When the mother-in-law heard that her son was going back to her hometown, she was very happy: "Really? Great, I haven't seen my grandson in almost a year. Why didn't this kid inform me in advance? I'm going to go to the town tomorrow to buy fish and shrimp and come back, and the family only has home-grown vegetables, no meat dishes. ”

The father-in-law immediately called Chubby who drove a taxi in the town, asked him to wait for his son at the high-speed rail station at 11 o'clock in the evening, and sent Chubby's mobile phone number to his son, so that as soon as he got out of the high-speed rail station, he would call Chubby and take his car home directly.

When everything was arranged, I relaxed a little.

In the evening, I didn't dare to sleep after eating, and waited until more than 1 o'clock in the morning, when I called my mother-in-law again, and after knowing that my son had arrived at my hometown safely, I finally put my mind at ease and went to bed.

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

My parents-in-law cooked meals at home, boiled bath water, and waited for my son to come back before having dinner together. After eating, I let my son take a bath, and the family was busy until more than 2 o'clock in the morning.

In the days that followed, I didn't dare to call my son for fear that he would be stressed and that he would be upset. But he wanted to know about his situation in his hometown, so he secretly called his mother-in-law every day to ask about Gao Lei's situation.

My mother-in-law comforted me and said, "Lei'er will talk to us in my hometown, but she doesn't talk much. During the day, he took the dog to the mountains and walked around the fields. At night, I sit alone, watch TV, look at my phone. "

When I knew my son was well, I was relieved.

A few days have passed, and on June 30 this year, it was time to fill in the volunteers, but my son didn't come back, I don't know what he thought about?

I ran out of ideas, so I asked my husband: "Gao Lei has been back to his hometown these days, I don't know if I have thought about it?" Is it the last two books, or is it a re-reading? If you go to two books, what school should you fill in and what major should you choose? "

My husband was confused and said, "I don't know either." ”

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

I scolded him unhappily: "You are a father, you are really smooth, don't worry about anything?" I don't know how to ask your son. Hurry up and make a decision, and start filling out the online application today. In just a few days, the system for filling in volunteers will be shut down, and I won't have a chance to go to two books. ”

The husband hurriedly called his son again, but he didn't answer the phone after calling several times.

Thinking that others will start filling in the volunteer today, we don't know what major our son will choose? What schools to fill in? Or do you choose to repeat? I was in a hurry.

No, I have to find a way to not delay like this any longer.

I guess if I call him, he won't answer.

So, I called my mother-in-law around the corner and asked her to ask what my son meant.

Mother-in-law called: "Gao Lei said, he doesn't know whether to go to the second book or repeat it?" He said that his strengths are in mathematics and physics, and he still has confidence in them. "

"But the weakness is in English and Chinese, English often only scored more than 50 points, and was once the third from the bottom in the class. I also scored more than 60 points in the Chinese test, and my ranking in the class is estimated to be around the bottom 10. ”

Gao Lei said that he doesn't like rote memorization. If he repeats the book and thinks about learning English and Chinese, he will not be interested in anything. But if he goes to the second book, he is very unwilling. In addition, he doesn't know what major to choose, so that he can get a job in the future? ”

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

My son has been biased since he was a child, and his science grades are particularly good, and he is in the top 5 in his class. Particularly poor in liberal arts, at the bottom of the class. He does his science homework whenever he has free time, and his liberal arts homework is always delayed.

It seems that the mother-in-law has been surging for a long time, and the son is still entangled and hesitating.

What to do? It's time to fill in the volunteers, and time waits for no one.

So, I thought of a trick and said to my husband: "Since everyone can't make up their minds, I have a way, and I will see the difference." ”

My husband said expectantly, "Okay, you decide." ”

I pulled a $1 coin out of the drawer, held it in my hand, tossed it upward, and said, "Let the coin decide." The number is on the side up, and the one with the flower is on the side up, and the one with the flower is repeated. What do you think? ”

My husband opened his eyes and looked at me, and said in disbelief, "Oh my God, is there such a sloppy mother as you?" Use a coin to decide the future of your son. ”

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

I gave him a blank look and said, "Then I don't care, you decide." ”

The husband immediately fell silent.

I asked my husband, "Well, let's go in two steps, and if you repeat your studies, you won't fill in the volunteers." "

"If my son likes mathematics and physics, and he is more introverted and doesn't like to communicate with people, then choose electronic information engineering, automation, and artificial intelligence, which are all science and engineering, what do you think?"

My husband didn't think about it, and echoed: "Okay, listen to you." ”

I asked him again, "What school do you choose?" Just past the second line is only 10 points more, what school should I choose? "

I watched it for a long time, and I was in trouble. If you want to choose a good major, choose a public undergraduate school, because your son's score is only 10 points more than the second line, and it is likely that he will be transferred to other unpopular majors.

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

I sent my son the majors and schools I had chosen so that he could make the final decision. The son did not react at all.

That night, I couldn't sleep while tossing and turning in bed, and it was a dilemma.

I feel like my son, standing at a crossroads, and every step forward is an abyss. I am especially afraid of making a wrong step and making a wrong step in the future.

After a day, my son still didn't move.

I couldn't hold it anymore, so I sent a message to my son and asked him how he was thinking about it?

Unexpectedly, my son responded: "My volunteer has been filled." "

I was taken aback and quickly asked, "What did you fill in?" "

After a while, my son sent a voice: "I don't want to study in Guangdong Province, I am going to study in universities outside the province, and the farther away from home, the better." "

"I filled in several schools on the border of the motherland, such as Xinjiang, Yunnan, Heilongjiang, Hainan and other universities. These places are so beautiful that I want to travel while going to university to make it worthwhile to get around the world. "

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

When I heard this, I was anxious, and hurriedly replied: "Son, the university is in Guangdong Province, so it's easy to get a job." At that time, your classmates are all working in Guangdong Province, which is also a kind of network, which is very helpful for your future development. ”

My son scolded me unhappily: "I went to college, and you didn't go to college?" "I had to shut up.

The son continued: "I chose to major in agriculture, and I am going to graduate later, and I will contract dozens of acres of mountains and land in my hometown to grow some vegetables and fruits." If you can sell it, you can sell it, and if you can't sell it, the whole family will eat it. Besides, it's close to my grandparents, they are old, and I can take care of them. ”

When I heard this, I became even more anxious: "Son, farming is very hard, and grandparents are old, so they can't accompany you for a lifetime." Electronic Information Engineering, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, you can choose 1 of the 3 majors. ”

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

Unexpectedly, the son replied directly: "The volunteer has been filled in and has been submitted." ”

I begged my son, "Please revise it, your father and I finally came out of the countryside, and after 20 years, you went around and went back to the countryside." ”

The son said calmly: "In the past, the rural areas of your generation did not develop, and the trend in the future is that the rural areas will get better and better." And I don't like places with a lot of people, the air in the countryside is good, the environment is good, I like to live in the countryside, and I am especially relaxed and comfortable. ”

It's over, my son is too stubborn, if he really fills in the border school and chooses agriculture, then how can he find a job when he returns to Guangdong in the future?

But the husband said: "Let the child go with him when he is older, he can do whatever he wants, anyway, he chooses it, don't regret it in the future." "

Do you think your child is doing the right thing? Do you want to change it? Welcome to leave a suggestion in the comment area, thank you!

At the end of the college entrance examination, my son asked if he could repeat it? After the scores came out, the whole family couldn't contact him ~ a sequel

Material/Chen Fangfang Text/Sister October next door

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