
U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

author:Subtle History

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U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

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As early as the beginning of 2024, White House housekeeper Jake Sullivan was frustrated: "The United States has tried to shape China, but it has failed." ”

Who knows, it has only been less than half a year, and Metzl, an expert at a US think tank, is about to "teach a lesson" to China, saying wildly: "China will either become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran." ”

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

It can be seen that the Americans are still in the old-fashioned hegemonic thinking, but today's China is no longer Wuxia Amun, and it is not the turn of the United States to dictate the way, and China prefers to take the third way.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

U.S. think tanks make demands on China

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the hegemonic ambitions of the United States have been nakedly exposed to the public, constantly creating disputes and wars in other countries, but any country that does not obey the hypocritical "democracy" of the United States will be besieged by the United States and its allies.

In the face of the oppression of the United States and the West, Russia and Iran are not willing to bow down, but instead shoulder the dignity of regional powers, but these two countries have been sanctioned and encircled by the United States and the West for a long time.

After Russia and Iran suffered a major demoralization, the United States focused on dealing with China, unilaterally launching a trade war, a financial war, and a technology war since 2018.

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it launched a public opinion war on the issue of "China's aid to Russia" in an attempt to smear China's image, but China is like a small power that cannot be defeated, and it has been reborn again and again, and its economic and military strength has increased dramatically day by day, giving the United States and the West a great sense of crisis, and American politicians have repeatedly shouted that the United States must be ready for war with the People's Liberation Army.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

A few days ago, Jamie Metzl, vice chairman of the US think tank "Asia Society," openly threatened China, saying that China had the opportunity to become a second South Korea and choose a better future for itself, but it embarked on the road of destruction of Russia and Iran.

Metzl's remarks exposed the true thinking of the American elites, who believe that China should submit to the feet of the United States, and should grovel like South Korea, so that the United States can guarantee its security and defense, otherwise it will be "eliminated" by the United States and its allies as soon as possible.

In fact, this is not the first time Metzl has said such things, as early as 2014, he openly called for the use of force to contain China's rise, so that China will "succumb" on the South China Sea and East China Sea issues.

He also called on the United States and its allies to restore Japan's authority as a "normal state" at an early date, so that Japan can be guaranteed to confront China militarily.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

In addition to Metzl, U.S. Ambassador to China Burns also made outrageous remarks on June 6, arguing that China is no longer the "obedient" partner it was 20 years ago, but has begun to work against the United States, vigorously supporting Russia behind the scenes, and forcing the United States to launch a series of sanctions.

Burns's remarks undoubtedly packaged the United States as the embodiment of "justice," and he also accused China of using major powers to coerce and "bully" its neighbors in the East and South China Seas.

Obviously, in the eyes of the American elite, China can only become a country like South Korea in order to make the United States let down its guard. In fact, in the eyes of China, South Korea is just a second-rate country that we look down on.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

China will not become South Korea

In the eyes of the Americans, South Korea is the "top student" they support, and it is more obedient and controllable than Japan. However, they do not know that in the eyes of the Chinese, South Korea is a "pawn" and "vanguard" of the United States, without the slightest sovereignty and dignity, and is not worthy of being called a "developed country" at all.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

Since the time of the Korean War, the United States has taken advantage of the fire to loot and signed the "Mutual Defense Treaty" with South Korea, and since then it has begun to station troops in South Korea in a bright and open manner, and there are still 28,500 US troops flaunting their military might in South Korea.

South Koreans, on the other hand, are complacent, believing that with US military assistance and support, South Korea no longer has to worry about foreign forces. But they didn't know that South Korea's move completely ceded the dominance of national defense to the United States and became a puppet of the US military.

Mr. Trump has threatened to withdraw U.S. troops if South Korea does not increase the percentage of its troop spending. As soon as these words came out, South Korea immediately handed over a large amount of military spending, and just because it left the US army, the Korean People's Army would immediately occupy Seoul. Without military autonomy, South Korea is extremely sad.

