
The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

author:Today's chamber

Article guide:

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan can disappear in the bank out of thin air? After her husband died, Ms. Deng from Pingli County, Ankang, Shaanxi Province, found that more than 130,000 yuan in her account at the Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China had disappeared. After many times of communication to no avail, the bank just apologized, and Ms. Deng was even more angry, and then exposed the matter, was the bank embezzled, or was the bank really not safe?

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

Event Recap:

It is reported that Ms. Deng's husband opened an account with the Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China before his death, and left a deposit of more than 130,000 yuan. However, after her husband's death, when Ms. Deng applied for notarization of inheritance and went to the bank several times to withdraw money, she was told that the account had been cancelled and the deposit had been withdrawn. Faced with this sudden change, Ms. Tang felt confused and helpless.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

The bank's response and apology:

After the incident was exposed, the Ankang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China quickly intervened in the investigation and responded to the matter.

After verification, the bank found that it was due to a staff error, mistaking the balance shown in the passbook for the available balance of the account, which led to Ms. Deng's misunderstanding. In this regard, the bank apologized and said that it would seriously deal with the responsible person, and at the same time strengthen communication and explanation with the families of depositors.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

Netizen controversy and opinions:

Some netizens said that the reasons for the bank's mistakes were all blamed on personal mistakes.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

Netizens did not buy the bank's reason, if it was caused by the negligence of the staff, but the bank should bear the corresponding responsibility and compensate Ms. Deng for her losses.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!
The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

Most netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the bank's response, believing that the bank's attitude in handling the matter was not positive enough and failed to solve the problem in a timely manner, which caused unnecessary trouble to Ms. Deng.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

Objective Analysis:

As a financial institution, banks should fulfill their obligations and responsibilities when providing services to customers. In this case, the bank should bear the corresponding legal responsibility for the customer's losses due to the mistakes of the staff. Banks should also strengthen internal management, improve the business level and service quality of employees, and avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

Moreover, as institutions with high social credibility, banks should pay more attention to the protection of customers' rights and interests. In this case, the bank's mistakes not only caused Ms. Deng financial losses, but also damaged her reputation and image. Banks should deeply reflect on and strengthen self-restraint to establish a good corporate image.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!


Although the case of "the disappearance of the 130,000 yuan deposit of the deceased husband" is an isolated case, it also reflects the problems existing in the service and management of some financial institutions. The bank seems to have eaten through the people, using various operations to "eat" the people's money, and if the matter is revealed, they will only apologize or find scapegoats, and they do not need to bear any responsibility, let alone talk about compensation.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the business was not familiar, and netizens were angry!

Have you been cheated by the bank?

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