
The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

author:Real-time sports

On June 29th, Beijing time, with the approach of the Paris Olympics, the long-awaited list of 12 participants of the Chinese women's volleyball team was finally officially announced, although there had been predictions before this, but there were still some discrepancies when it was actually announced, namely Li Yingying, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Wu Mengjie, Yuan Xinyue, Gao Yi, Wang Yuanyuan, Diao Linyu, Ding Xia, Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin, Wang Mengjie, and the final P card was obtained by Zhuang Yushan, which is basically the strongest lineup.

The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team is relatively safe in the position of secondary attack and free man, Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan as the main secondary attack, plus II-VI's substitute, constitute a solid defensive and fast attack system, free man Wang Mengjie's ability and experience are enough for her to play a key role in receiving serve and defense.

The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

Every time the list of the competition is released, it will cause controversy, this controversy is mainly focused on the main attack and setter, Zhu Ting, Li Yingying, Zhang Changning is undoubtedly the strong main attack troika of the Chinese women's volleyball team, their strength and experience are top-notch, but Wu Mengjie is included in the main offensive ranks, and let the experienced Wang Yunrui lose, this decision has caused a lot of doubts, Wang Yunrui has continuously proved his value in the past few years, but failed to be selected at a critical moment, it is a pity.

The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

Diao Linyu is a safe choice as the main force in the setter position, but her performance in key games sometimes fluctuates and is not particularly stable, but it is undeniable that she is currently the best setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and the controversy is the continued selection of veteran Ding Xia, Although she has rich experience, her recent form is not ideal, which may become a potential shortcoming of the Chinese team in the game.

The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

There is also a certain amount of controversy about the arrangement of the receiving position, Gong Xiangyu is undoubtedly the first choice, her attack power and stability have been fully verified in the past few years, the question is that Zheng Yixin changed to receive, whether this change can play a role in a high-level competition such as the Olympics, or an unknown, Zheng Yixin's performance in the new position in the finals is not outstanding, which may affect the team's overall tactical layout and game on-the-spot adjustment.

The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

The Chinese women's volleyball team is indeed a strong lineup, and each position can be called the best, but there are still flaws, coach Cai Bin and his team must have their considerations and strategies, but it remains to be seen whether these choices can be fulfilled at the Paris Olympics.

The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

From the point of view of game data and details, the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to strengthen in several key aspects, It is urgent to improve the stability and diversity of the setter, to ensure that after the opponent thoroughly studies the passing mode of the Chinese team, it can still respond through changes, and the offensive and defensive balance of the receiving position is crucial, if Zheng Yixin can not adapt quickly, more tactical adjustments need to be considered, and the veteran Zhang Changning may be a reliable alternative.

The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

This list reflects the thoughtfulness of the coaching staff, but the uncertainties and potential risks behind it still exist, looking forward to the performance of this team in the Paris Olympics, hoping that they can overcome difficulties and strive for the best results, come on, Chinese women's volleyball team!

The dust has settled! The 13-member Olympic list of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting leads the strongest lineup, and Cai Bin is right this time

Women's Ranking List:

Main attack: Li Yingying, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Wu Mengjie

Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue, Gao Yi, Wang Yuanyuan

Second setter: Diao Linyu, Ding Xia

Answer: Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin

Free man: Wang Mengjie

Subs: Chong Yushan

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