As a matter of fact, the South Korean people have repeatedly called on the US military to get out as soon as possible, just because these US soldiers are the "emperors of the soil" and have committed all kinds of evil in South Korea, such as rape, murder, and theft, and have committed crimes but have rarely been punished, and the South Korean police dare not speak out.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

In order to show his loyalty, the current President Yoon Suk-yeol once sang a song "American Pie" for Biden in public during his visit to the United States, which was considered by the American media to be "the best dessert at the dinner". However, the South Korean people believe that this is "South Korea's national shame", and the dignity of the head of state has fallen to the ground.

The reason why South Korean politicians bow down to their ears is not only that they have no say in the military, but also in the economy. South Korea's economy is supported by the United States, technology, materials, and funds are all provided by American capital, and even Samsung, which South Korea is proud of, is controlled by Wall Street.

It is no exaggeration to say that the top 10 chaebols in South Korea are all Americans.

South Korea is short of resources, and almost all of its oil, natural gas, and grain are imported, and most of the sources of imports are the United States and its allies.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

It can be seen that South Korea has actually become a "dependent country" of the United States, and it is not a sovereign country at all.

South Korea attaches great importance to economic cooperation between China and South Korea, but because of the coercion of the United States, South Korea has been involved in the Asia-Pacific strategy, since the deployment of THAAD, Sino-South Korean relations have been deteriorating, without China as a large market, South Korea's economy is also declining, but South Korea has no choice at all.

Metzl's high-profile demand that China become the "next South Korea" is obviously a public ridicule of South Korea as its "subject country", and China cannot be controlled by others or threatened by other countries.

When the country was founded, New China, which was poor and white, was not defeated by the United States and the West, nor was it bullied by the military superiority of the United States and the West, not to mention China, which has become the second largest economy today.

It has become a "common practice" of US politicians to reverse black and white, but in fact, China will not submit to US hegemony, let alone be at the mercy of the United States and the West.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran
U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

China will not be "destroyed"

According to a report by the Philippine News Agency on the 18th, due to the "interference" of the Chinese coast guard, the Philippine failed in the supply mission of illegally "beaching warships", and the Philippine ships were significantly damaged, and the Philippine side also accused China's law enforcement of being "offensive and illegal".

So, is this really the case?

It has been learned that on 17 June, the Philippines illegally intruded into the waters near Ren'ai Jiao on the mainland, and in order to transport construction materials and other materials to the illegal "beached warship," it also specially dispatched one replenishment ship and two inflatable boats, and eight special forces on board the ships were fully armed and armed with light pistols.

During the illegal delivery of supplies, the Philippine side also tried to collide with a ship that was sailing normally, and the Chinese coast guard immediately took warning measures, boarded for inspection, and forcibly drove away.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

During the collision, all eight Philippine special forces were injured, and the leader unfortunately got his finger caught in the speedboat, and one finger was clipped.

All of China's control measures are reasonable, lawful and restrained, and all responsibility lies with the Philippine side. Their accusations are obviously untenable, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland immediately condemned the Philippine side's actions and urged the Philippines to stop the infringements, otherwise it will bear the consequences.

Unexpectedly, Marcos ignored China's warnings, openly put forward the so-called "external threat", and misguided domestic public opinion, so that more than 70% of Filipinos who do not know the truth support the "use of force" against China.

But who would have thought that at the critical moment, China's Type 055 10,000-ton destroyer appeared along the coast of Philippine waters, and the Philippine political circles immediately remained silent and did not dare to make any more radical remarks.

According to reports, the 055 drive is the "Dalian ship", which is only 100 meters away from the island of Fernanci, and the Chinese flag can be clearly seen on the island.

The 055 drive is the most advanced destroyer in the mainland and even in the world, it is a multi-purpose missile destroyer, with a strong comprehensive combat strength, can lock on to multiple targets in a short period of time and accurately launch a large number of anti-aircraft missiles, even the United States aircraft carriers dare not underestimate.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

The strongest patrol ship in the Philippines, which is only 3,200 tons, is itching its boots against the 055 drive, and it does not play any role at all. To exaggerate a little more, a 055 drive can take down the small country of the Philippines.

