
A man loves these titles more than "husband", and the more he screams, the more he will spoil you

author:Xia Qing

In love, a man's address to a woman is the most direct way to express love, and it is also a way to make a woman feel cared for and loved.

Therefore, many women will like the title of husband in marriage, and they also like to hear men call themselves like this, but compared to the title of "husband", men love these titles more, and the more they shout, the more they will spoil you.

Today, I will tell you about a few of the most popular names for men.

A man loves these titles more than "husband", and the more he screams, the more he will spoil you
  1. "Baby"

The title "baby" sounds sweet and beautiful, and men want to have such a title in marriage.

Although it is a very common title, it can make a man feel a woman's love for him. Moreover, such a title is also very ceremonial, and it is the best way to express love.

Men like to hear women call themselves like this, and they will feel warm in their hearts when they hear these three words. So, no matter how old a woman is, don't be stingy about saying the word "baby" to a man.

Although the word sounds a little numb, it is the most satisfying term for a man.

Although sometimes men will say that they don't need women to call him that, they will be very satisfied in their hearts.

So, if you can call him more darling or darling, he will love you even more.

A man loves these titles more than "husband", and the more he screams, the more he will spoil you
  1. "Little Cutie"

"Marriage is not a matter of two people, but of two families." - Anonymous

The title "cutie" is circulating on the Internet, it describes a girl who is so cute that people can't help but want to spoil her.

The term "cutie" to some extent represents the girl's love for the boy, and also the boy's love for the girl.

Many women wish they could have the title of "cutie", and this title also represents a woman's love and tolerance for men.

So, when a man calls you that, you can respond to him and tell him that you are happy, and that you want to be able to call you that way all the time, and that you want to be with him all the time.

Most men like to hear girls call themselves "cutie" because they find it cute and heartwarming. If women call them that often, then they will love you more.

A man loves these titles more than "husband", and the more he screams, the more he will spoil you
  1. "Little Lady"

"Little woman" is a title that many women like, and this is because this title can satisfy a woman's inner desire and satisfy her need to be loved and cared for.

Moreover, the title "little woman" can also make the man feel happy and needed, giving him a feeling of being adored.

Therefore, in marriage, women may wish to try to give men some such names, so that he feels that he has a very important place in your heart, and gives him a strong sense of need and achievement.

He will also feel happy and happy because of your title and feel that he has married a good wife.

A man loves these titles more than "husband", and the more he screams, the more he will spoil you
  1. "小傻瓜"

The title "little fool" is a man's affectionate name for you after marriage, and it is also an expression of his love for you.

Although, many women think that they don't need too many sweet words in marriage, there are also many women who think that whether a man is good to him or not can be seen by when a man calls himself a "little fool".

Women should know that the love that a man gives you does not have to be spoken, but more often it is expressed in action. So, don't be stingy with your compliments, and call your men "little fools".

Everyone wants their other half to be someone who understands and loves them. He will love you more and spoil you more.

Today's topic: Is it okay to call a man a "little fool" in marriage?