
NATO Secretary-General: NATO may impose "collective sanctions" on China, which is China's last chance

author:Fog and rain review room

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NATO Secretary-General: NATO may impose "collective sanctions" on China, which is China's last chance

On June 17, the NATO Secretary-General issued a warning to China, continued to make a fuss about China's assistance to Russia, accused China of "providing military weapons" to Russia, undermining regional stability, and demanding that China immediately change its strategy, otherwise it will impose "collective sanctions".

It is reported that the background of NATO's remarks is the G7 summit, and issues related to China have always been the main scope of the meeting, but under the guidance of the United States and the West, the relevant talks have long lost their objective position and are focused on "smearing China's image".

NATO's disregard for normal international trade rules, expanding the scope of influence of the "overcapacity" pursued by the United States, and guiding other countries to recognize and follow the views of the United States, is nothing more than diplomatic arrogance.

NATO Secretary-General: NATO may impose "collective sanctions" on China, which is China's last chance

Before the G7 summit, the EU built momentum in advance, declaring that it would draw a demarcation line with Chinese products and directly increase tariffs on electric vehicles.

During the G7 summit and even after the summit, the United Kingdom, Japan and other countries began to join the ranks of sanctions against China, and the reasons were surprisingly consistent, which shows that the US and Western interest groups have made up their minds to run their small circles.

However, starting from the actual situation, the G7 group has put itself in an embarrassing position, which has brought more negative impacts than the contribution to international trade, and has provoked regional conflicts, causing many countries to deviate from the development course.

NATO Secretary-General: NATO may impose "collective sanctions" on China, which is China's last chance

Over time, NATO has lost its glory, but the NATO community is still obsessed with making mistakes on the road of competition through sanctions, ignoring the possibility of normal trade exchanges with other countries.

Moving towards a future of disputes with more and more countries is actually equivalent to the process of reducing the influence of the NATO group, and under the guidance of the US side, the NATO group has made some miscalculations, believing that sanctions and repression can still have a corresponding effect.

When the NATO secretary general visited the United States to give a speech, his thoughts stayed on the confrontation with the Asia-Pacific region, warning the Chinese side that if it wants to maintain relations with Europe, it must abandon relations with Russia.

NATO Secretary-General: NATO may impose "collective sanctions" on China, which is China's last chance

That is, it is hoped to operate relevant interest circles, isolate competitors, and then develop, but the current social trend is economic globalization, and economic and trade cooperation has long formed a pattern of mutual integration, which cannot be separated so easily.

Take China and the EU as an example, the EU has chosen to impose tariffs and reduce the import of electric vehicles, but they should understand that their current national strategy is green transformation, and pushing electric vehicle products out of the country will have to conflict with their own strategy.

For the people, it is equivalent to the national politicians choosing to follow the direction of political confrontation in other countries and sacrificing their own interests to help the United States stand up.

NATO Secretary-General: NATO may impose "collective sanctions" on China, which is China's last chance

Under a series of operations in Europe, such scenarios will obviously appear more frequently and affect a wider range of people, such as the NATO secretary general who specifically mentioned the responsibilities of Asian countries in his speech.

A new invitation to Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand is expected to join the NATO talks to discuss relevant issues, and their theme is not cooperation, but how to start confrontation, which is fundamentally different from China's diplomatic strategy.

Cooperation is not for the sake of confrontation, but hopes that the two sides can get more benefits, and through cooperation to achieve this goal more easily, and promote cultural, economic and trade exchanges between the two sides in various fields, which is the strategy pursued by China.

NATO Secretary-General: NATO may impose "collective sanctions" on China, which is China's last chance

In order to meet the needs of expansion, the military bloc should be used as the external position, Europe as the western position, and the Asia-Pacific allies as the eastern front to form a strong confrontation situation.

It can be said that the Western world has no possibility of thinking about cooperation with competitors at all, and some people have analyzed that although Japan and South Korea have not joined the group, the current trend is very dangerous, and the two sides may reach an agreement at any time.

The secretary general of NATO is even more radical, putting forward his own idea in his speech on the US side, holding that the NATO bloc should open its nuclear arsenal and achieve nuclear deterrence in this regard, so as to recover the loss of its international status.

NATO Secretary-General: NATO may impose "collective sanctions" on China, which is China's last chance

It can also be seen from this that the upper thinking of the NATO bloc is now focused on confrontation and differences, and we must be vigilant against this to avoid accidents, and this invitation to Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand shows that NATO's patience has been reduced and it has begun to carry out regional arrangements.

On June 18, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland issued a statement on this, saying that China is not the target of NATO, and that it should reflect on whose freedom and fairness are to be discussed.

China advises the NATO bloc to admit its wrong strategy, give up provoking the situation between Russia and Ukraine, stop smearing against China, shoulder corresponding international responsibilities, and participate in the plan to promote peace talks.

Bibliography: (China News Network)

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