
Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

author:Joy over the peaks

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

At the request of the majority of fans, a statistical ranking of overseas countries of Chinese immigrants was compiled.

At present, Chinese immigrants are located on seven continents, covering more than 130 countries around the world, and the popular countries for immigrants are no longer limited to the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries. According to incomplete statistics, up to now, the number of Chinese overseas immigrants has exceeded 39.5 million. According to the statistics of Insider Monkey, a well-known American organization, most of the Chinese immigrants overseas are high-net-worth individuals and families. Most of them are developed countries and some countries that are suitable for local business and business resources, so let's follow the editor to take a look at the popular countries for Chinese immigrants overseas.

10th Winner: Japan

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

The capital of cherry blossoms

With a total of 920,000 immigrants from China, Japan has become a developed country since the 90s, attracting high-net-worth individuals from China with a high-quality medical system, a well-established education system and beautiful scenery. Although Japan is not tolerant of immigrants, it has to implement an open policy for immigrants due to the country's low fertility rate, labor shortage problems, and aging population.

9th place South Korea

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

Night view of Seoul

The total number of Chinese immigrants is 1,070,500, and South Korea, as a country that is relatively open to immigrants, has more domestic immigrants, but the Chinese are the largest. Geographically, China and South Korea are close neighbors separated by a sea, and the two countries also have a lot in common at the cultural level. Since China's reform and opening up, especially in the first decade and before, China and South Korea are also in the honeymoon period, the relationship is good, there are more Chinese who have immigrated to South Korea, and there are also a considerable number of students studying in South Korea.

8th place Philippines

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

Boracay, Philippines

The total number of Chinese immigrants is 1,273,100, and the Philippines is located in Southeast Asia, with a large number of Chinese Americans, mainly valuing the commercial resources there, and most of the immigrants are mainly doing business and running enterprises. Most of the Chinese immigrants are located in Guangdong, Fujian, Hong Kong and Macao.

7th place Australia

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

Aerial view of Sydney

With a total of 1,300,600 Chinese immigrants, Australia attracted Chinese high-net-worth individuals in the early years with its excellent educational resources, pleasant climatic conditions, perfect welfare system and real estate investment. In the early years, it was one of the most popular countries for Chinese immigration, and with the increasing number of immigrants, the government also tightened the immigration policy and closed the channels for investment immigration.

6th Myanmar

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

With a total of 1,725,700 immigrants, it is a relatively poor Southeast Asian country bordering China. The reason why Chinese immigrants choose to do business here is mainly because of the resources and potential of the local business. Most of the Chinese immigrants here are from Guangdong, Fujian and Yunnan. The large number of Chinese people in business also contributes a significant proportion to the local economy.

5th place Canada

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

With a total of 1,769,100 immigrants, Chinese immigrants are one of the traditional immigration countries in China, and their perfect social welfare system and high-quality educational resources are deeply attractive to Chinese immigrants. The area is rich and very livable. Especially for high-net-worth individuals, the immigration policy is still very friendly. Especially those entrepreneurs, who can drive local employment resources, are not easy to immigrate.

4th place Indonesia

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries


With a total of 2,832,500 immigrants, China is the country with the largest number of islands in the world (more than 10,000 islands) and is very rich in natural resources. Many Chinese value the business opportunities here, and most of the Chinese immigrants here are entrepreneurs, which also drives the local economic development.

3rd place United States

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

Niagaragua's Great Falls

The total number of Chinese immigrants is 5,025,800, which has always been a paradise for immigrants from all over the world. Most of these immigrants to the United States are academic professionals, business elites, financial intellectuals and other outstanding talents in various fields.

2nd place Malaysia

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries


The total number of Chinese immigrants is 6,884,800, and Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia, with a suitable climate, beautiful environment, and similar food and living habits to China. The political stability of the local government, the low threshold of immigration policy, the first choice for Chinese companies to go overseas, for those Chinese who pursue a comfortable lifestyle, is a good choice.

1st place Thailand

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries


The total number of Chinese immigrants is 9.3 million, most of them may not have expected that Thailand will be the country with the largest number of Chinese immigrants, China and Thailand have maintained good diplomatic relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations, and as one of ASEAN, but also China's third largest trading partner, the two countries have a high degree of close cooperation in many fields such as economy, culture, sports, tourism, investment, etc. As Thailand is currently a developing country, the low cost of living, high-quality investment potential, and beautiful scenery are also the main reasons for attracting Chinese immigrants.

The 11th to 16th places were Vietnam, France, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Brazil and New Zealand.

Ranking of Chinese immigrants to overseas countries

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