
The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!


On June 30, Beijing time, the Chinese women's basketball team faced the European champion Serbia in the fourth warm-up game of European training and suffered another defeat. This game is not only a sigh, but also a thought. Serbia quickly pulled away with their offensive firepower and accurate outside shots, while China struggled on both the defensive and offensive ends. Below, let's walk into this game together to understand the performance of the Chinese women's basketball team and the story behind it.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

Before the start of the game, the coaching staff nervously laid out their tactics, hoping to regain the lost rhythm and confidence through this game. The Chinese players on the field looked solemn and adjusted their state to prepare for a strong opponent. Whether it is from the expressions of the players or the instructions of the coach, you can feel the importance of this game.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

As soon as the game began, the Serbian team showed their strong attacking prowess. A couple of accurate passes and outside hits gave them a quick lead, and the Chinese team looked a little caught off guard. The coaches on the sidelines waved frequently, hoping that the players could strengthen the defense, but in the face of the fierce offensive of the Serbian team, they seemed a little powerless.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

Li Yuan played as a backup point guard, trying to control the tempo on the court. She excelled in the domestic league but was frequently forced to pass the ball to her teammates against Serbia's long-arm defence, failing to organise the attack effectively. The conversations on the field came and went: "Li Yuan, hurry up, find a vacant seat to shoot!" "The team-mates encouraged each other to hope that they could make a comeback. Li Yuan's height and speed on the international stage were a bit lacking, and she tried hard to pass and organize, but she was never able to find a way to break through.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

Kim was struggling to find an opportunity to attack on the court, but she missed several times under the tight grip of the Serbian team, which made her look a little frustrated. She shouted at her coach during the timeout: "We need more fast break opportunities, their defense can be broken!" The coach took a deep breath and instructed them to work on their fast break and outside shooting. As a veteran, Kim was supposed to play a bigger role on the field, but her performance fell short of expectations.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

In the next game, Zhang Ru tried to break the deadlock with outside shots on the offensive end, but her shooting percentage was not high, and she only scored one goal in one three-point shot, which made her performance a little unsatisfactory. On the field, she was fiercely marked by Serbian players and was forced to pass the ball to her teammates on several occasions. Zhang Ru has often shown an active and positive side in domestic competitions, but has not been able to sustain that form on the international stage.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

After the game, the Chinese team lost again with a score of 82-93, suffering three consecutive defeats. The coaching staff conducted an in-depth reflection and summary after the game. They recognise that the team has exposed many problems and shortcomings against the big European teams. "We need to be tighter on the defensive end and find more scoring opportunities on the offensive end," the coach said. Every game is an opportunity to learn and grow, and we have to find the way to improve from our failures. The coaching staff also revealed that there may be some tactical adjustments in the future and consider bringing in some new players to improve the team's overall competitiveness and coping ability.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

Through this European training, the Chinese women's basketball team not only saw the strength of the world's top teams, but also realized its own shortcomings. Although the back-to-back defeats have demoralized the team, they have also provided them with valuable lessons and lessons. Every setback is an opportunity for growth, and every defeat is a driving force for progress.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

In future games, the Chinese women's basketball team will continue to face strong opponents. This is not only a test of their technical and tactical level, but also a challenge to their psychological quality and team cohesion. The coaching staff and the players understand that to achieve good results on the international stage, it is not enough to rely on a momentary effort, but also to hone and improve in training and games.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

Players such as Li Yuan, Jin Weina and Zhang Ru are the core of the team, and their performance not only affects the outcome of the game, but also affects the morale and confidence of the entire team. They all had a deep reflection after the race and were determined to do better in the next races. They know that only through continuous challenges and training can they truly grow into a strong team.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

The future of the Chinese women's basketball team is challenging, but also hopeful. Although they suffered consecutive defeats in this European training, they have learned valuable lessons and lessons from them. Every game is a growth, and every loss is an accumulation. I believe that with the joint efforts of the coaching staff and players, the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to show stronger strength and achieve better results in future games.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

Through this competition, we also saw the tenacious struggle and unyielding spirit of the Chinese women's basketball team in the face of strong opponents. Although the results were not satisfactory, their hard work and hard work on the field deserve the applause of each and every one of us. Every setback is a grind, and every loss is an accumulation. I believe that the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to show a stronger self and write a more brilliant chapter in the future games.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost in a row in Europe and lost to Serbia 82-93!

It is expected that the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to continue to move forward with the experience and lessons learned from this European training in the next games, continue to surpass itself, and welcome a brighter future. Let's cheer them on together and look forward to their success in the international arena!

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