
U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

author:I don't like to talk about history

In the semifinals of the 2024 FIBAU18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team faced the South Korean team. At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team showed strong offensive and defensive strength, especially Zhang Ziyu, who efficiently cut 24 points and 11 rebounds in the first two quarters and completely dominated the game. The Chinese team ended the first half with a 45-24 lead, laying the foundation for victory.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

In the second quarter of the game, the Chinese team further expanded the score advantage with Zhang Ziyu's continuous strength. She scored eight points in a row and led the team to an astonishing 21-3 score. South Korea barely fought back in this quarter, and this quarter of the game almost decided the course of the game.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

In the second half, the Chinese team continued to open the score and always controlled the game. Although the South Korean team tried to fight back in the third quarter, the Chinese team always maintained a solid defense and an efficient offense. Zhang Ziyu played again in the third quarter, scored quickly, and finally contributed 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists, becoming the absolute core of the team.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

Not only in the semi-finals, Zhang Ziyu also performed well throughout the group stage. In the three games of the group stage, she averaged high points per game and led the Chinese team to win all the games and advance. Her all-around performance is not only reflected in scoring and rebounding, but also in her control of the pace of the game and the assists of her teammates. The rise of this young player has made people see the bright future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

China will face a strong Australia team in the final. Australia also showed great strength with a 68-63 win over Japan in the semi-finals. The showdown between the two teams will undoubtedly be a hard-fought battle. The Chinese team will need to continue to maintain high pressure defensively, while playing as a team in attack to try to beat their opponents and win the championship.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

The final between the Chinese team and the Australian team will be a contest of strength and strategy. Whether Zhang Ziyu can continue to maintain her excellent form will be one of the keys to winning or losing the match. At the same time, the Australian team is not easy to match, their toughness on the defensive end and diversity on the offensive end are all things that the Chinese team needs to be wary of. It will be interesting to see who will emerge from this competition and emerge as the final winner.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

Although the Chinese U18 women's basketball team performed well in this competition, we also need to see some hidden concerns behind the victory. Whether the training system for young players is perfect and how to avoid future injuries are all issues that need to be paid attention to.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

In addition, Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance is certainly gratifying, but it is also worth thinking about whether the team relies too much on her individual ability. If the Chinese women's basketball team wants to gain a long-term foothold in the international arena, it is not enough to rely on the outstanding performance of one or two players, but also to improve the overall strength and the rise of more young players.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

Zhang Ziyu's performance in this game is undoubtedly exciting, but the road ahead is still long and difficult. I look forward to the Chinese women's basketball team will continue to bring us more surprises and victories in future games.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

Looking forward to the future, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to improve and improve in many aspects. First of all, the team needs to further strengthen the development system of young players. Through scientific training and systematic accumulation of game experience, we ensure that every player can give full play to their potential. At the same time, strengthening the physical training of players, preventing injuries, and improving players' endurance and ability to withstand pressure are essential for long-term development.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

Young players are the hope for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. In addition to Zhang Ziyu, there are many potential young players in the Chinese team. For these players, in addition to gaining experience in the game, they also need to constantly improve their skills in training. Well-rounded players have the talent to play an important role in key moments, so the diversity of skills and tactical flexibility are the areas where young players need to focus their development.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

For the Chinese U18 women's basketball team, winning the Asian Cup is just the beginning. Next, the team needs to prepare for more international competitions to test and improve its strength. By playing against the world's top teams, you can not only develop your players' ability to play, but also find and improve your own shortcomings.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

The team also needs to build a stable pool of talent to ensure that there is a steady stream of good players to be added in the coming competitions. Through cooperation with basketball clubs and training institutions at home and abroad, we have formulated scientific material selection and training plans to lay the foundation for the long-term development of Chinese women's basketball.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

The outstanding performance of one or two players alone is not enough to gain a foothold in the international arena, and the Chinese women's basketball team needs to improve its overall strength. This includes the level of teamwork, tactical variety, and flexibility to respond to different game situations. The coaching team needs to develop a personalized training plan according to the characteristics of the players to fully exploit the potential of each player.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

At the same time, strengthen the psychological quality training in the game, so that players can remain calm and confident in the face of strong opponents. The improvement of mental quality is the guarantee of the team's victory in key matches.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

In the future, the Chinese women's basketball team will face more challenges and opportunities. With the continuous improvement of the international basketball level, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to absorb and learn from the advanced experience of the world's top teams while maintaining its own advantages. Only by making continuous progress can we remain invincible in the fierce international competition.

U18 Asian Cup: The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea to advance to the final against Australia, Zhang Ziyu 34+16

Overall, the performance of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team in this Asian Cup is exciting, but this is only the beginning. We look forward to the Chinese women's basketball team continuing to bring us more surprises and victories in future games. Through continuous efforts and improvement, the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to shine on the international stage.

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