
I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

author:Entertain the world


In this era when "looking at the face" can also be used as a meal, South Korea has once again refreshed our sense of aesthetics, this time not by relying on exquisite facial features, but with a "double-door refrigerator" figure that seems to be stuffed into the entire living room, and a "smooth delivery" hairstyle that is reminiscent of the natural delivery process, so that the people who eat melons all over the world are collectively confused.

Is this an aesthetic upgrade, or is it going crazy? Let's walk into this "strange theory" of the Korean aesthetic world together.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

The rise of the "double door" figure: the width of the shoulders race across the Pacific Ocean

Imagine walking down the streets of Seoul and facing the Obas like heroes from the comics, their shoulders wide enough to open two refrigerator doors at the same time without crowding.

That's right, this is South Korea's latest aesthetic vane - the "double-door refrigerator" figure.

Different from the familiar 1:3 head-to-shoulder ratio, they pursue an exaggerated 1:5 ratio, which is simply a realistic version of the "shoulder width talent show".

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

Behind this trend, sweating in the gym has become a daily routine.

Korean boys are obsessed with dumbbells, flying birds, shoulder presses, and other movements, vowing to practice a shoulder line comparable to that of a superman.

What's more, shoulder pads have become a wardrobe must-have, and wearing them can instantly transform into a walking hanger.

And those PS masters have made this trend more and more intense in the online world, and the shoulders in the photo have been stretched to an incredible extent, making people wonder if even the neck can't bear this heavyweight beauty.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

To some extent, this wide-shouldered fever is a reflection of Korean society's admiration for male masculinity.

In the highly competitive entertainment industry, the image of wide shoulders and narrow waist has become a symbol of male charm, and it has also led to a wave of frenzy in the fitness industry.

But then again, does this pursuit of the ultimate body also invisibly exacerbate men's "body anxiety"?

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

The appearance of the "smooth birth" hairstyle: wet head, dry laughter

If broad shoulders are barely acceptable, then the "smooth birth" hairstyle is simply a "mudslide" in the aesthetic world.

This greasy and smooth hairstyle, which clings to the scalp and seems to have just been fished out of the water before it has time to blow dry, is reminiscent of the slightly awkward word "smooth delivery".

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

The Obas in Korean dramas wear such hairstyles, although their acting skills are online, the audience's eyes can't help but be attracted by the shiny top of their heads.

On social media, the complaints about "smooth delivery" are like a surging river.

Chinese netizens even shouted: "This is the trend, it is simply the countercurrent of the trend!" The aesthetic differences between the two countries are vividly reflected here, Chinese pay attention to hairstyles to have a "sense of air", while Koreans prefer to love this "wet" trend.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

As for the secret to creating a "smooth birth head", it is said to be a magical combination of a mysterious potion and a special comb that you can easily get at home.

But such a shape, in addition to satisfying specific aesthetic preferences, also seems to challenge the visual limits of the public.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

The Impact of Aesthetic Change in Korea: Total Fluctuations from the Individual to the Society

Under such an aesthetic wave, ordinary people in South Korea have become the main force of "chasing the tide", some people have found self-confidence, but others have fallen into the whirlpool of self-denial due to excessive pursuit.

Sports injuries caused by over-exercising, hair damage from frequent use of chemicals, these are the price of chasing trends.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

Naturally, the fashion industry will not miss this wave of business opportunities, and major brands and designers have adjusted their strategies to launch more clothing and hair products that are in line with the "wide shoulders" and "smooth birth" style.

There were long queues in front of gyms and hair salons, and related industries ushered in unprecedented prosperity.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

From a social perspective, this aesthetic change also seems to quietly reflect the subtle changes in Korean social values.

In a highly competitive social environment, appearance has become a way to quickly demonstrate one's self-worth.

But at the same time, it also triggers a reflection on people's inner beauty and attitude towards healthy living.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

Korean aesthetics from an international perspective: aesthetics have no borders, and they are wonderful to appreciate

When we look at the world, these new aesthetic trends in Korea have also caused quite a stir on the international stage.

Netizens from European and American countries said: "This is very Korean! They may be incomprehensible, but they are also curious and appreciative.

The rest of Asia is more empathetic, after all, aesthetic diversity is not new in Asia.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

The influence of Korean aesthetics in the global fashion field should not be underestimated, and it is like a whirlwind, constantly stirring the "aesthetic pond" of the global fashion industry.

However, this influence has also been accompanied by skepticism, with some seeing it as a subversion of traditional aesthetics, others as innovation and breakthrough.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

What is the future of the "wonderful theory" in the aesthetic world?

The Korean aesthetic world is like a never-ending "Metamorphosis" reality show, which makes people sometimes laugh with tears and sometimes fall into contemplation.

On this extraordinary journey to beauty, Korean friends are like a group of fearless explorers, armed with plastic surgery knives and makeup brushes, bravely moving forward.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

Every time they try, whether they successfully unlock a new height of appearance, or occasionally step into the small pothole of the "trial zone", they all add a different color to the aesthetic picture of this world.

It's like inadvertently dripping a strange drop of paint on the color palette, bringing the whole picture to life.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

Think about it, in this age of cultural melting pot, who can say which beauty is the absolute yardstick?

This bold experiment of Korean aesthetics is like an invitation to step out of our comfort zone and use a curious and tolerant heart to see those aesthetic changes that may be a little strange at first sight, but have their own flavor under the tasting.

It's like trying Korean kimchi for the first time, the first bite may be sour and spicy, but gradually, the unique flavor becomes a favorite.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!

We Chinese pay attention to "harmony and difference", and while appreciating our own classical elegance, we might as well smile at the courage of our neighbors in the ultimate pursuit of beauty.

After all, the definition of beauty is ever-changing, and isn't it a joy to find resonance in a diverse world? Just like in the lively streets and alleys, in front of all kinds of food stalls, everyone can find the taste that satisfies them, and the same is true for aesthetics, each with its own preferences and its own wonderful.

I can't laugh anymore! From "double door" to "smooth delivery", Korea's aesthetics are becoming more and more bizarre!


Beauty has no fixed standard, it is like a flowing river, constantly washing the riverbed of the times, leading us towards the unknown scenery.

The Korean aesthetic of the future may be more unexpected, but as long as you maintain a healthy and positive attitude, whether it is a "double-door refrigerator" or a "smooth delivery head", it can become a unique and interesting scenery.

Let's look forward to the next aesthetic revolution!

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