China's 055 drive crossed the Philippine coast, and Philippine political circles, including the president, began to be silent, and the reaction was surprisingly cold, which made many Filipinos very "frustrated".

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

The reason why the mainland launched a trial for "Taiwan independence" at this point in time is also because the United States has recently added another $360 million arms sales plan to Taiwan, mainly the Switchblade 300 "Switchblade" and Altius 600M anti-armor drones, which is the 15th arms sale during the Biden administration.

In fact, these two drones do not pose a threat to the PLA, after all, the mainland's drone technology is the world's leading and can be easily countered. However, this is the first time that the US has sold a large number of drones to Taiwan, which has seriously trampled on the bottom line of the "one-China principle" between China and the United States.

In addition, China has also increased sanctions on Loma, the largest arms dealer in the United States, this time not only the company's main body, but also Loma's CEO and other executives.

With China's vigorous sanctions, Loma will not be able to obtain rare earths and rare metals from China, which will inevitably affect the company's normal production order.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

However, no matter how much the United States instigates and instigates it, the Chinese People's Liberation Army and its 1.4 billion people have never been afraid of any threat, and China will not give in like South Korea, let alone destroy like Russia and Iran, and China will find a third way.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

China prefers to take the third way

In the hegemony of the United States, Russia is the biggest enemy, and China is the biggest competitor, and only by speeding up the containment of China can we avoid China's rise, which is the fundamental factor for the United States to frequently suppress China.

Even now, the United States has been caught in the two major battlefields of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but it still has not given up its encirclement of China, and has even put forward the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" to attract a number of surrounding allies to jointly contain China.

For example, in the recently concluded "Brave Shield 2024" military exercise, the United States brought Japan, France, and Canada together to launch military exercises in the North Pacific, just to demonstrate the military power of the United States and its allies.

The upcoming RIMPAC 2024 military exercise is even larger, with 29 countries gathering together and is expected to dispatch 40 surface ships, 3 submarines, more than 150 aircraft and more than 25,000 personnel.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

The exercise took place at China's doorstep, and the 40,000-ton quasi-aircraft carrier was used as a target, and the target was the Chinese 075 warship.

Immediately after that, the United States, Japan, and South Korea will launch a joint military exercise at the end of June, which will add two major exercises, space warfare and cyber warfare, in addition to traditional items, which refer to China's Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

Not to be outdone, China was not to be outdone in the face of intensive military exercises by the United States and the West in the Asia-Pacific region, and the Southern Theater immediately dispatched three 055 destroyers and one 052C destroyer to carry out military exercises in the target sea area, which lasted for six days and five nights.

China's military exercises include submarine warfare, sea assault and air defense exercises, aiming to coordinate the coordination capabilities of warships.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg of China's formidable naval might. The mainland's "Fujian" aircraft carrier is the most powerful aircraft carrier among conventional aircraft carriers, and its military strike capability is comparable to that of the US "Ford."

China's 076 attack ship can be transformed into a medium-sized aircraft carrier or drone carrier at any time. The 055 drive is deployed like dumplings, which increases the comprehensive combat capability of our army and makes the first island chain of the United States useless.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

There are 055 big drive guards in the sea, and there are advanced fifth-generation aircraft J-20 fighters in the air, and now the J-20 is equipped with a faster speed, it can carry a variety of air-to-air missiles, coupled with stealth performance and supersonic cruise, which makes it more advantageous in fighting for air supremacy, which is enough to complete long-range strikes on enemy targets.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has proved with its strength that China is not Russia and Iran, and that China's military strength is almost "invincible" in the Asia-Pacific region, and that the United States has several aircraft carrier fleets and Dongfeng series missiles that can saturate it until it is paralyzed.

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, has solemnly warned: "The Chinese People's Liberation Army will comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation for war, and smash all 'separatist' conspiracy!" I hope the U.S. military will behave for itself!

U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran


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U.S. think tanks are clamoring for China to have two paths: either it will become the next South Korea, or it will be destroyed like Russia and Iran

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