
A 5-year-old child's sentence of "son" was exchanged for a violent beating by an adult man, what happened to the world? (Information source: 2024-06-2917:20 Red Star News 5-year-old boy Chong.)

author:Ancient History Qingyun

A 5-year-old child's sentence of "son" was exchanged for a violent beating by an adult man, what happened to the world?

(Information source: 2024-06-29 17:20 Red Star News 5-year-old boy shouted "son" at the neighbor man and was beaten, police report web link)

A joke ignited the anger of an adult man in an instant, pushing a 5-year-old boy into the abyss of pain.

On the evening of June 22, 2024, 5-year-old Xiao Xiong (pseudonym) also chased and played with his friends in the open space near their home as usual, enjoying their own happiness.

When the bear was playing, he met a male neighbor in his 30s, perhaps out of the child's innocent nature, or perhaps to attract the attention of this "big friend", the bear blurted out a "son".

This call, like a boulder dropped on the calm surface of the lake, instantly stirred up a thousand waves, and the male neighbor's face was visibly gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger and humiliation.

The people around clearly sensed that the atmosphere was wrong, and stepped forward to dissuade him, trying to calm the anger of the male neighbor, who was already carried away by anger and did not listen to any advice at all.

As soon as he pushed away the people around him, like a wild beast that had lost his mind, he rushed at the unsuspecting bear and slammed his fist into his head and face.

The dull sound of hitting, accompanied by the heart-rending cry of the bear, echoed in the community, making people shudder.

The young bear could not withstand the punches and kicks of the adults, and was quickly knocked to the ground, which did not stop the male neighbor, but intensified, and kicked the bear on the ground again.

When the surrounding residents heard the commotion, they rushed to stop it, and the chilling violent beating was forced to stop.

When the bear's mother heard the news, she rushed to the scene in a hurry, and saw her son lying on the ground with blood on his face, and immediately felt that the sky was about to fall.

She picked up her son, who was covered in injuries, and immediately rushed him to the hospital.

After the doctor's diagnosis, the bear had facial injuries to his head and contusions to the skin around his right eye socket, but fortunately there were no serious internal injuries.

Physical wounds can be healed, but mental wounds are difficult to heal.

The originally lively and cheerful little bear, after experiencing this violent beating, became silent, and often woke up in his sleep, crying "don't hit me", which is distressing.

He began to be afraid of contact with strangers, and did not even dare to go out and play alone, and the once innocent smile disappeared, replaced by lingering fear and shadows.

Xiao Xiong's experience quickly caused an uproar on the Internet, and netizens strongly condemned the violent behavior of the male neighbor, and at the same time deeply sympathized with Xiao Xiong's experience.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the local police quickly intervened in the investigation, and the case is being further handled, believing that the law will give Xiaoxiong and his family a fair explanation.

What happened to Xiao Xiong is a sad tragedy, which not only exposes the lack of emotional management skills of some people in society, but also shows that there is still a long way to go in the protection of minors.

A 5-year-old child's sentence of "son" was exchanged for a violent beating by an adult man, what happened to the world? (Information source: 2024-06-2917:20 Red Star News 5-year-old boy Chong.)
A 5-year-old child's sentence of "son" was exchanged for a violent beating by an adult man, what happened to the world? (Information source: 2024-06-2917:20 Red Star News 5-year-old boy Chong.)
A 5-year-old child's sentence of "son" was exchanged for a violent beating by an adult man, what happened to the world? (Information source: 2024-06-2917:20 Red Star News 5-year-old boy Chong.)

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