
Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle

author:A travel diary like smoke

Two years ago, when his son started to lose weight on a light diet, he bought a lot of healthy light food at home, including dried fruit cereal, konjac rice, konjac noodles, multigrain European bread, buckwheat noodles, buckwheat noodles, corn and chicken sausages, apple cider vinegar, zero-calorie drinks, zero-calorie vegetable juice, weight scales, and oil-free frying pans......

My house is like a light grocery store.

Every time my son comes home from vacation, he gives me three meals a day, all of which are light food recipes.

In my previous cognition, I thought that losing weight was to eat less staple foods, eat less big fish and meat, go to restaurants less, and buy fewer snacks. This should save money.

Since losing weight is so cost-effective, slimming down not only makes people more confident, handsome and healthy, what a good thing it is, and we should vigorously support my son to lose weight.

But my son brought me a new concept of weight loss, which is not to rely on eating less or starving, but to eat healthier, eat selectively, and eat more nutritious.

Losing weight is not about saving money, it's about burning it. But this kind of money burning is different from ordinary consumption, because in exchange for health, less sickness, less hospital, and the improvement of personal image, it is very meaningful to spend money.

Whenever my son is at home during the holidays, I make healthy light meals for my son, and I also follow him to eat light food, which really makes the body lighter.

A healthy light diet is to eat as few carbohydrates as possible, which is the so-called polished rice and refined noodles, and is replaced by multigrain rice such as millet, corn, sorghum rice, black rice, and oat rice, as well as coarse grain noodles such as buckwheat noodles, corn flour, purple potato noodles, and corn noodles, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yams, konjac and other high-quality slow carbs.

In terms of high-quality protein selection, eat more chicken, fish, beef, fish, shrimp and other seafood; Skim milk, sugar-free yogurt, sugar-free soy milk, eggs.

Choose low-sugar and low-calorie strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, oranges, cherries, etc., as well as green leafy vegetables.

And these high-quality carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables are expensive, so weight loss light food is a kind of money, but the money spent in exchange for health, confidence, beauty and handsomeness, it is worth it.

So recently, a friend proposed 16+8 light food to lose weight, and I responded positively at the first time. Find out all the soybean milk makers, wall-breaking machines, graduated water cups, konjac rice, konjac noodles, cereal, zero-calorie sugar, zero-calorie vinaigrette, and buckwheat cold noodles that are on the shelves at home.

Why did I join 16+8 Light Diet to lose weight? After retirement, my body became a little fat, my blood lipids were a little high during the physical examination, and my previous skirt was a little tight, which was intolerable to me, in addition to beauty and health.

My son will be coming home from vacation in a few days, and he said that when he gets home, he will go to the gym to exercise, buy one-on-one private lessons, and continue to eat lightly. As for the investment in my son's health, I raise my hand in favor.

In addition to buying a lot of beef and making my own air fryer roast beef jerky, I also bought konjac rice konjac noodles, North Korean cold noodles, buckwheat cold noodles, chicken corn sausages, and European bread...... These are all purchased online by my son before, low-fat, low-calorie, and delicious.

In the past, I passively followed my son to eat light food, and there were some reluctant ingredients, but this time my son is on vacation, I not only have to follow him to eat light food, but also follow him to exercise.

The son didn't use 16+8, just a light meal, three meals a day and exercise; And this time I want to try the 16+8 that is very popular at the moment.

Before 3 o'clock this afternoon, I made a light cold noodle with two ice cubes in it, as well as white eggs, orange pulp, cucumbers, and a proper light meal.

Cold noodles, konjac rice, konjac noodles are added to the window, plus the original chicken corn sausage, millet, beef jerky, these are very good light food components, children and mothers who lose weight during the holiday can choose to eat these high-quality light food, and they can also be happy with us. #晒一张相册里的减脂餐##头条创作挑战赛#

Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle
Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle
Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle
Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle
Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle
Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle
Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle
Choosing 16+8 light food is not only for weight loss, but also for a healthy lifestyle

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